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IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance

232 reviews Rate This
IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance
Claim Settlement Ratio98.90%
Network Hospitals7,400+
PED Waiting Period3 years
Starting Premium (for 5L SI)Rs. 584/month

IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company is a joint venture between the Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) and Tokio Marine Group where the former is the world’s largest fertilizer manufacturer and holds 51% of the company, and the latter is one of the largest insurance groups in Japan and holds the remaining 49%. Incorporated in 2000, the company offers a bouquet of insurance products such as health insurance, car insurance, bike insurance, travel insurance, home insurance, corporate policies like property insurance and liability insurance thereby fulfilling varied insurance-related needs of the customers.

IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company is committed to providing you with peace of mind by offering a variety of comprehensive health insurance solutions that can be purchased separately or as a floater to cover multiple relationships. IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans cover you with numerous benefits such as cover for health check-up, ambulance charges, pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation expenses, and so on. All in all, the insurer fulfils varied needs from different sections of the society with its specialised products.

IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Premium Calculation

You must pay a health insurance premium to the company in order to receive benefits under your IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans. The cost of health care varies depending on the benefits of the policy. In order to get an estimate for health insurance premium to be paid under IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans, you can use IFFCO Tokio premium calculator on InsuranceDekho by filling a quote. Read the factors that affect the premium for IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans:

  • Age: Your IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans will need you to pay a lower health insurance premium if you are younger.This is because you are less likely to make a claim when you are at a young age in life and vice versa.
  • Medical History: Your, as well as your family’s history, affects your IFFCO Tokio health insurance premium. If you or anyone in your family is suffering from any pre-existing diseases like heart problems, respiratory illness, etc., then your premium will be higher as you will be more likely to make health insurance claims.
  • Geographical Location: Your health insurance premium is influenced by where you live. Due to a lack of medical facilities or other reasons, certain zip codes require a higher premium than others.
  • Smoker/Non-Smoker: Your lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, or consuming any addictive substance affects your health and hence your health insurance premiums under IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans. So, you will be required to pay a higher premium if you are a smoker and vice versa.
  • Policy Term: Long-term health insurance policies are more costly. This is because you will be covered for a longer amount of time and will be able to take use of the benefits during that time. Similarly, if you purchase a policy for a short period of time, you will be paid a lower premium.

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Disclaimer: Actual Premium might vary basis your location, age and number of members

Top IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Plans

Out of many IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans, we have shortlisted the top 5 for you. Find the plan highlights below:

1. IFFCO Tokio Family Health Protector Policy: The IFFCO Tokio Family Health Protector Policy protects you and your family from having to go to the hospital as a result of an illness, sickness, disease, or accident. If you are between the ages of 18 and 65, you may be eligible for this plan.You can also add dependent children under this plan. The plan offers you many benefits such as cover for in-patient hospitalisation expenses, cover for AYUSH treatment, domiciliary treatment, organ donor expenses, ambulance charges cover, etc. You can buy this plan for sum insured options between Rs. 1.5 lakh to Rs. 30 lakh.

2. IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kawach Policy: The IFFCO Tokio Swasthya Kawach Policy is a floater policy with two options: the Base Plan and the Wider Plan. The sum insured options range from Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh in multiples of Rs. 1 lakh, and the policy is available for those aged 3 months to 65 years.The offers many benefits such as cover for daycare surgeries, organ transplant cost, in-patient hospitalisation expenses, and vitamins and tonics consistent with the illness.

3. IFFCO Tokio Health Protector Plus Policy: The IFFCO Tokio Health Protector Plus Policy is a top-up health insurance policy that protects you and your family against high treatment costs if you or a family member needs to be hospitalised due to an injury or disease.This policy can be purchased even without any other basic health insurance policy. You can be covered under this policy if aged between 18 years and 65 years. The cover for domiciliary hospitalisation expenses, ambulance charges, pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation expenses etc. for sum insured options ranging between Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 25 lakh.

4. IFFCO Tokio Individual Medishield Insurance Policy: Individual Medishield Policy from IFFCO Tokio covers you and up to 5 family members against hospitalisation, medical expenses, organ transplantation, surgical expenses, etc incurred as a result of an injury or disease.Available for a policy term of one year, the policy is available with sum insured options ranging between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 5 lakh in multiples of 50,000. The policy offers you coverage benefits for in-patient hospitalisation, AYUSH treatment, and domiciliary hospitalisation.

5. IFFCO Tokio Critical Illness Policy: IFFCO Tokio Critical Illness Policy mitigates your financial hardship in case of a critical illness. You can be covered under this policy if you are aged between 5 years and 60 years. If you are diagnosed with a critical illness, the policy provides you a lump sum payment. This policy can be purchased as an add-on to your existing health insurance policy.

