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SUD Life Insurance Claim Settlement

Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance offers a customer-friendly three-step insurance claim process. It provides the facility of registering insurance claims online and offline. The process requires the submission of minimum documents from the nominee/appointee/assignee or the next legal heir of the life assured. Tracking the claim is also easy online. The best aspect of Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance is that it has a claim settlement ratio of 95.96% in FY 2020-21.

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Disclaimer :
1. Premium has been calculated for coverage till 60 years
2. Final Plan Eligibility will depend on some other factors including tobacco habits, education, occupation and income of the life assured / proposer

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  • Best Life Insurance

    I had a great experience with the InsuranceDekho Company. Purchasing a life insurance policy from their website was very smooth and easy. The insurance experts suggested buying the Star Union Dal-Ichi Life Insurance Plan. I am impressed with the services offered by the company.

    By Ganga Jugran
    On: Jan 02, 2024
  • Got friendly suggestions

    I got friendly suggestions from the InsuranceDekho as I was unable to select a desired life insurance plan. So, it is only on their suggestion that I decided to buy from Star Union -SUD Life Assured Income policy from InsuranceDekho.

    By Ritika Raj
    On: Jan 23, 2023
  • My claim was settled on time

    When I raised a claim against Star Union -SUD Life Assured Income policy on InsuranceDekho, it was settled on time. I was just required to submit a few documents online and everything related to the claim settlement process was carried out in an easy manner.

    By Nivedita Matta
    On: Oct 13, 2022
  • User-friendly portal

    The interface of InsuranceDekho was extremely user-friendly such that even beginners like me were able to use it efficiently. That's why I faced no hassles while buying Star Union -SUD Life Assured Income policy from InsuranceDekho. 

    By Anamika Kohli
    On: Jul 19, 2022
  • Time-saving process

    The process of buying was so quick that I felt that buying Star Union -SUD Life Assured Income policy was done in a flash. In a matter of a few minutes, I was able to buy Star Union -SUD Life Assured Income policy from InsuranceDekho.

    By Shubham Jain
    On: Jun 29, 2022

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  • Who can lodge the insurance claim in the Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance policy?

    The claimant has to be the registered nominee or the assignee. If there is no nominee in Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance, the next legal heir can lodge the claim. 

  • Is it necessary to submit all the documents listed above in the Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Claim Process?

    No, the documents depend on a case to case basis. However, the Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance claimant should submit the necessary documents, whichever is applicable in the individual case.

  • How long does it take for Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance to honour the claim?

    Generally, Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance claims are processed as quickly as possible. It depends on the accuracy of documents submitted by the claimant. It should not take more than 15 days.

  • How does Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance pay the claim amount?

    Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance credits the claim amount to the bank account of the claimant/nominee through electronic fund transfer.

  • What does the Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance claim settlement ratio signify?

    The Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance secures an impressive claim settlement ratio of around 96.96% in FY20. It signifies that the company successfully settled 96.96% of all the claims received by it from claimants/nominees in the financial year 2020.

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