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Why Should I Buy A Health Insurance Plan With Maternity Coverage?

Do you expect to welcome a new member of your family soon?  So you would be feeling both happy and nervous. Because healthcare costs for maternity and delivery are always rising, it's important to carefully arrange your expenditures before having a child. You require maternity coverage on your health insurance for this reason. Pre and postpartum care costs, room rental costs, birth costs, ambulance costs, and other costs are all covered by maternity insurance. Therefore, getting a health insurance plan with maternity coverage can be quite helpful both during maternity and after giving birth.

Why Should I Buy A Health Insurance Plan With Maternity Coverage?

Maternity Insurance: What Is It?

Health insurance that covers all costs associated with pregnancy, including those associated with normal delivery and C-section deliveries is known as maternity insurance. Additionally, some businesses give their female employees the option of adding pregnancy coverage as a rider or providing the same coverage as in-built. 

In India, there is a wait time that ranges between nine months to four years for all maternity insurance policies. The covered women are not permitted to submit any claims related to pregnancy costs during this time. As a result, it is advisable that women choose maternity insurance coverage prior to at least some years they intend to have children.

What Are The Benefits Of Purchasing Maternity Health Insurance?

You can feel more at ease about the cost of labour if you get pregnancy medical insurance. If you get this coverage as an add-on to your current health insurance policy, it is reasonably priced. It offers sufficient financial support to cover the costs of childbirth and hospital stays. Here are a few justifications for choosing maternity insurance:

  • Surgical Deliveries Are More Expensive

When the normal delivery procedure can be challenging for the baby and the mother, a surgical or caesarean section delivery is necessary. Here, medical assistance is needed, and a significant abdominal operation is performed to deliver the baby. A caesarean delivery could also be chosen voluntarily. Caesarean section delivery is substantially more expensive than a normal delivery. These expenses may be reimbursed under the pregnancy coverage of the insurance policy.

  • Financial Protection

In several regions of India, the price of maternity and childbirth can range from Rs. 50,000 to Rs 1,00,000. The cost may be directly related to the standard of medical care received during this period. It can be roughly concluded that purchasing maternity insurance can guarantee that the young mother and her baby would have better health care resources. As a result, coverage is crucial.

  • Peace of Mind

Soon-to-be parents could concentrate on savouring this significant event in their lives after the economic burden is lessened with a pregnancy cover. A clear mind is best for preparing issues like the baby's name, the nursery design, the baby shower, and on and on.

Why Purchasing Maternity Health Insurance Beneficial?

The following advantages are provided to those covered by maternity health insurance:

  1. Maternity insurance that covers both prenatal and postpartum costs
  2. Covers newborn expenses 
  3. Provide coverage for a child's vaccination provider for urgent basic healthcare bills (except pregnancy)
  4. Accessible at a low premium price
  5. Provides tax benefits 


Economical security throughout maternity and then after delivery depends on having medical insurance with maternity coverage. To ensure that the wait time is completed by the moment the kid is born, you must purchase the coverage in advance. Choosing a great health insurance policy with maternity coverage should not be difficult because there are numerous options available in India. 

Also Read: 

All About The Risks Associated With Having Cancer

Critical Illness Insurance Health Plan: How To Find An Appropriate Coverage Amount?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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