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Raheja QBE Health Insurance

180 reviews Rate This
Raheja QBE Health Insurance
Claim Complaints Ratio80%
Claim SettlementDedicated Team
COVID-19 CoverYes
Network Hospitals5,000+
Policies Sold135
Renewability Lifelong Renewability

Raheja QBE General Insurance is a joint venture between the Rajan Raheja Group and QBE Insurance, Australia’s second-largest global insurer. Established in 2008, the company is operating with an aim to create the most conducive environment for its customers as well as partners in the insurance sector. Raheja QBE General Insurance offers a flexible range of insurance policies in various domains like health, home, motor, and marine. The company got A+ rating in Standard and Poor’s Insurance Financial Strength Rating that makes it one of the most reliable insurance companies in the market.

Raheja QBE General Insurance is dedicated towards the well-being of its customers and offers them customised health insurance plans with wide coverage. The company offers several benefits to the customers such as complete transparency, customer-oriented approach, hassle-free processes, and a wide network of cashless hospitals which make it a preferred choice among insurance buyers. It offers a variety of health insurance plans for you and your family to keep you secure even at the time of a health emergency.

Raheja QBE Health Insurance Premium Calculation

Health insurance premium is the amount of money that a policy buyer pays in order to avail benefits under the health insurance policy. Paying a health insurance premium in regular intervals keeps your health insurance policy in force. Note that health insurance premiums vary with different Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans depending on various factors. Read about these factors below:

  • Entry Age: Your age at the time of buying a Raheja QBE Health Insurance policy or renewing it affects the premium you are required to pay. For instance, you will be required to pay a higher premium if you buy a Raheja QBE Health Insurance plan at the age of 40 years in comparison to if you buy it at the age of 25 years. This is because as you age, you are more likely to make health insurance claims.
  • Pre-Existing Medical Conditions: You will be required to pay a higher premium in case you are suffering from a medical condition at the time of buying a policy or before that. Some common pre-existing diseases are high blood pressure, hypertension, and diabetes. This is because your chances of making claims increase of you are not healthy.
  • Sum Insured: The sum insured amount you choose under you Raheja QBE Health Insurance plan directly affects your premium. Higher the sum insured amount, the higher premium you will be required to pay considering the higher coverage you will be receiving under your health insurance plan. But you should not compromise with the sum insured amount as then you might not be able to use your health insurance plan efficiently.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle: One of the factors that determine the premium under your Raheja QBE Health Insurance plan is lifestyle. People who drink, smoke or take addictive substances on a regular basis are more probe to falling sick and hence are more likely to make health insurance claims. Therefore, they are required to pay a higher health insurance premium in comparison to people who have a healthy way of living.
  • Type of Coverage: The type of Raheja QBE Health Insurance plan that you choose also has a great impact on the health insurance premium you will be required to pay. For instance, you will be required to pay a higher premium if you purchase a plan on an individual basis instead of a floater basis. Also, the variants you choose affect your premium. The more the benefits under a variant, the higher the premium amount will be.

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Disclaimer: Actual Premium might vary basis your location, age and number of members

Top Raheja QBE Health Insurance Plans

Raheja QBE offers a wide range of best health insurance plans that offer you numerous benefits. Listed below are the top 4 health insurance plans that are best suited for you:

1. Raheja QBE Health QuBe Policy: Raheja QBE Health QuBe Policy offers financial security to you if you are aged between 91 days and 65 years. The policy is available with different variants named Basic, Comprehensive, Super Saver, and Ala Carte with sum insured options ranging between Rs. 3 lakh and Rs. 50 lakh. You get many benefits under this policy such as cover for pre-hospitalisation expenses, post-hospitalisation expenses, ambulance expenses, in-patient hospitalisation expenses, organ donor expenses, medical check-up, domiciliary hospitalisation expenses, and provides No Claim Bonus as well for every claim-free year. You can add up to 6 family members under this policy.

