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United India Family Medicare Health Insurance

222 reviews Rate This
United India Health Insurance
Family Medicare Policy
Claim SettlementDedicated Team
Claim Settlement Ratio78.03%
COVID-19 CoverYes
Network Hospitals7,000+
Policies Sold11,82,067

About United India Family Medicare Health Insurance

Family Medicare policy offered by United India Insurance is a family floater health insurance policy that can either be purchased on an individual or family floater basis. If you bought on an individual basis, a separate sum insured is applied to every individual insured, whereas if purchased on a family floater basis, then the sum insured is shared by the entire family under the medical insurance plan. The policy comes with different sum insured options that you can choose as per your family size or other requirements. The options are Rs. 3 Lakh, Rs. 4 Lakh, Rs. 5 Lakh, Rs. 6 Lakh, Rs. 7 Lakh, Rs. 8 Lakh, Rs. 9 Lakh, Rs. 10 Lakh, Rs. 15 Lakh, Rs. 20 Lakh, and Rs. 25 Lakh. The total liability of the insurance company shall not exceed the sum insured. Any person aged between 18 years and 65 years can purchase the policy for themselves and their families for a period of 1 year, after which you must renew it to continue availing of coverage benefits. Apart from self, you can include your legally wedded spouse and dependent children either on an individual or family floater basis.

The policy comes with a wide range of coverage benefits thereby keeping you protected at all times. Some of the expenses include daycare treatment expenses, in-patient hospitalisation expenses, pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation expenses, treatments taken under Ayurveda, Unani, and Homeopathic systems of medicines, and organ donor expenses. Apart from this, the policy comes with three optional covers which you can include in your policy for added coverage by paying a little extra premium at the time of policy purchase. These are the restoration of the sum insured, daily cash allowance on hospitalisation, and maternity expenses and newborn baby cover. Also, you can avail tax benefits on the premium paid for this policy, under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. But note that to be covered under this policy, you may require to undergo a pre-policy medical check-up if you are aged above 60 years.

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Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • In-patient hospitalisation expenses
  • Pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation expenses
  • Treatments taken under Ayurvedic/Homeopathic/Unani systems of medicines
  • Modern treatment methods and advancement in technologies
  • Organ donor expenses cover

What's Not Included

  • Expenses related to sterility and infertility
  • Expenses related to sterility and infertility is not covered
  • Medical treatments traceable to childbirth except for ectopic pregnancy
  • Hospitalisation for the purpose of investigation or evaluation is not covered
  • Expenses related to any unproven treatment

Family Medicare Policy User Reviews

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What users are saying
  • All
  • Consistent policy information

    The policy information is consistent on InsuranceDekho. This means the website strictly maintains consistency where the similar aspect of each policy has been discussed. This actually helped me to compare the policies in a constructive way and choose United India’s Family Medicare Policy.

    By Ashesh Choudhury
    On: Mar 04, 2021
  • Various types of health plans

    InsuranceDekho makes sure that all their customers get a health plan as per their requirements. Where some people need a standard policy, others' requirements are more specific. I chose United India's Family Medicare Policy, it is fully serving my purpose.

    By Niket Malhotra
    On: Jan 25, 2021
  • Outstanding service

    I have received an outstanding service from InsuranceDekho and would like to recommend the website to all. Learning about the policy overviews, issuing the policy and paying online, each part was streamlined and transparent. Glad to hold United India’s Family Medicare Policy from the website.

    By Reshma Khatun
    On: Jan 19, 2021
  • I bought the policy

    The insurance plan was a 5 star policy. I am happy with it.

    By vivek sankath
    On: Dec 07, 2020
  • Speedy issuance of policy

    Getting a policy on InsuranceDekho is so swift. I just followed the steps given on the website and purchased the Family Medicare Policy of United India. It hardly took me a few minutes. Besides, the whole process was hassle-free. I could not have purchased the same so quickly anywhere else.

