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Zydus Cadila's Covid-19 Vaccine Ready for Phase III Clinical Trials

The renowned Indian pharmaceutical company, Cadila Healthcare Limited is ready to commence the Phase III clinical trials for a potential coronavirus disease vaccine. CEO, Pankaj Patel, said, “The firm is now moving into phase three, which is about to begin very soon.” He confirmed that the trial completion will take about three to three-and-a-half months and would involve about 30,000 volunteers.

Also popularly known as Zydus Cadila, the pharmaceutical company informed about its approval from India’s drug regulator to start Phase III clinical trial. It is to be noted that the approval was granted after studies found the DNA vaccine candidate to be “safe, well tolerated and immunogenic.” Pankaj Patel addressing the approval said, “The antibody response has been great. Basically, an increase in antibodies in the range of 20- to 80-fold after giving the vaccine.” Informing about the optimum response among volunteers after receiving the vaccine, he further stated that adequate neutralization has come into notice as well as no side effect has been observed.

Zydus Cadila’s vaccine candidate will be the second domestically developed Covid-19 vaccine in India, after Bharat BioTech’s Covaxin, if the former is given regulatory approval after the Phase III clinical trials.

The leading Indian Pharmaceutical company also informed that its novel coronavirus vaccine, unlike others can be kept stable at room temperature, thereby enabling easy distribution to remote parts of India.

Also Read: Importance of Health Insurance Cover During COVID-19

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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