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Tata AIG Wellsurance Woman Health Insurance

316 reviews Rate This
Tata AIG Health Insurance
Wellsurance Woman
Claim SettlementDedicated Team
Claim Settlement Ratio76.04%
COVID-19 CoverYes
Network Hospitals 3,000+
Policies Sold2,20,583

About Tata AIG Wellsurance Woman Health Insurance

TATA AIG Wellsurance Woman is a woman-centric medical insurance policy which is a combination of fixed benefits and indemnity plan. Most of the coverage features of the policy pay a lump sum benefit while ambulance charges are covered on an indemnity benefit. The policy provides coverage for women related critical illnesses and surgeries and proves beneficial for women. Besides covering critical illnesses, the policy also covers hospitalisation and pays a daily benefit in such cases.

The plan has three coverage variants – Classic, Supreme and Elite. The sum insured level and the coverage limits vary across these three variants where Classic is the most basic variant and Elite promises the highest coverage. The fixed benefit paid under the plan helps women meet their financial liabilities which they suffer in a medical contingency. The premiums are affordable and also help policyholders to claim tax benefits under Section 80D.

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Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • 11 critical illnesses are covered against which the sum insured is paid in lump sum
  • Hospital daily cash benefit when hospitalised due to accidents or sickness
  • Daily hospital cash benefits in case of ICU/ICCU admissions
  • Coverage for cosmetic reconstruction surgeries if caused by a Covered Accident
  • Convalescence benefit for post-hospitalisation treatment

What's Not Included

  • Critical illnesses suffered within the first 90 days of buying the policy
  • Sexually transmitted illnesses including HIV and AIDS
  • AYUSH treatment and other non-allopathic treatments
  • Expenses incurred in pregnancy, infertility, sterility, and other related issues
  • Medical expenses for the treatment of mental illnesses and disorders

4975 Tata AIG Cashless Network Hospitals in India

Wellsurance Woman User Reviews

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What users are saying
  • All
  • Good coverage in 3 lakh SI

    Wellsurance woman plan covers me for daily hospital cash benefit, convalescence benefit, 11 critical illnesses, and the best part is that it even covers cosmetic reconstruction surgeries if caused by a covered accident. I got to know abt this plan from a friend and brought it from insurancedekho within a few minutes.   

    By Vani Agarwal
    On: Feb 28, 2020
  • Great plan for women

    ​Wellsurance women plan covers me for many benefits under a nominal premium amount. Convalescence benefit for post hospitalisation treatment i also covered under this plan. I liked the services of insurancedekho and they gave me the plan within 5 minutes. The process of buying the plan was smooth as butter.   

    By Pinki kumari
    On: Feb 28, 2020
  • Really liked this women specif...

    Wellsurance woman is a great plan that offers me many benefits. I purchased this from InsuranceDekho on a recommendation of a friend and am really satisfied with the services of the team at ID. I was able to purchase this plan easily online within a few minutes. They also have premium calculator  

    By Diksha Pagrani
    On: Feb 05, 2020
  • Good women centric plan

    There are very less health insurance plans in the market that are women centric. My wellsurance plan that i purchased last week from insurancedekho gives me benefits like cover for 11 critical illnesses, hospital daily cash, Coverage for cosmetic reconstruction surgeries if caused by a Covered Accident and Convalescence benefit for post-hospitalisation treatment  

    By Jyoti Rathore
    On: Jan 22, 2020
  • Great deal

    With not many women oriented health insurance plans in the market, this plan offers me great benefits at nominal premium amount so i thought this to be a great deal for money. I get cover for Convalescence benefit for post-hospitalisation treatment, Daily hospital cash benefits in case of ICU/ICCU admissions etc.   

    By Amit Kumar Sahni
    On: Jan 22, 2020

Tata AIG Wellsurance Woman Expert Review

  • Expert Review

    Women have different healthcare needs and so TATA AIG has designed a woman-specific health policy called Wellsurance Woman. The policy is a fixed benefit plan which pays a lump sum claim in case the insured female suffers from specified medical contingencies. The plan has a range of coverage benefits each of which suit the needs of women.

    Classic, Supreme and Elite are the three variants of the plan and each variant has a different coverage limit. Moreover, each coverage benefit has its own limit and in case of a claim, the specified limit is paid depending on the medical costs incurred and the variant selected. Women who are aged between 18 years and 65 years can buy the policy for themselves. The policy is available only to cover individual women.

