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Star Care Micro Health Insurance

404 reviews Rate This
Star Health Insurance
Star Care Micro Insurance
Cashless Approval TATWithin 2 hours
Claim Settlement Ratio99.10%
Network Hospitals14,000+
Pre-existing Disease Waiting Period1 year
Special BenefitsNo Extra Premium for Disease Coverage
Starting Premium for Rs. 5 lakhs SIRs. 410/month

About Star Care Micro Health Insurance

Star Micro Care Insurance Policy is a medical insurance plan meant for the rural and semi-urban sectors of India. The plan is an indemnity health plan which covers individuals of Tier 1 and Tier 2 regions of India. The plan allows sum insured of Rs. 1 lakh and the premiums are low so that low-income individuals can easily afford the policy. The plan covers the basic hospitalisation expenses incurred in a medical event and also provides other coverage benefits.

The policy is available as an individual plan as well as a family floater plan. In a floater policy, self, spouse and dependent children can be covered. There are specified indemnity limits on medical management, cataract, accidental injuries and surgeries. Coverage for these contingencies is allowed only up to the specified limits. The policy is renewable lifelong so that individuals can enjoy non-stop coverage.

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Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • Pre and post hospitalisation expenses for 30 and 60 days respectively
  • Hospitalisation expenses incurred on room rent, surgeon’s fee, blood, oxygen, nurse’s fee, etc.
  • Hospital cash benefit for each day of hospitalisation is available
  • Coverage for 405 day care treatments are provided by the policy
  • Charges for emergency ambulance are included under the policy

What's Not Included

  • Treatments related to the female reproductive system
  • Expenses incurred in the organ transplant treatments and surgeries are excluded
  • Dental treatments or surgeries are not covered under the policy
  • Treatment for obesity or weight management is not covered
  • Maternity and pregnancy related treatments and expenses are excluded

13476 Star Cashless Network Hospitals in India

Star Care Micro Insurance User Reviews

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What users are saying
  • All
  • Amiable help desk

    I contacted InsuranceDekho to learn more about available health plans of Star Health Insurance. I got an immediate response from the executive. He paid attention to all my queries and replied in a friendly manner. I was convinced to buy the Star Care Micro Insurance policy.

    By Sudeshna Banerjee
    On: Dec 16, 2020
  • Easy calculation of premiums

    I was worried about calculating the premium of the Star Care Micro Insurance of Star Health Insurance. But InsuranceDekho took away all my stress. The availability of its online premium calculator did the task of calculation and saved me from extra hassles.

    By Jaypal Sinha
    On: Nov 30, 2020
  • Friendly customer care

    I live in a semi-urban area and she was looking for a health insurance plan that could cover basic hospitalisation expenses for my family. I called the customer team of InsuranceDekho. They were really friendly. Finally, I bought Star health insurance’s Star Care Micro health insurance.

    By Debika Chaturvedi
    On: Nov 20, 2020
  • Claim Settlement assistance

    I needed to make a claim under Star Health Insurance’s Star Care Micro Insurance. InsuranceDekho helped me out. As soon as I made the claim settlement request, it was taken care of immediately. I am grateful to the team.

    By Haimanti Adhikari
    On: Nov 18, 2020
  • Zero paper policy

    When I issued my Star health Insurance Star Care Micro Insurance from InsuranceDekho, no paperwork was needed during the process. I received all the documents in my email within minutes. I appreciate this digital initiative of the website. They are doing a great job.

    By Kartik Basu
    On: Nov 09, 2020

Star Care Micro Insurance Expert Review

  • Expert Review

    In most parts of India, people are unsure and mostly afraid to purchase health insurance. But with this affordable policy brought by Star Health named Star Care Micro, they get all covered with unforeseen health issues at low premiums. Especially designed for rural and semi-urban sectors of India, this product gets you covered if you get hospitalised due to an illness.

    Star Care Micro is an effective health insurance policy that gets individuals, as well as the entire family, covered on paying a single premium under one sum insured. This means that a single sum insured of Rs. 1 Lakh covers proposer, spouse, economically dependent children up to 25 years of age if it is a Floater policy. There is no pre-acceptance medical screening required here, and anyone aged between 18 years to 65 years can take this policy. But even after 65 years, the plan is allowed for renewals. Read further to know what’s in store for you under this policy. 