    By Ratnadeep Ghosh
    On: Nov 11, 2020

Add-ons to Enhance Benefits

  • Restoration of Sum Insured

    This add-on offers a restore of the sum insured equal to 100% of the base sum insured in case the base sum insured was exhausted due to subsequent claims made during the policy year. You will receive the benefit immediately and automatically for a particular policy term as per terms and conditions as stated in the policy document. You can include this add-on to your policy at the time of policy purchase.

  • Daily Cash Allowance on Hospitalisation

    You can buy this add-on for the additional benefit of daily cash for every continuous and completed period of 24 hours of hospitalisation. If the sum insured is up to Rs. 5 Lakh, then the benefit of Rs. 500 per day up to Rs. 5,000 per policy period, if it is between Rs. 5 Lakh and Rs. 15 Lakh, then a benefit of Rs. 1,000 per day up to Rs. 10,000 per policy period, and if it is between Rs. 15 Lakh and Rs. 25 Lakh, then a benefit of Rs. 2,000 per day up to a maximum of Rs. 20,000 per policy term will be provided.

  • Maternity Expenses and Newborn Baby Cover

    With this add-on, you will be covered for in-patient hospitalisation expenses incurred for delivery including c-section or lawful medical termination of pregnancy during the policy term for up to 2 deliveries or termination or either during the lifetime of the insured. But note that you can avail of this benefit only if you choose the policy for a sum insured more than Rs. 3 Lakh. Also, it covers newborn baby expenses from day 1 up to the age of 90 days for in-patient hospitalisation expenses as per terms and conditions.

United India Family Medicare Policy Expert Review

  • Expert Review

    If you are searching for a health cover to safeguard yourself and your family members, then Family Medicare Policy by United India is the right name to go for. It is a kind of policy which takes care of the hospitalisation and medical expenses due to an accident, illness or injury. A one-for-all policy, it can be bought on the individual basis as well as the family floater basis. With the policy in hand, you can get your family covered under a single sum insured. Popularly known for being an affordable policy, the Family Medicare Policy is the option for those looking out for cover without compromising on the quality treatment due to lack of money.

    Coming with range of sum insured options, this policy of United India offers wide coverage to policyholders, such as pre and post-hospitalisation, daycare treatment, remote medical second opinion, add-on covers like hospital cash benefits and ambulance service as well as inpatient treatment expenses such as fees of doctors, surgeons, medical practitioners; operation theatre charges; room rent expenses; boarding charges, etc. 

  • Major Attractions

    An ideal plan to invest in a health cover, Family Medicare Policy comes with two add-on covers, namely Ambulance Charges up to a maximum of Rs. 2500 per policy period and Hospital Daily Cash Benefits of Rs.250/Rs. 500 per day subject to a maximum of Rs. 2500/Rs. 5000 per hospitalisation. Moreover, the policy covers the charges of surgical appliances, dialysis, medicines & drugs, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, prosthetic devices, artificial limbs, pacemaker, relevant diagnostic tests and so on. Some major attractions under the policy include:

    • Up to 1% of SI per day on room rent, boarding, blood transfusion, IV fluids, etc.
    • Up to 2% of SI daily on Intensive Care Unit (ICU) expenses
    • Ayurvedic treatment if taken in a Government Hospital or any Institute recognized by the Government
    • No claim discount of 3% after three continuous claim free-years
    • Medical check-up up to 1% of SI once at the end of every 3 claim-free years
    • Cover for cataract, hernia, hysterectomy, and major surgeries 
    • Cover for pre-existing diseases after a waiting period of 48 months
  • What’s More?

    As a reputable insurance company in India, United India lets you undergo cashless treatment in its thousands of network hospitals spread across the country. However, if you get the treatment at a non-network hospital, then you can go for reimbursement. United India strives for settling claims within 15 days from the date of receiving all the necessary documents. What’s more in the plan is as follows:

    • Tax savings under section 80D of the Income Tax Act
    • Lifetime renewal of the policy without any hindrance
    • 15 days free look period to understand the terms and conditions of the policy
    • 30 days grace period in case of policy renewal date lapse
  • Conclusion

    Our bad eating habits, high levels of pollution, and sedentary lifestyle are the major factors for medical emergencies. That’s why having a health policy for yourself and your family is necessary. The plan like Family Medicare Policy provides cover for your medical expenses in an emergency. With this policy in hand, you can have the freedom of availing quality health care without giving a second thought about your finances.