2. Raheja QBE Health QuBe Super Top-Up Policy: Raheja QBE Health QuBe Super Top-Up Policy helps you boost your existing health insurance cover. Available with sum insured options up to as high as Rs. 1 crore, the policy can be purchased on individual as well as floater basis. You can add yourself, legally wedded spouse, up to 3 dependent children, and 2 dependent parents under this policy. The policy gives you freedom to select appropriate deductibles as per your requirement. Another highlight of the plan is that no medical check-up is required if you are aged up to 55 years.

3. Raheja QBE Cancer Insurance Policy: Raheja QBE Cancer Insurance Policy protects you against expenses incurred on treatment for all stages of Cancer. It is a comprehensive policy that comes with sum insured options ranging between Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 10 lakh and covers you if you are aged between 1 day and 70 years. The policy is available for a period of 1 year and needs to be subsequently renewed thereof. If your claim gets accepted under this policy, then you will get 50% of the sum insured amount or Rs. 2,50,000 which is less, as a lump sum amount.

4. Raheja QBE Arogya Sanjeevani Policy: Raheja QBE Arogya Sanjeevani Policy is an affordable health insurance plan that covers you and your family against basic healthcare expenses incurred due to hospitalisation of at least 24 hours. Available with sum insured options ranging between Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 5 lakh, the policy covers you against many healthcare expenses such as in-patient hospitalisation expenses, daycare treatments, pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation expenses, AYUSH treatment, etc., thereby offering you peace of mind even during hard times. You can pay for this plan on monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly installments.

What Is A Health Insurance Top-up Plan And Why Should I Buy It?

A top-up health insurance policy is like a regular health insurance policy that covers you against hospitalisation costs but only after the sum insured limit of your existing health insurance plan gets exhausted. Top-up plans come with a deductible option which you need to choose at the time of buying the policy. A deductible is that part of the claim amount that you have to pay from your own pocket in order to avail of policy benefits. Like top-up plans, there are super top-up plans too. They are slightly different from each other as a super top-up plan allows the cumulative amount of the claims made throughout the year unlike top-up plans. Because of the deductible feature, top-up and super top-up plans are cheaper as they reduce the liability of the insurer.

Raheja QBE Health Insurance offers a super top-up policy named Health QuBe Super Top-Up Policy. The policy covers you and your family against many healthcare expenses related to in-patient hospitalisation, daycare procedures, AYUSH systems of medicines, pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation expenses for up to 60 days and 90 days respectively. The policy also covers you against pre-existing diseases after a waiting period of 3 years.

Raheja QBE Health Insurance Top Up List

    Name of PlanSum Insured
    Super Top-up PolicyMin: 91 days; Max: 65 years Check Premium

    Why Choose Raheja QBE General Insurance?

    Raheja QBE Health Insurance is a preferred insurer for many because of the reasons listed below:

    • Wide Network Of Over 5,000 Hospitals: Raheja QBE has tie-up with more than 5,000 hospitals across India where you can avail cashless treatment without any hassle. These hospitals ensure you quality treatment in the event of either planned or emergency hospitalisation.
    • More Than A Decade’s Experience: With around 12 years of experience in the insurance sector, Raheja QBE Health Insurance provides customised insurance solutions to its customers. The services that it offers makes the health insurance claim process hassle-free. Over the years, Raheja QBE General Insurance has won the trust of its customers and is hence a preferred choice for many.

    Network Hospitals of Raheja QBE Health  Insurance

    A network hospital is a hospital that has an agreement with the insurance company to provide cashless treatment to the insured individuals. Raheja QBE Health Insurance has more than 5,000 network hospitals across the country where you can avail cashless treatment without having to run around and make arrangements for money. The nature of hospitalisation for treatment in these hospitals can either be planned or emergency.