What Is A Health Insurance Top-up Plan and Why Should I Buy It?

A top-up plan provides you with the added benefit of a higher sum insured at a slightly higher cost. It has a deductible, which is the amount of the claim amount that you must pay out of pocket before you may get the policy benefits.You can use a top-up health insurance plan to supplement your primary health insurance plan.

IFFCO Tokio General Insurance offers you a top-up plan named Health Protector Plus. You can be covered under this policy on an individual or floater basis. You can be covered under this policy if you are aged between 18 years and 65 years. You can cover self, spouse, dependent children aged between 3 months and 25 years (if at least one of the parents is covered under the policy) under floater policy and add self, spouse, dependent children, and parents under an individual policy.

IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Top Up List

  • Top-up (1)
Name of PlanSum Insured
Health Protector PlusMIn: 3 Months; Max: 65 Years2 Lakh Check Premium

Why Choose IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance?

Some of the reasons to choose IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance are listed below:

  • Cashless Treatment In Over 5,000 Network Hospitals: In the case of hospitalisation due to illness, sickness, disease, or an accident, IFFCO Tokio General Insurance has agreements with over 5,000 hospitals and facilities, allowing you to receive cashless treatment without worrying about your finances.
  • 24*7 Call Center: IFFCO Tokio General Insurance has a dedicated call center that works 24*7 to address your grievances as well as answer queries related to health insurance.
  • Impressive Claim Settlement Ratio: IFFCO Tokio General Insurance is good at handling claims and that makes it a preferred choice for many. In the financial year 2019-2020, the insurer featured a staggering CSR of 96.33%.
  • A Variety Of Health Insurance Plans: IFFCO Tokio General Insurance offers a variety of health insurance plans to take care of your and your family’s healthcare requirements. The plans cover you against several healthcare expenses thereby securing your funds even at the time of emergency.

Network Hospitals of IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance

Every health insurance company has a network of hospitals through whom they can provide cashless treatment. The longer the list of network hospitals your insurer provides, the more convenient it is to find one in your area. IFFCO Tokio has a good number of more than 5,000 network hospitals where you can avail cashless treatment without having to worry about managing funds at the time of emergency.

IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Tax Benefits

Along with many coverage benefits, IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans also offer you tax benefits on the premium paid for them under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. To understand the tax benefits in detail, see the table below:


Premium Paid

Deduction under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act

Self, Family, Children


When the policyholder as well as parents are less than 60 years of age

Rs. 25,000

Rs. 25,000

Rs. 50,000

When the policyholder and family members are aged below 60 years with parents aged above 60 years

Rs. 25,000

Rs. 50,000

Rs. 75,000

When the policyholder, family members, and parents are aged above 60 years

Rs. 50,000

Rs. 50,000

Rs. 1,00,000

Members of the Hindu Undivided Family

Rs. 25,000

Rs. 25,000

Rs. 25,000

Non-Resident Individuals

Rs. 25,000

Rs. 25,000

Rs. 25,000

IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Claim Settlement Ratio

The ratio of claims settled to the total number of claims admitted by an insurer is known as the Claim Settlement Ratio. It is one of the aspects that might help you in making an informed decision when selecting an insurer. IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company has an exceptional CSR for health insurance and the table given below supports the fact.

Financial Year

Claim Settlement Ratio

FY 2018-2019


FY 2019-2020


(Source: IBAI’s General Insurance Claim Insights Handbook For Policyholders - 4th & 5th Edition)

IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Claim Process

You have two choices for making a claim with IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans: cashless or reimbursement. At network hospitals, cashless claims are allowed, whereas reimbursement claims are accepted at non-network hospitals.Read further to know the process for both.

How To Make IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Cashless Claim?

To avail cashless treatment under your IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans, you need to follow a few simple steps listed below:

Step 1: Get Hospitalised
Get hospitalised in a network hospital of your choice. Intimate the Third Party Administrator (TPA) through their toll-free number. Show your Health ID card at the hospital.

Step 2: Fax The Cashless Claim Form
Fill and fax the cashless claim form to the Third Party Administrator (TPA).

Step 3: Documents Verification
The TPA will examine your document and convey the decision to the network hospital.

Step 4: Claim Settlement
If your cashless claim request is approved by the TPA, the hospital bills will be paid directly according to the policy terms and conditions.
Note that you will be required to pay for inadmissible expenses such as telephone expenses, attendant charges, food, etc. from your own pocket.

How To Make IFFCO Tokio Health Reimbursement Claim?