  • Major Attractions

    The policy covers hospitalisation expenses as well as critical illnesses. The major coverage attractions include the following –

    • There is coverage for eleven specified critical illnesses and treatments. The coverage amount for critical illnesses, depending on the variant selected, is paid in a lump sum if the insured suffers from any of the covered conditions
    • In the case of sickness-related hospitalisation as well as for accident-related hospitalisation, a daily cash benefit is paid for each completed day of hospital admission
    • In case the female is admitted to the ICU, a specified cash benefit would be paid for each day of ICU admission
    • Cost of transporting the insured to the hospital in an ambulance is also covered under the plan
    • A lump sum convalescence benefit is paid if the insured remains hospitalised for 5 days and above
    • Since the plan is for females, cosmetic reconstruction surgeries are also covered if such surgeries become necessary due to an accidental injury or disease.
    • Women can also avail value-added coverage benefits of health consultations, health-related news, discounts on health and wellness services, solutions to health-related questions, etc. These value-added benefits are available free of cost
  • What’s More?

    Besides the above-mentioned coverage benefits, women can also enjoy the following –

    • Lifetime renewals without any cover ceasing age
    • Reduction in tax liability under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act on the premiums paid for the plan
    • Benefits of free look in period and easy portability option
  • Conclusion

    Wellsurance Woman is a good health insurance plan for women especially since it also covers cosmetic surgeries which are relevant for women. The policy provides a lump sum benefit which helps women meet the financial implication of a health contingency.

    Women can buy the policy online from InsuranceDekho website. Online purchases are convenient and cut down on unnecessary hassles in buying. InsuranceDekho is a reputed website which not only allows women to buy the policy with simple clicks of a mouse, it also helps them buy the policy after analysing their needs. 

Tata AIG Wellsurance Woman Brochure

  • 199.29 KB
  • PDF Document
  • Jun 08, 2019

Claim Process at Tata AIG Health Insurance

  • Network Hospital
  • Non-Network Hospital
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 24 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 24 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

FAQs on Wellsurance Woman Health Insurance Plan

  • Which critical illnesses are covered under the plan?

    The plan covers cancer, stroke, first heart attack, multiple sclerosis, major burns, coma, open chest CABG, total blindness, kidney failure and consequent regular dialysis required, major organ or bone marrow transplants and permanent paralysis of limbs.

  • What is the coverage level for critical illnesses?

    For cancer, the coverage level is Rs. 3 Lakh under Classic, Rs. 5 Lakh under Supreme and Rs. 7.5 Lakh under Elite plans. For other critical illnesses, the coverage is reduced by half and is Rs. 1.5 Lakh for Classic, Rs. 2.5 Lakh for Supreme and Rs. 7.5 Lakh under Elite plan options.

  • When is the critical illness benefit paid?

    If the insured is diagnosed with a covered critical illness after the first 90 days of buying the policy and if the insured survives for 30 days post the diagnosis of the illness, the critical illness sum insured would be paid in one lump sum.

  • When is claim paid for cosmetic reconstruction surgeries?

    If the insured suffers an accident and a cosmetic surgery is required to reconstruct a body part which has suffered a severe deformity or for restoring or improving the body function, claim is paid for such cosmetic surgeries.

  • What is the extent of claim paid under cosmetic reconstruction surgeries?

    Cosmetic reconstruction surgeries incurs a fixed claim payment of Rs. 50,000 under Classic Plan, Rs. 1 Lakh under Supreme Plan and Rs. 2 Lakh under Elite Plan.

  • Who can buy the policy?

    The policy is available only for women aged 18 to 65 years as on the date of buying the policy.

  • Can the policy be taken to cover the family members?

    No, the policy would cover only the woman under an individual basis. Family floater cover is not allowed under the plan.

  • What documents are required to make a claim?

    The documents required to make a claim under the policy include claim form, copies of the medical bills, medical reports, diagnosis report of the illness suffered, list of medical treatments availed and all medical prescriptions.

  • What is paid under convalescence benefit?

    If the insured is hospitalised for 5 or more consecutive days, a lump sum benefit is paid as convalescence benefit. The amount of benefit is Rs. 1500 for Classic Plan, Rs. 2000 for Supreme Plan and Rs. 4000 for Elite plan.

  • Does the plan allow lifelong renewals?

    Yes, the plan is renewable lifelong and there is no maximum cover ceasing age.

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