    Raheja QBE Health Insurance Tax Benefits

    Health insurance premiums that you pay for Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans are subject to tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. If you are a senior citizen, then you are offered higher deductions for premiums, thereby reducing your income tax liability to a greater extent than others. To understand the structure of income tax deductions more clearly, refer to the table given below:


    Premium Paid

    Deduction under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act

    Self, Family, Children


    When the policyholder and parents are aged below 60 years

    Rs. 25,000

    Rs. 25,000

    Rs. 50,000

    When the policyholder and family members are aged below 60 years with parents aged above 60 years

    Rs. 25,000

    Rs. 50,000

    Rs. 75,000

    When the policyholder, family members, and parents are aged more than 60 years

    Rs. 50,000

    Rs. 50,000

    Rs. 1,00,000

    Members of the Hindu Undivided Family

    Rs. 25,000

    Rs. 25,000

    Rs. 25,000

    Non-Resident Individuals

    Rs. 25,000

    Rs. 25,000

    Rs. 25,000

    Raheja QBE Health Insurance Claim Settlement Ratio

    Claim Settlement Ratio (CSR) is referred to the ratio of claims settled to the total number of claims received by an insurer in a financial year. CSR is a very important element for an insurance company. Note that Raheja QBE primarily writes liability insurance where claim payment takes place in the future. That is why immediate or short term settlement of claims is low, as stated in the IBAI’s General Insurance Claim Insights Handbook For Policyholders - 4th Edition.

    Raheja QBE Health Insurance Claim Process

    Raheja QBE Health Insurance offers a smooth and stress-free claim settlement process. With Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans, you can make cashless as well as reimbursement claims. The process for both is explained below.

    How To Make Raheja QBE Health Insurance Cashless Claim?

    Follow the steps listed below to avail cashless claim under your Raheja QBE Health Insurance plan:

    Step 1: Get Hospitalised

    To avail cashless treatment under your Raheja QBE Health Insurance plan, get hospitalised in any network hospital of your choice. Inform the insurer by calling them on their toll-free number 1800-4259-449 or writing an Email to them at

    Step 2: Provide A Valid ID Proof

    Submit your health card and valid photo ID proof at the hospital.

    Step 3: Pre-Authorization Form

    Fill the pre-authorization form at the hospital.

    Step 4: Document Verification

    The TPA and the network hospital will coordinate to verify your documents.

    Step 5: Claim Settlement

    Raheja QBE Health Insurance will give approval for your cashless treatment to the network hospital and your claim will directly be settled at the hospital.

    How To Make Raheja QBE Health Reimbursement Claim?

    Follow the steps given below to avail reimbursement claim under your Raheja QBE Health Insurance plan:

    Step 1: Get Hospitalised and Get Treated
    Visit any non-network of your choice and avail the required treatment.
    Step 2: Pay The Bills
    Pay or the medical medical expenses related to your treatment incurred at the hospital.
    Step 3: Take The Relevant Documents
    Ask for the relevant documents related to your treatment from the concerned authorities at the hospital. Refer to the list of documents required below:

    Documents Required For Raheja QBE Health Insurance Claim Settlement

    You will be required to submit the following documents within 30 days from the date of discharge in order to avail reimbursement claim under your Raheja QBE Health Insurance policy:

    • Discharge summary with the details of the treatment mentioned
    • Doctor’s consultation papers
    • All pharmacy bills accompanied by doctor’s prescriptions
    • All the investigation reports including MRI, CT scan, X-ray, sonography, etc.
    • Duly filled claim form signed by the insured and the treating doctor
    • Any other related documents

    Step 4: Claim Settlement

    The insurer will settle the claim after verifying your documents and making sure that the claim was made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.

    Benefits of Raheja QBE Health Insurance Plans

    The following benefits are offered under Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans:

    • Lifelong Renewability: Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans offer you lifetime renewability benefits which means you can renew your plans throughout a lifetime without any age restrictions.
    • Wide Range Of Sum Insured Offered: Raheja QBE Health insurance plans come with a wide range of sum insured options that start from as low as Rs. 1 lakh and go up to as high as Rs. 1 crore. You can choose the sum insured options on the basis of your requirements.
    • Portability Benefit: Raheja QBE General Insurance offers you the flexibility to switch to Raheja QBE Health Insurance plan if you are not satisfied with your existing health insurance plan. You can avail portability benefit without losing the accumulated benefits under your existing health insurance policy.

    What All Is Covered Under Raheja QBE Health Insurance Plans?

    Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans come with the following inclusions:

    • In-Patient Hospitalisation Expenses: Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans cover the insured against in-patient hospitalisation expenses incurred during hospitalisation of minimum 24 hours. These expenses include nursing, boarding, room rent, blood, oxygen, ICU/ICCU, doctor’s fee, and the cost of medicines.
    • Pre-Hospitalisation And Post-Hospitalisation Expenses: Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans cover the policyholder against 60 days pre-hospitalisation expenses and 90 days post-hospitalisation expenses. These include doctor’s consultation, cost of medicines, and medical tests before and after hospitalisation.
    • Domiciliary Hospitalisation Expenses: Domiciliary treatment is a medical treatment that is taken at home for any illness, disease, or injury that otherwise would require hospitalisation. Raheja QBE Health Insurance covers the policyholder against expenses related to domiciliary treatment.
    • Organ Donor Expenses: Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans cover the organ donor against the expenses (up to a specific limit) for harvesting an organ for the insured person’s use if he/she has been advised an organ transplant by the doctor.
    • Road Ambulance Expenses: Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans provide cover for expenses incurred on road ambulance used to transfer the policyholder to hospital or inter-hospital shifts in case of an emergency.

    What All Is Not Covered Under Raheja QBE Health Insurance Plans?

    Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans do not cover you against the following healthcare expenses:

    • Expenses On Treatment Done For Investigation And Evaluation: Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans do not cover the policyholder against any treatment that is done solely for the purpose of investigation or evaluation. Also, the plans do not cover you against any diagnostic expenses which are not related to the current diagnosis or treatment.
    • Expenses Related To Obesity Or Weight Control Procedures: Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans do not cover the insured against expenses related to surgical treatment of obesity unless it does not fulfil some specific conditions.
    • Expenses Incurred On Cosmetic Or Plastic Surgery: Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans do not provide cover against cosmetic or plastic surgery or any treatment related to change of appearance unless necessitated due to an accident, cancer, or burn.
    • Injury Due To Participation In Adventure Sports: Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans do not provide cover against any expenses incurred in the treatment required due to participation in any adventure sport or activity such as paragliding, rock climbing, etc.
    • Sterility And Infertility: Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans do not offer cover against expenses related to sterility and infertility. These include any type of sterilization, assisted reproduction services such as artificial insemination, advanced reproductive technologies like ZIFT, ICSI, IVF, reversal of sterilization, and gestational surrogacy.

    Note that the inclusions and exclusions vary with different Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans.

    Raheja QBE Health Insurance Policy Terms

    Raheja QBE health Insurance plans come with the following terms:

    Minimum Entry Age

    91 days

    Maximum Entry Age

    65 years

    Policy Renewal

    Lifetime renewability

    Renewal Premiums

    Premiums at the time of renewal are subject to change.

    General Waiting Period

    A general waiting period of 30 days is applicable starting from the date of commencement of the policy.

    Note that the terms vary with different Raheja QBE health insurance plans.

    How to Purchase Raheja QBE Health Insurance Policy at InsuranceDekho? 

    You can buy Raheja QBE Health Insurance policy at InsuranceDekho in two ways namely online and offline.

    Buy Raheja QBE Health Insurance Plan Online at InsuranceDekho
    Follow the steps given below to buy Raheja QBE health insurance plan online at InsuranceDekho:

    Step 1: Visit Click on the ‘Health’ tab.
    Step 2: Select your gender and fill your personal details like Name and Mobile number. You will receive a One Time Password (OTP) on the entered mobile number. You are requested to enter that.
    Step 3: Answer the question for us ‘When do you want to buy the policy’ by selecting an option from the drop-down menu. Click on the ‘View Quotes’ button.
    Step 4: Select the family members you want to include in your policy coverage. Click ‘Continue’.
    Step 5: Select the age of the family members you had selected previously.
    Step 6: Enter your Email ID and City. Click on ‘Submit and View Quotes’. Most suitable health insurance plans will be displayed on your screen. Select the one you want to buy.
    Step 7: Select the policy term you want to purchase the policy for. Enter the required details and pay online via secured payment gateway.