To make a claim for reimbursement under your IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans, you will be required to follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Intimate IFFCO Tokio General Insurance
Intimate IFFCO Tokio General Insurance by calling them in the toll-free number 1800 103 5499 immediately on admission. You should not delay in notifying the insurer by more than 7 days from the date of discharge. Also, you are required to quote your policy certificate number while intimating.

Step 2: Avail Treatment and Pay For Bills
Avail treatment at any non-network hospital of our choice. Settle all the bills at the hospital from your own pocket.

Step 3: File Claim
Download the claim form from the official website of IFFCO Tokio General Insurance. You may even contact their call center and request for one.

Step 4: Submit The Required Documents
Submit the relevant documents to the local IFFCO Tokio office address which can be obtained by calling on the toll free number mentioned in Step 1.

Documents Required For IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Claim Settlement

You are required to submit the following documents in case of a reimbursement claim:

  • Duly filled claim form along with doctor’s certificate
  • Prescriptions
  • Bills
  • Advance and final receipts
  • Diagnostic test reports (x-ray, ECG, scan, etc.)

Step 5: Claim settlement
If your documents are found to be valid and your claim is made in line with the policy terms and conditions, your claim will be settled directly by the company.

Benefits of IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Plans

IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans offer you the following benefits:

  • Reinstatement Of Sum Insured: IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans come with a benefit of sum insured reinstatement. This means that if the existing sum insured is totally exhausted due to claims filed during the policy year, the plan will return the full amount of the sum insured.
  • Lifelong Renewals Guaranteed: IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans offer you lifelong renewability benefits. This means that there is no maximum age wherein the coverage stops. You can renew your policy every year and enjoy the benefits by paying the required premium.
  • No Medical Test On Enrollment Up To 60 Years Of Age: Up to the age of 60, no medical test is required to receive benefits under IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans.
  • Portability Benefit: If you are not satisfied with your current health insurance policy or want to change the coverage features, then it is possible by porting your policy into any other best health insurance plan offered by IFFCO Tokio General Insurance.
  • Free Health Check-Up: IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans cover you against health check-ups once in every four claim-free years. You can enjoy this benefit for up to 1% of your basic sum insured.

What All Is Covered Under IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Plans?

IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans cover you against the following healthcare expenses:

  • In-Patient Hospitalisation Expenses: IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans cover you against in-patient hospitalisation expenses incurred due to any illness, sickness, disease, or an accident that requires hospitalisation of at least 24 hours. The plans cover expenses related to oxygen, blood, anaesthesia room, nursing boarding, ICU/ICCU, the fee of the medical practitioner/surgeon/consultant/anesthetist, along with others.
  • Daycare Procedures: Daycare procedures are those which, due to advanced medical equipment, require hospitalisation of fewer than 24 hours. For instance, an ENT treatment where you need to get ear wax removed, radiology therapy, or cataract operations, etc. IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans cover you against such treatments.
  • Pre-Hospitalisation And Post-Hospitalisation Expenses: Pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization expenses are covered by IFFCO Tokio health insurance policies for a set number of days, which vary from plan to plan.These expenses include routine tests, follow-up visits, unsealing the stitches, etc.
  • Road Ambulance Expenses: IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans cover you against expenses related to emergency road ambulance services required to transfer you to the nearest hospital.
  • Domiciliary Facility: When you are unable to be treated at a hospital because the hospital lacks sufficient means or resources to accommodate you in the wards, domiciliary care is one of your alternatives.You get this facility under IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans.

What All Is Not Covered Under IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Plans?

IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans do not cover you against the following medical expenses:

  • Deliberately Injuring Self: IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans do not cover you against any injury caused by the intention of self-harm. For instance, suicide.
  • Expenses Related To Complications In Family Planning: IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans do not cover you against treatments related to family planning, pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, etc. except ectopic pregnancy.
  • Expenses Related To Sexually Transmitted Diseases: IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans do not cover you against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or venereal diseases.
  • Medical Conditions Attributable To War:IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans do not cover health issues caused directly or indirectly by a foreign enemy, war or warlike actions, invasions, etc.
  • Treatment For Any Unproven Treatment: IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans do not cover you against any medical treatment that is untested, experimental, unproven, or unconventional in nature.

Note that inclusions and exclusions vary with different IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans.

IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Policy Terms

IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans come with the following terms:

Minimum Entry Age

3 months

Maximum Entry Age

65 years

Policy Renewal

Lifetime renewability offered

Renewal Premiums

Premiums to be paid on renewals are subject to change.

General Waiting Period

A waiting period of 30 days is applicable starting from the date of policy issuance.

Note that the terms vary with different IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans.

How to Purchase IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Policy at InsuranceDekho?

