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Star Net Plus Health Insurance

404 reviews Rate This
Star Health Insurance
Net Plus
Cashless Approval TATWithin 2 hours
Claim Settlement Ratio99.10%
Network Hospitals14,000+
Pre-existing Disease Waiting Period1 year
Special BenefitsNo Extra Premium for Disease Coverage
Starting Premium for Rs. 5 lakhs SIRs. 410/month

About Star Net Plus Health Insurance

Net Plus by Star Health is a specifically designed policy for HIV patients. It is the first policy in India to cover HIV positive individuals. A one-of-a-kind policy, Net Plus offers for payment of the sum insured as a lump sum if the insured individual is medically declared as AIDS patient under HIV section (section I) and in-patient hospitalisation expenses under Medical section (section II).

A boon for those already infected with Human Immuno Virus, Net Plus policy by Star Health doesn’t feature any age restrictions for entry into the policy or its renewal. To be eligible for cover under Net Plus, any individual, irrespective of their age should be already infected with HIV, but have not reached the stage of AIDS. Additionally, their CD4 count should be over 350.

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Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • Nursing expenses, surgeon, anaesthetist, others fees, with expenses related to anaesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre
  • Room, boarding expenses as provided by the hospital/nursing home at 2% of the sum insured
  • A sum equivalent to 7% of the post hospitalisation expenses incurred subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000 per occurrence
  • Emergency ambulance charges up to the sum of Rs. 750 per hospitalisation
  • Pre-hospitalisation medical expenses not exceeding 30 days before hospitalisation

What's Not Included

  • Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered under this policy
  • Expenses incurred on HIV treatment (covered under section I) are not covered
  • Pre-existing diseases until completion of 48 months of continuous coverage of the policy (covered under section II)
  • Any disease contracted during the first 30 days of the policy, unless covered by a scheme for a continuous period of 12 months
  • AIDS, if confirmed during the first 90 days of the policy

13476 Star Cashless Network Hospitals in India

Net Plus User Reviews

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What users are saying
  • All
  • Must buy policy

    During these days when dengue is at its peak, I chose to buy the Star Health- Net Plus at InsuranceDekho. The policy is a useful one as it offers me much-needed coverage. I would say that it is a must-buy policy and you must consider it.

    By Amit Tyagi
    On: Aug 25, 2023
  • Dynamic support team

    InsuranceDekho has such a dynamic support team. I was checking the website but could not understand how to use it. Within a few minutes of providing my name and number, I got a call from their support team. They proactively assisted me through the process of buying the Net Plus policy of Star Health Insurance.

    By Tamaghna Maity
    On: Nov 26, 2020
  • Boon for those already infecte...

    ​Net plus plan is a boon fr people who are already infected with HIV. There is no age restriction under this plan when it comes to policy renewal. It covers me for Nursing expenses, surgeon, anaesthetist, others fees, with expenses related to anaesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre, room boarding, emergency ambulance etc.   

    By Nitish Vats
    On: Feb 19, 2020
  • Purchase it timely

    To be eligible for cover under Net Plus, a person should have been already infected with HIV, but have not reached the stage of AIDS. Additionally, their CD4 count should be over 350. It covers many benefits and it is easy to buy too if you choose insurancedekho for your needs.  

    By Mirza Anwar Mohiouddin
    On: Feb 19, 2020
  • I found this a good plan

    The idea of net plus plan by star health basically is to cover people with HIV. The plan offers for payment of the sum insured as a lump sum if the insured individual is medically declared as AIDS patient under HIV section (section I) and in-patient hospitalisation expenses under Medical section (section II).   

    By Shankar Mahakud
    On: Feb 10, 2020

Star Net Plus Expert Review

  • Expert Review

    HIV has toxic effects on the health of individuals. It may even create death like circumstances for the severely affected ones. Considering the severity of the illness, it is undoubtedly unavoidable. But there are a few health insurance plans in the market that provide health insurance cover for this dreaded disease also, and Star Health is one of them.

    Star Health has brought up this special plan named Net Plus so that the care reaches people who need it the most. Net Plus is one of a kind health insurance plan designed for people who are already infected with HIV but haven’t reached the stage of AIDS and their CD4 count is over 350. The product provides both a lump sum amount under Section I and in-patient hospitalisation expenses under Section II. Lump sum amount is paid where the insured person is medically proven as an AIDS patient. The plan is available for low Sum Insured options, which are-Rs 5,000; Rs. 15,000; Rs. 30,000; and Rs. 50,000, but one of the advantages under this plan is that anyone can purchase it. There is no age restriction here either for entry or renewal.