    Know more about Family Medicare Policy today online at InsuranceDekho, as it’s a company that help you at the time of buying your policy and getting claims against medical expenses. Besides, with InsuranceDekho by your side, you can get free quotes, compare different policies and get proper assistance with portability.

United India Family Medicare Policy Brochure

  • 239.65 KB
  • PDF Document
  • Aug 02, 2019

Claim Process at United India Health Insurance

  • Network Hospital
  • Non-Network Hospital
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 24 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 72 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 24 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 72 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

FAQs on Family Medicare Policy Health Insurance Plan

  • What is scope of coverage under Family Medicare Policy?

    Family Medicare Policy by United India Insurance provides coverage for in-patient hospitalisation, day care procedures, pre & post hospitalisation expenses, and numerous other expenses that are otherwise hard to manage.

  • What are the coverage types available with Family Medicare Policy?

    As the name suggests, Family Medicare Policy can be availed on family floater basis, covering all the members of a family under a single sum insured.

  • What is the sum insured range for Family Medicare Policy?

    The sum insured range for Family Medicare Policy is Rs. 2 Lakh to Rs. 10 Lakh per family. Policyholders already covered for Rs. 1 Lakh and Rs. 1.5 Lakh will have their coverage continued at the same level on the basis of the option chosen by the insured. Note that the sum insured slabs come in multiples of Rs. 50,000 up to Rs. 5 Lakh and in multiples of Rs. 1 Lakh from Rs. 5 Lakh to Rs. 10 Lakh.

  • What is the policy term for Family Medicare Policy?

    The policy term for Family Medicare Policy is 1 year. 

  • What is the eligibility criteria for Family Medicare Policy?

    For Family Medicare Policy, while the minimum entry age is 3 months, the maximum age of entry is 80 years.

  • Can children be covered under Family Medicare Policy?

    Yes! You can cover dependent children between the age of 3 months and 18 years. The condition is that either or both parents should be covered concurrently under the policy. Children above 18 years can be covered along with parents if they are unmarried/unemployed and dependent.

  • Does Family Medicare Policy cover organ donor expenses?

    Under Family Medicare Policy, all hospitalisation expenses (excluding cost of organ, if any) incurred for donor with regards to organ transplant to the insured are covered. 

  • Is domiciliary hospitalisation covered under Family Medicare Policy?

    No! Family Medicare Policy does not provide cover for domiciliary hospitalisation.

  • Are there any renewal benefits associated with Family Medicare Policy?

    Yes! On buying Family Medicare Policy, a policyholder becomes eligible for No Claim Discount of 3% after 3 continuous claim free years on renewal premium and for every subsequent claim free years, subject to maximum of 15%. Expenses of Health Check-up will be reimbursed once at the end of every 3 continuous years of insurance provided no claims are reported during the block, up to 1% of average sum insured of previous 3 policies.

  • Does Family Medicare Policy come with the feature of tax benefits?

    Yes! Policyholders can avail tax rebate according to Income Tax rules under Section 80D.

  • What are the waiting periods in Family Medicare Policy?

    Family Medicare Policy comes with the following waiting periods: 

    • Waiting period for pre-existing diseases: 48 months
    • Waiting period for specific diseases: 24 months or 48 months
    • Initial waiting period: 30 days
  • Is pre-acceptance medical check-up required under this policy?

    Yes. You might need to undergo a pre-acceptance medical check-up at the insurance company’s discretion for all the members entering later than 60 years of age. 

  • Is there any sub-limit on cataract expenses covered under this policy?

    Yes. The policy covers you for expenses arising due to cataract treatment for up to 10% of the sum insured for up to a maximum of Rs. 50,000 per eye. The limit is applicable for every hospitalisation or surgery.

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