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Why To Invest In HDFC ERGO Health Insurance?

HDFC ERGO General Insurance Plans provide you many kinds of comprehensive indemnity plans, mediclaim plans, fixed benefit plans, Top-up plans, critical illness plans. You can enjoy a variety of health-related services like cashless treatment and hospitalization at 10,000+hospitals, daycare treatments, No room rent restriction, AYUSH cover, In-patient hospitalization, pre and post hospitalization, and more.

Why To Invest In HDFC ERGO Health Insurance?

Key Features of HDFC ERGO Health Insurance

  • HDFC ERGO has a 30 minute-turnaround time (TAT) for processing of pre-authorized cashless health insurance claims.
  • 15 minute-TAT to process pre-authorized cashless motor insurance claims. 
  • It comes with DIA, an AI-enabled chat bot service made available on the company’s website, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.
  • No. of members- The plan covers maximum 4 members of your family with up to 2 children and 2 adults.
  • Lifelong Renewal – The plans offered are lifelong renewable, hence it saves you from the financial burden and stress caused by a medical emergency and keeps you well prepared to handle any situation.
  • No Sub-Limits on Room Rent - As sub-limits on room rent practically eat into your sum insured, HDFC ERGO scores brownie points for their plans without any sub-limits on the room rent.
  • Wide Sum Insured Options – For every claim-free year you earn a 5% bonus.
  • Pre & Post hospitalization cover - The plan covers medical expenses for 60 days prior to hospitalization and 90 days post hospitalization only for related medical expenses.
  • Health Check-ups – On successful completion of 4 claim-free years, the health check-up expenses are reimbursed.
  • Pre-existing diseases - Pre-existing diseases are covered after 4 years of waiting period.
  • Co-payment - The plan has no co-payment policy.

Reasons to Choose HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Policy

  • Brand reputation - HDFC ERGO is trusted by millions of Indians. They have a customer base of over 75 lakhs and the brand has iAAA’ rating by ICRA indicating its highest claim paying ability.
  • All time support - HDFC ERGO provides 24/7 customer care along with a complete hassle-free experience.
  • Vast network - HDFC ERGO has a huge list of network hospitals - over 10000+ across India.
  • Multiple plans - You have a wide range of plans to select from. Each plan is highly customizable.


When it comes to claim settlement ratio, HDFC ERGO has a very healthy record. That's strikingly encouraging for their potential customers. Pricing wise, their products perform quite well in comparison to their counterparts from competitors. With respect to deductions and room rent limits, HDFC ERGO health insurance passes with flying colors. They are okay when it comes to waiting periods and their no-claim bonus structure is not the most flattering; they offer a 5% bonus for every claim-free year, with a maximum bonus of 50%.

Also read- Know What Health Insurance Policy Does Not Cover

What Are Deductibles In Health Insurance?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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Why to Buy Health Insurance Policy Online from InsuranceDekho

  • Tax benefit upto 75,000*
  • Claim support everyday 10AM-7PM
  • 80 Lacs+ happy customers