  • Major Attractions

    The policy provides complete health care protection to people from Tier 1 and Tier 2 places in India. To keep up with this, Star Health carries a network of around 9,300 top hospitals all over India. Let us have a look at some of the coverage features provided by Star Health under this policy-

    • Drugs and medicines expenses
    • Expenses for 405 daycare procedures
    • Surgeon, medical practitioner, consultant, and specialist fee
    • ICU charges up to Rs. 2,000 with a maximum of Rs. 10,000 per hospitalisation
    • Pre-existing diseases covered after 48 months of continuous coverage with any Indian Insurance company
    • Hospital cash of Rs. 1,000 paid for a maximum of 14 days if the treatment is taken at a government hospital
    • Emergency ambulance expenses up to Rs. 500 per hospitalisation up to a maximum of Rs. 1,000 per policy period
    • Room, boarding and nursing charges at 0.75% of the Sum Insured either in a private room or shared accommodation
    • Pre-hospitalisation expenses for up to 30 days before getting hospitalised
    • Post-hospitalisation payments for up to 60 days after discharge from the hospital. The lump sum is calculated at 7% of the hospitalisation expenses up to a maximum of Rs. 3,000 is payable
  • What’s More?

    Some benefits that you don’t pay extra for but can still enjoy for free come along with this health insurance policy. These are listed below-

    • Tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961
    • Lifelong renewability of the policy is offered
    • Free look period provided for 15 days
    • Hassle-free claim procedure
  • Conclusion

    Looking at the benefits that the plan provides, this economic plan can be counted as a blessing for rural and semi-urban sectors of India.

    If you want to buy this plan, then don’t worry about choosing a convenient and user-friendly platform to make a purchase. You can buy it online or offline according to your suitability. All you need to do is give a call to one of the leading health insurance brokers, and they will guide you through the entire process of purchase, and even provide you with the after sales service too. 

Star Star Care Micro Insurance Brochure

  • 140.57 KB
  • PDF Document
  • Jun 07, 2019

Claim Process at Star Health Insurance

  • Network Hospital
  • Non-Network Hospital
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 24 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 24 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

FAQs on Star Care Micro Insurance Health Insurance Plan

  • What is the eligibility of the policy?

    Individuals living in Tier 1 and Tier 2 places of India can buy the plan. The minimum entry age is 18 years and the maximum entry age is 65 years. Children aged 2 years and above can be covered only if parents are covered.

  • What is the room rent limit under the policy?

    The room rent limit is 0.75% of the sum insured. In case of ICU room rent, the limit is Rs. 2000 per day up to a maximum of Rs. 10,000 per case of hospitalisation.

  • For how much are ambulance expenses covered?

    Ambulance expenses are covered for up to Rs. 500 per hospitalisation and up to a maximum of Rs. 1000 in one policy year.

  • What is the hospital cash benefit?

    Hospital cash benefit is a daily allowance which is paid under the plan if the insured member is hospitalised for 24 hours or more. The plan pays hospital cash benefit of Rs. 1000 per day of hospital admission. This benefit would be paid for a maximum of 14 days in a policy period.

  • What is the indemnity limit on surgeries and cataract?

    In case of major surgeries the indemnity limit is up to Rs. 40,000 and for all other types of surgeries the limit is up to Rs. 20,000. The limit on cataract treatment is up to Rs. 8500.

  • What are pre-existing illnesses and when are they covered?

    Pre-existing illnesses are medical conditions which the insured member suffers from at the time the policy is bought. Since the member already suffers from the condition, the policy puts a waiting period clause for such illnesses. As per the clause, the illnesses and their complications are covered after a waiting period. Under the Star Micro Care Insurance Policy, the waiting period for pre-existing illnesses is 48 months.

  • Can the policyholder port into or out of the plan?

    Yes, portability is allowed under the policy. To port into the plan or out of the plan, a written request should be made to the company at least 45 days before the expiry of the current policy.

  • Does the plan allow a free look period?

    Yes, the plan allows a free look period for the policyholder to cancel the plan if required. The available free-look period under the plan is 15 days from the date of policy receipt.

  • Is the claim settled through a TPA?

    No, Star Health has an in-house claim settlement department which handles the claims of the company. Thus, the claim is not settled through external TPAs (third Party Administrators).

  • Is hospital cash benefit allowed in all hospitalisation claims?

    No, hospital cash benefit is allowed only if the insured takes treatment at a Government hospital.

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