    Buy Raheja QBE Health Insurance Plan Offline at InsuranceDekho

    To purchase Raheja QBE Health Insurance plans offline at InsuranceDekho, call us any day (we are available 7 days!) between 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM and share your requirements with the customer care experts. Our toll-free number is 7551-196-989.

    Alternatively, you may write to us at in case you require any insurance related assistance.

    Raheja QBE Health Insurance Renewal Process 

    It is very important to renew your Raheja QBE Health Insurance policy to be able to avail benefits under it. You are required to renew your policy towards the end of your policy term. For instance, 1 year, 2 years, or 3 years. Online health insurance renewal is a simple and quick process that takes a few minutes. To renew your Raheja QBE Health Insurance policy online, follow the steps given below:

    Step 1: Visit the official website of Raheja QBE General Insurance and search for ‘Health Insurance Renewal’ page.
    Step 2: Enter your policy number and submit the information.
    Step 3: Select your renewal quote.
    Step 4: Pay the premium online in one of the modes offered by the insurer.

    Health Insurance News


    • What is the toll-free customer care number of Raheja QBE?

      The toll-free customer care number of Raheja QBE is 1800-1027-723.

    • What is the address of Raheja QBE?

      The address of Raheja QBE’s Head Office is-
      5th Floor, Windsor House
      CST Road, Kalina
      Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400098 - India

    • How to buy and apply for health insurance plans by Raheja QBE?

      You can purchase health insurance policies from Raheja QBE online from their official website i.e. or visit InsuranceDekho's website, i.e. 

    • Does Raheja QBE provide any health insurance policy for family?

      Yes. Health QuBE health insurance by Raheja QBE can be purchased on an individual basis or a family floater basis.

    • Can I cancel my health insurance policy from Raheja QBE during the free-look period?

      Yes. You may cancel your policy after stating the reasons for cancellation and you will get back the premium paid after adjusting the amount spent on any stamp duty charges, medical check-up, and proportionate risk premium. Remember, you can cancel the policy only if you have not made a claim yet. 

    User Reviews

    Write your review
    What users are saying
    • All
    • Price
    • Helpful
    • Network Hospitals
    • Claim
    • Renew
    • Premium
    • Top up
    • Critical Illness
    • Coverages at a Great Price

      I feel that InsuranceDekho offered comprehensive health insurance plans at a reasonable price when I purchased the Raheja QBE Health Insurance Plan. This Insurance plan provides peace of mind, knowing that me and my family are financially protected in times of medical emergency.

      Raheja QBE
      By Shikha Tiwari
      On: Mar 14, 2024
    • Affordable Price

      I was searching for a good and affordable health insurance plan for my family, and one of my friends suggested visiting the InsuranceDekho website because they have quite good and affordable plans. I chose the Raheja QBE health insurance plan, the plan has everything that I needed and it was quite affordable too. I am happy with my purchase. 

      Raheja QBE
      By Rakhi Singh
      On: Mar 04, 2024
    • Claim Settlement Ratio was wel...

      Before buying the Raheja QBE Aarogya Sanjeevani policy from InsuranceDekho, it was very important for me to go through the Claim Settlement Ratio that the company offered. InsuranceDekho website completely resolved all my queries and helped me make my mind in favor of buying this policy.

      Raheja QBE
      By Shubham Rawat
      On: Feb 09, 2023
    • Step-by-step guide

      If you do not know how to buy a health insurance plan online, you do not have to worry about it. Visit the official website of InsuranceDekho and their customer care team will guide you step by step to buy your favorite plan. It was a hassle free experience for me while buying the Raheja QBE Aarogya Sanjeevani policy from the InsuranceDekho website. Kudos to the team!

      Raheja QBE
      By Riya Garg
      On: Feb 07, 2023
    • Read a few good articles

      While buying the Raheja QBE Aarogya Sanjeevani policy, from the InsuranceDekho website, I came across a few articles that were very well written and were self-explanatory about the insurance plans and their features. Loved the way they were arranged on the website.

      Raheja QBE
      By Shivani Goyal
      On: Dec 28, 2022