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Raheja QBE Cancer Health Insurance

180 reviews Rate This
Raheja QBE Health Insurance
Cancer Insurance
Claim Complaints Ratio80%
Claim SettlementDedicated Team
COVID-19 CoverYes
Network Hospitals5,000+
Policies Sold135
Renewability Lifelong Renewability

About Raheja QBE Cancer Health Insurance

Cancer is a one-of-a-kind health condition that if not detected early, can be life-threatening. We all know that timely diagnosis and proper treatment has been the only way to cure a cancer patient. Thus, Cancer Insurance policy offered by Raheja QBE is one such policy in this endeavour. This medical insurance policy provides financial support to help you avail the best treatment in the best hospital. With this policy in hand, you can focus on treatment rather than worrying about hefty cancer treatment expenses.

This plan offers cancer coverage to all individuals in the age group of 1 day to 70 years. Anyone who is diagnosed with cancer and is covered can avail claim under this policy. On the diagnosis of cancer, the insurer pays the insured for the expenses incurred on diagnostic investigations as well as the treatment expenses on doctors or surgeons. The payment under this policy is made in a lump sum on acceptance of the cancer claim. Even the advanced stages of cancer are offered coverage under this plan. The USP of this plan is that if the policyholder gets diagnosed with cancer during the policy term and files a claim for the same, then he/she is eligible for the benefits up to the sum insured even after the expiry of the policy for up to 5 years from the policy start date.

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Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • Compensation of medical expenses after submission of original bills
  • Pre-policy medical screening expenses up to 50%
  • Quarterly reimbursement of expenses till the exhaustion of total sum insured
  • Payment made in a lump sum on acceptance of cancer insurance claim
  • Continuity of benefits up to the sum insured even after policy expiry up to 5 years

What's Not Included

  • Claim not supported by diagnostic investigation reports
  • Disease, illness, injury directly or indirectly related to nuclear weapons
  • Pre-existing cancer condition, 48 months before policy purchase
  • False or incorrect diagnosis
  • Disease, illness, injury directly or indirectly associated with the radiation of any sort

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Cancer Insurance User Reviews

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What users are saying
  • All
  • Prompt performance

    Really appreciate the prompt service delivered to me by InsuranceDekho at the time when I asked for a policy brochure of Raheja QBE’s Cancer Insurance. I read the policy highlights and the expert review before purchasing the health plan.

    By Amrita Haldar
    On: Mar 04, 2021
  • Can’t find a better insurance

    Cancer insurance by raheja is a good move. This type of cancer insurance plans are very much required. The policy saves you from high cancer medical costs and without spending a lot on the premium amount. Besides, you get a lump sum amount on diagnosis. 

    By Varun Kumar
    On: Feb 05, 2020
  • Raheja's cancer insurance plan...

    Bearing high medical costs related to cancer treatment was not possible for me and my family. So, i chose this plan instead so that i can get a lump sum amount. The premium amount for me is very less as compared to the benefits i am getting with this plan. 

    By Jyoti Sinha
    On: Jan 30, 2020
  • Cancer insurance plan is a gre...

    This is my first purchase with raheja. I chose this cancer insurance plan around 2 weeks back. So far my purchase experience has been good. The plan covers you for cancer, even the advanced stages and gives a lump sum amount on diagnosis. I highly recommend this plan to all. 

    By Ravi Kumar
    On: Jan 28, 2020
  • My recommendation for this pla...

    I straightaway want to recommend this plan to all those in need. I have myself purchased this policy around a month back and i am feeling extremely financially secure. The plan gives vast cover, at less premium and comes with a lump sum amount on diagnosis so that’s a plus.  

    By Amarjeet Puri
    On: Jan 24, 2020

Raheja QBE Cancer Insurance Expert Review

  • Expert Review

    Cancer detection can give sleepless nights to anyone. Be it mental or financial, support in any form becomes extremely important for an individual detected with Cancer. In this scenario, Raheja QBE’s Cancer Insurance comes across an ideal insurance policy offering supreme financial stability and peace of mind to one, even when their situation is extremely critical. In other words, Raheja QBE’s Cancer Insurance proves to be the utmost support that lets you focus on your medical treatment and recovery, without having to stress about the expenses.