You can purchase IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans in two modes at InsuranceDekho-online and offline. The processes are as follow:

Buy IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Plan Online at InsuranceDekho

Follow a few easy steps to buy IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans online from InsuranceDekho:

Step 1: Visit and click on the ‘health’ tab.

Step 2: Select your Gender. Then fill in your Name and Mobile Number. You will receive a One Time Password on the entered mobile number. Please enter that.

Step 3: Tell us ‘When do you want to buy the policy’ by choosing one of the options from the drop-down menu. Click on the ‘View Quotes’ button.

Step 4: Select the members of your family you wish to include in the policy. Click ‘Continue’.

Step 5: Select the age of your family members.

Step 6: Enter your Email ID and City. Click on ‘Submit and View Quotes’. You will see the most suitable quotes for you on the screen. Select the one you want to buy.

Step 7: Select the term for your shortlisted policy. Fill in the required details and pay online.

Buy IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Plan Offline at InsuranceDekho

You can also buy IFFCO Tokio health insurance plans in the offline mode from InsuranceDekho. For this, you will be required to call us on the toll-free number 7551-196-989 and share your requirements with the customer care executives. You can call us any day (we are available 7 days!) between 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM.

You may even write to us at in case of any doubt or query.

IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Renewal Process

Health insurance has to be renewed after every policy term. This may be 1 year, 2 years, or 3 years depending on the option chosen.Renewal of your health insurance policy is important since it allows you to continue receiving benefits under your existing policy. By following a few simple steps, you can simply renew your IFFCO Tokio health insurance policy online:

Step 1: Visit the official website of IFFCO Tokio General Insurance and navigate to the Renewal Page. Select ‘Renew Health Policy’.
Step 2: Enter policy details like the product, policy number, and your name. Click on the ‘Search’ button.
Step 3: Pick your renewal quote.
Step 4: Pay online via your preferred mode of payment.

Health Insurance News


  • If I purchase a health plan with IFFCO Tokio, will I get any tax benefit?

    Yes, no matter which plan you purchase, you can avail tax benefits on every health insurance plan of IFFCO Tokio as per section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961.

  • How many claims I can make with IFFCO Tokio plan?

    There is no maximum limit for claims to be made. Thus, you can make as many claims as you need within the limit of your plan’s sum insured. 

  • What are the essential documents required for purchasing a health plan from IFFCO Tokio?

    No documents from PAN Card to ID proof are needed to buy a health insurance policy from IFFCO Tokio. However, as per the rules of TPA and insurer, policyholders might need ID proof at the time of filing a claim.

  • What would happen if I cancel a health plan of IFFCO Tokio after purchase?

    Your health insurance plan will stop from the date of policy cancellation. Also, you will get your premium back as per the rates of short period cancellation as per the terms and conditions of the policy.

  • How many network hospitals are empanelled with IFFCO Tokio?

    IFFCO Tokio General Insurance is tied up with around 5,000+ network hospitals across the country. Policyholders can find cashless hospitalisation at all these hospitals.

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  • Reassurance provided by the cu...

    I was skeptical about buying insurance online, but InsuranceDekho's transparent process put my worries at ease. No hidden fees, no surprises! Buying Iffco Tokio health insurance was hassle-free.

    IFFCO Tokio
    By Abha Saxena
    On: May 30, 2024
  • Happy with Customer Service Te...

    I was really confused about which insurance to take for my family. With the help of InsuranceDekho and their good customer service team, I was able to finalise the IFFCO Tokio Family Health Protector Policy for my family.

    IFFCO Tokio
    By Ayush Kumar Singh
    On: Feb 29, 2024
  • Professional Advisors

    The insurance experts of the InsuranceDekho company are kind and professional. I like their friendly nature. They made my purchase of the IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance Plan from their online platform much easier and smoother. Thanks to the InsuranceDekho company!

    IFFCO Tokio
    By Himanshu Raghav
    On: Jan 08, 2024
  • The best policy to cover famil...

    I wanted to purchase a policy so that I can secure my family. I looked for it on the website of InsuranceDekho. I purchased a plan from Iffco Tokio. I was happy with the easy process of purchasing a plan from the InsuranceDekho  

    IFFCO Tokio
    By Shiva Raman
    On: Feb 28, 2023
  • Reminder feature

    I had purchased the IFFCO Tokio Individual Medisure plan  from the InsuranceDekho’s website. I purchased this plan because it was quite unique and provided good coverage at an affordable price. I had to renew this policy and InsuranceDekho keep sending me reminders to renew the policy on time. Thanks to InsuranceDekho, I was able to renew my policy on time without any fail.

    IFFCO Tokio
    By Mehak Ghai
    On: Feb 10, 2023