  • Major Attractions

    The plan provides the individuals with the required coverage so that they can fight the battle with the illness. As mentioned above, the plan provides a lump sum amount under Section 1 and in-patient expenses under Section 2, listed below are the coverage benefits that the policyholders can avail under in-patient expenses:

    • Nursing expenses are included under the plan
    • Cover for the surgeon, consultant, medical practitioner, or specialist’s fee
    • Expenses related to blood, oxygen, anesthesia, surgical appliances, etc. are included
    • Room and boarding charges as informed by the hospital or nursing home at 2% of the Sum Insured
    • Medicines and drugs, diagnostic materials and x-ray, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, cost of a pacemaker, etc. are included
    • Emergency ambulance charges up to Rs. 750 per hospitalisation and a maximum of Rs. 1,500 per policy period
    • Pre-hospitalisation expenses incurred for up to 30 days before the date of hospitalisation
    • Post-hospitalisation expenses up to a sum equivalent to 7% of the hospitalisation expenses including nursing charges, surgeon or consultant’s fee, etc. maximum up to Rs. 5,000 per hospitalisation
  • What’s More?

    Apart from the basic coverage features, this plan also offers some more perks that you don’t pay extra for. These are listed below-

    • Hassle-free direct claim settlement
    • Cashless hospitalisation in network hospitals
    • Tax saving under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961 
  • Conclusion

    Considering the benefits of the plan, it seems to be a perfect one for people carrying HIV and fighting towards eliminating its roots. With so many coverage features, it can be observed as a boon for them.

    To buy this plan online, you can shortlist one from the leading health insurance brokers and get in touch with them at the earliest. Why online is preferred because it helps you purchase a policy quickly and easily and lets you decide what you pay for, which is not the case where an agent is involved. Also, the offline process has chances of misinterpretation of information.

Star Net Plus Brochure

  • 2.47 MB
  • PDF Document
  • Apr 18, 2019

Claim Process at Star Health Insurance

  • Network Hospital
  • Non-Network Hospital
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 24 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 24 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

FAQs on Net Plus Health Insurance Plan

  • Why should I buy Star Net Plus plan?

    Net Plus by Star Health is the perfect choice for you if you have been already infected with HIV. The plan will not only pay the sum insured as lump sum amount in case of a valid claim, but also cover nursing expenses, room & boarding charges, emergency ambulance charges, and other costs. All in all, if you are a HIV infected patient, Net Plus plan will not leave you feeling stressed because of your medical expenses.

  • What is the entry age for Star Net Plus plan?

    Net Plus plan does not possess any specific age restrictions for entry or renewal. 

  • What is the eligibility criteria for Net Plus plan?

    The eligibility criteria for the plan includes: i) A person who is infected with HIV but hasn’t reached the stage of AIDS. ii) The CD4 count should be above 350. iii) The proposer can be an NGO, government, or agency that is active in serving people who are affected by HIV.

  • What are the sum insured options under Star Net Plus plan?

    Under section I i.e. HIV Section, the minimum sum insured is Rs. 5000 and the maximum sum insured is Rs. 50000. For section II i.e. Medical Section, the minimum sum insured is Rs. 10,000 and maximum sum insured is Rs. 50,000.

  • What is the minimum and maximum premium under Star Net Plus plan?

    The minimum premium is Rs. 735 and the maximum premium is Rs. 4650. Note that the premium is calculated on the basis of sum insured.

  • What is the waiting period in case of Star Net Plus plan?

    In case, the illness/disease/condition specified in the policy incepts or manifests during the first 90 days of the inception of the policy, no claim for compensation will become payable.

  • What are the key features of the Star Net Plus plan?

    Star Net Plus policy can be issued to individuals already infected with HIV. Furthermore, cost of pre-medical tests is borne by Star Health and as far as the confidentiality of the insured individual is concerned, it is maintained in a complete manner.

  • What are the non-insurance benefits that Star Net Plus offers?

    The non-insurance benefits of Star Net Plus include direct in-house settlement without the need of TPA, faster and hassle-free claim settlement, network of more than 6000 hospitals, free medical advice over phone, 24X7 toll free helpline, and others.

  • Does the plan include pre-acceptance medical screening?

    Yes, pre-acceptance medical screening is performed to confirm HIV infection. Additionally, it is carried out to ensure that the insured individual has not already reached the stage of AIDS.

  • Does Star Net Plus cover emergency ambulance charges?

    Yes, Net Plus provides emergency ambulance charges up to a sum of Rs. 750 per hospitalisation and overall limit of Rs. 1500 per policy period for transportation of the insured person by private ambulance service.

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