    Raheja QBE General Insurance, under its Cancer Insurance policy, provides coverage to those in the age group of 1 day to 70 years. Valid for a period of one year from the day of commencement, Cancer Insurance does not come with an exit age if renewed timely, without any break in between. However, note that the policy is not renewed once a claim has been admitted. When it comes to sum insured offered, Cancer Insurance has options starting from Rs. 1 Lakh and in multiples thereof subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 Lakhs.

  • Major Attractions

    Cancer Insurance by Raheja QBE General Insurance is a one-of-a-kind product that one can opt for to avail the much-desired financial support without having to spend their savings. What’s best is that the policy enables a Cancer detected individual with not only freedom of financial stress while undergoing treatment, but also stress-free life after Cancer. The prime features covered under the Cancer Insurance policy includes - 

    • 50% of the sum insured or Rs. 250,000, whichever is less, as a lump sum amount on acceptance of a claim 
    • Reasonable and important medical expenses actually incurred by the insured person in the diagnostic investigation or medical treatment of Cancer, in excess of 75% of the amount paid as a lump sum
    • Reimbursement of pre-policy medical screening expenses up to 50%
    • Compensation of medical expenses after original bills are submitted
    • Quarterly reimbursement of expenses until the exhaustion of total sum insured
    • Continuity of benefits up to the sum insured even after policy expiry up to 5 years
    • An increase in sum insured by 5% for all claim-free policies subsequently renewed in adherence to the terms of the policy
  • What’s More?

    There are multiple features of Cancer Insurance by Raheja QBE that allow an insured to prevent the burden of bearing sky-rocketing costs while curing Cancer. Also present, under the policy, are a few elements that make it a complete package. Note that other than the expense coverage, Raheja’s Cancer Insurance also offers -

    • Lifelong renewability feature
    • Hassle-free claim settlement
    • 30 days of grace period for policy renewal
    • 15 days free look period for policy cancellation
    • Tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act
  • Conclusion

    At last, if you want to secure yourself financially and health-wise, choose Raheja’s Cancer Insurance policy so as to avail effective treatment without breaking your bank. 

    If willing to invest in Cancer Insurance, it is advised to prefer the online mode of purchase to enable quick policy issuance. Besides, to avail policy transparency, claim settlement support, policy portability, and other added support, you can choose the platform of InsuranceDekho without thinking twice.

Raheja QBE Cancer Insurance Brochure

  • 90.06 KB
  • PDF Document
  • Aug 13, 2019

Claim Process at Raheja QBE Health Insurance

  • Network Hospital
  • Non-Network Hospital
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation as soon as it occurs and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation as soon as it occurs and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

FAQs on Cancer Insurance Health Insurance Plan

  • What is the age limit to purchase this policy?

    Anyone who is aged between 1 day and 70 years can purchase this policy.

  • What are the sum insured options available under this policy?

    The sum insured option ranges from Rs. 1 Lakh to a maximum of Rs. 10 Lakh.

  • Is pre-policy medical checkup required to purchase this policy?

    Anyone who is aged 50 years and above is required to undergo a pre-policy medical checkup to purchase this policy.

  • I am less than 50 years of age. What is the criteria for me to purchase this policy?

    Anyone who is less than 50 years of age can purchase this policy based on self-declaration and by presenting medical certificates by a registered doctor as mentioned in the proposal form.

  • Is there any feature of cumulative bonus available under this cancer policy?

    For every claim-free year, the policyholder is eligible for a cumulative bonus of 5% up to a maximum of 25% at the time of renewal.

  • How is the payment made under the cancer claim?

    On acceptance of the cancer claim, the payment is made in a lump sum.

  • Is there any distinctive feature available under this plan?

    Yes. If the insured is diagnosed with cancer and has submitted a claim, then he/she is eligible for benefits under this policy up to sum insured limit even after expiry of the policy for up to 5 years.

  • Does the insurer reimburse the cost of pre-acceptance medical check-up under the cancer policy?

    On acceptance of the proposal, 50% of the cost incurred on pre-policy medical checkup is reimbursed by the insurer.

  • If I am diagnosed with cancer within 30 days of the inception of the policy, will I be eligible for the cover under this plan?

    The company will pay no claim if the insured is diagnosed with cancer within 30 days from the commencement of the policy.

  • Does this policy offer lifelong renewability option?

    Yes, the policy can be renewed as long as no claim has been made under this policy. The renewal needs to be done before the expiry of the due date.

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