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Ageas Federal Life Insurance

63 reviews Rate This
Ageas Federal Life Insurance
Claim Settlement Ratio95.07%
Customer Care10:00 AM to 6:30 PM
Death Benefit Paid For1,366 Policies
Presence3,000 Branches
Total Death Benefit PaidRs. 63.27 Crore

Ageas Federal Life Insurance Co Ltd. (formerly IDBI Federal Life Insurance Company) started its operation in March 2008. IDBI has now been rebranded as Ageas Federal Life Insurance Company as Ageas Insurance International has increased its stake from 26% to 49% in it. While Ageas holds 49% stake, Federal Bank holds 26% stake. IDBI Bank holds 25% in Ageas Federal Life Insurance. The company is headquartered in Mumbai. The sole reason for their existence is to provide not only excellent service to the clients but also a very safe and good place for the employees to work.

The company reached the Rs. 1000 crore milestone in March 2015. The Claim Settlement Ratio for the FY 2019-20 was 96.47%. In 2018, the company became the only one to settle all its accrued losses and since the past 8 years the company has been reporting a profit. The company was awarded TOP-10 Most Trusted Life Insurance Brands by ET Brand Equity consecutively for the second year and in BFSI 2020, it has been listed among the best workplaces to work. The brand signed Sachin Tendulkar as brand ambassador in September 2018.

Types of Ageas Federal Life Insurance Plans

Ageas Federal Life Insurance offers an incredible range of life insurance policies under different kinds of plans.

  • Term Insurance Plans: Ageas Federal Life Insurance has 3 distinct term insurance plans to offer. The plans are designed to protect your family from all financial burdens in an unfortunate demise. The plans are Saral Jeevan Bima, MyLife Protection Plan, Income Protection Plan.
  • Savings Plans: Ageas Federal Life Insurance Savings Plans have been designed to store and grow your money, and they return this accumulated and grown value in various patterns of maturity depending upon the plan chosen. The plans also provide a life cover. The 4 plans are Guaranteed Savings Plan, Guaranteed Income Plan, Guaranteed Wealth Plan, and Secured Income Plan.
  • Unit Linked Insurance Plans: Ageas Federal Life Insurance has a distinct collection of ULIPs which grow your money through their funds and market links. The 4 plans are Smart Growth Plan, Wealth Plus Critical Protection Plan, Wealth Gain Insurance Plan, and Wealthsurance Growth Insurance Plan SP.
  • Child Insurance Plans: Ageas Federal Life Insurance not only takes care of your children in your unfortunate demise but they also provide a lot of their maturity providing ample help during the important points of your child's life. The plans are Young Star Plus Plan, Dream Builder Plan, and Wealthsurance Future Star Insurance Plan.
  • Retirement Plans: Ageas Federal Life Insurance offers a retirement plan to ensure steady financial support during your golden period of retirement. The 2 plans are Saral Pension Plan and Guaranteed Lifetime Income Plan.
  • Health Plans: Ageas Federal Life Insurance health plan offers a lump sum amount on diagnosis of either cancer or heart issues. The plan is Heart & Cancer Shield Plan.
  • Group Insurance Plans: Ageas Federal Life Insurance offers 5 different group plans to cater to the insurance needs of the employers for their employees. The plans are Group Term Life Plan, Group Loan Suraksha Plan, Group Employee Benefit Plan, Group Microsurance Plan, and Group Loan Secure Plan.

Term Life Insurance Premium Calculator


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Choose required coverage to secure your family’s future

Disclaimer :
1. Premium has been calculated for coverage till 60 years
2. Final Plan Eligibility will depend on some other factors including tobacco habits, education, occupation and income of the life assured / proposer

User Reviews

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  • Recommended Services

    I am happy to have purchased the Ageas Life Insurance Plan from InsuranceDekho. My experience with the company was great. I recommended Insurancedekho to all my family and friends for buying a life insurance policy. My acknowledgment to the customer support care representative for working 24 hours daily.

    Ageas Federal
    By Manjeet Singh
    On: Jan 08, 2024
  • Digital process

    I bought the Ageas Federal Secured Income plan from InsuranceDekho through a digital mode. I opted for a digital mode because I wanted to buy the Ageas Federal Secured Income plan from the comfort of my home.

    Ageas Federal
    By Prakhar Raj
    On: Nov 02, 2022
  • I got personalised advice at h...

    I got personalised advice at home when I was buying the Ageas Federal Secured Income plan from InsuranceDekho. The team of InsuranceDekho made a visit to my home and helped me select a good life insurance plan.

    Ageas Federal
    By Deepali Jain
    On: Oct 13, 2022
  • Best life insurance plan

    I was looking for a good investment tool and then I got to know about the different life insurance plans available on InsuranceDekho. So, on my friend’s suggestion, I bought the Ageas Federal Secured Income plan from InsuranceDekho. 

    Ageas Federal
    By Kavita Ahuja
    On: Sep 26, 2022
  • I was able to customise the pl...

    Another good thing about buying the Ageas Federal Secured Income plan from InsuranceDekho was that I was able to cutsomsie the plan according to my needs. I was also able to add riders accordingly and buy a perfect life plan from InsuranceDekho.

    Ageas Federal
    By Divya Jaiswal
    On: Sep 21, 2022

Life Insurance News


  • How many online plans are offered by Ageas Federal Life Insurance and where to purchase those?

    There are 7 online plans offered by Ageas Federal Life Insurance that can be purchased from the official website. The online plans are Life Advantage Plus Plan, MyLife Protection Plan, Heart & Cancer Shield Plan, Guaranteed Income Plan, Wealth Gain Insurance Plan, Wealthsurance Growth Insurance Plan SP, and Guaranteed Wealth Plan. 

  • What is the Claim Settlement Ratio of Ageas Federal Life Insurance?

    Ageas Federal Life Insurance’s Claim Settlement Ratio for the FY 2019-20 was 96.47%. 

  • What is the extent of the network of Ageas Federal Life Insurance?

    Ageas Federal Life Insurance has a vast network which involves 3,000 branches throughout India. 

  • What is unique about Ageas Federal Life Insurance company's way of doing operations?

    Ageas Federal Life Insurance believes in not only taking care of its clients or customers but also their employees and not only they have been awarded top 10 trusted brands but also one of the best places to work awards.

  • What are the different kinds of plans on offer from Ageas Federal Life Insurance?

    Ageas Federal Life Insurance has a varied range of plans which include the savings, term insurance, health, child, retirement, ULIP, and group insurance plans.