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Star Star Hospital Cash Health Insurance

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Star Health Insurance
Star Hospital Cash Insurance Policy
Cashless Approval TATWithin 2 hours
Claim Settlement Ratio99.10%
Network Hospitals14,000+
Pre-existing Disease Waiting Period1 year
Special BenefitsNo Extra Premium for Disease Coverage
Starting Premium for Rs. 5 lakhs SIRs. 410/month

About Star Star Hospital Cash Health Insurance

Star Hospital Cash Insurance Policy by Star Health Insurance provides extra protection to the policyholder. All the incidental expenditure like food, travel etc, which does not gets covered under health insurance plan are taken care of under this insurance plan in the event of hospitalisation. This insurance plan can be bought by individuals aged between 18 years and 65 years for self and other family members including legally wedded spouse, parents, and up to 3 dependent children. The age of dependent children should be between 91 days to 25 years.

The plan offers coverage on a lump sum basis for the expenditure incurred by the insured member at the time of hospitalisation because of sickness/injury/illness. The policy term is for 1 year/2 year/3 year. This plan has two variants namely Basic plan and enhanced plan. Also, a free look period is offered by the insurance company at the time of issuance of plan to the policyholder and to review the terms and conditions of the plan. In case, the plan is not acceptable it can be returned and the premium will get refunded as applicable. Also, in case payment of premium is made in any other mode except cash, then the policyholder can avail tax deduction under section 80D of the Income Tax Act.

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Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • Lump sum benefit to the insured for the entire hospitalisation period
  • ICU hospital cash, accident hospital cash and sickness hospital cash is provided.
  • Convalescence hospital cash, Child birth hospital cash and worldwide hospital cash are under enhanced plan
  • All day care procedures are covered.

What's Not Included

  • Expenses arising out from disease or injury caused by nuclear weapons.
  • Expenses arising out from Sexually transmitted disease and Venereal disease
  • Expenses for treatment of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery
  • Expenses for treatment of weight loss or obesity

13476 Star Cashless Network Hospitals in India

Claim Process at Star Health Insurance

  • Network Hospital
  • Non-Network Hospital
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 24 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 24 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

FAQs on Star Hospital Cash Insurance Policy Health Insurance Plan

  • What is the procedure for renewal of Star Hospital Cash Insurance Policy by Star Health Insurance?

     You can get your Star Hospital Cash Insurance policy renewed either through the official website of the Star Health insurance company or you can also get it renewed on InsuranceDekho website. A grace period of 30 days from expiry date of the policy is given to the policyholder for renewal in case they miss to get it renewed on time.

  • Can I port my Star Hospital Cash Insurance Policy?

    Yes, Star Hospital Cash Insurance policy is portable. In case, the insured wishes to port the policy, application should be made in the respective form at least 45 days prior, however, not sooner than 60 days from the date when the renewal is due. For any other information with respect to portability of the insurance policy you can contact them on +91-044-40178400 or you can also write to them at portability .

  • Is there a look up period for Star Hospital Cash Insurance Policy by Star Health Insurance?

    Yes, during the issuance of the Star Hospital Cash Insurance Policy, the policyholder will be permitted a 15 days period to review the terms and conditions of the insurance policy from the date of receipt of the policy. In case, the terms and conditions mentioned are not acceptable, in such a case, the policyholder can return the policy. The premium will be refunded to the policyholder as applicable.

  • What is the waiting period for Star Hospital Cash Insurance Policy?

     A waiting period of 30 days is there for both basic plan as well as Enhanced plan. While, for any specified illness, waiting period is for 24 months and for any pre-existing disease, it is 36 months for both the insurance plans i.e. basic plan and enhanced plan.

  • How many members get covered under Star Hospital Cash Insurance Policy by Star Health Insurance?

     If you are purchasing the policy on an individual basis, then one adult member gets covered under star hospital cash insurance policy and if you are buying for the whole family(on a family floater basis), then total five family members can be insured including self, spouse and up to 3 children).

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