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Why Choose Navi Health Insurance Plans?

Choosing an insurer for your health insurance policy is a hectic task as there are plenty of companies in the market which offer attractive and beneficial health insurance policies. The selection criteria to choose a policy must depend on your financial budget, pre-existing diseases, and any other specific requirement. Several companies have the provision of customizing the policies according to the demands of their customers. Therefore, you can choose a company, compare its plans, and purchase the best fit for yourself and your loved ones. 

Navi Health Insurance has some of the best health covers to offer to its policyholders. It can cover policies up to Rs. 1 Crore, ensuring an overall beneficial deal for the individuals. With some 20+ covers to offer, it works with an aim to use the latest technology and meet the demands of the new-age customers. In this article, we shall have a glimpse of the perks that Navi Health Insurance has to offer to its policyholders. 

Why Choose Navi Health Insurance Plans?

About Navi Health Insurance 

Navi General Insurance, formerly known as DHFL General Insurance Limited is a completely owned subsidiary of Navi Technologies. It aims to make insurance an accessible and affordable investment. Along with the health insurance plans, it also sells other products like motor insurance and travel insurance plans. It covers extra benefits like COVID-19 cover, pre and post-hospitalization expenses, critical illness covers, optional maternity cover, and many more. Let us look at some of the essential features of Navi Health Insurance: 

  • The company has a network of over 10,000+ linked hospitals to provide cashless treatment facilities to its policyholders.
  • It had a claim settlement ratio of 86.98% in FY 2019-20. 
  • Navi Health Insurance offers lifelong renewability of policies to its customers. 
  • It has a good support team to deal with the grievances of its customers. You can approach them either via email and calls or visit the company branch nearby.
  • The firm offers a quick and hassle-free claim settlement process. It usually settles a cashless claim in 20 minutes while a reimbursement claim in around 4 hours.   
  • Digital platforms have made it easy for customers to purchase a policy from Navi Health Insurance. NaviHealth App enables you to buy a policy easily without much effort. 

Benefits of Navi Health Insurance Plans 

Following are the advantages of purchasing a Navi Health Insurance plan: 

  • You don’t have to appear for a pre-medical checkup before buying a health insurance policy from Navi Health Insurance. 
  • At the time of the first purchase of the policy, a complete cover of eligible treatment expenses for members below 61 years of age is provided. 
  • There is no specified limit on room rent. You can go for either a shared or single room while hospitalized. 
  • On exhaustion of the sum assured in your policy, an instant refill of 100% of the cover amount for hospitalization can be availed. 
  • For every claim-free year, a no-claim-bonus (NCB) is offered. 
  • You can renew the benefits of your policy anytime at an affordable price. This helps you to stay associated with the insurer. 

Top Plans Offered By Navi Health Insurance 

You can get the insight details regarding the plans offered by Navi Health Insurance on their online official website. But some of the widely purchased and effective plans are listed below: 

  1. Navi Cure Policy 
  2. Navi General Coco Seasonal Byte Policy 
  3. Navi General Arogya Sanjeevani Policy 
  4. Navi General Corona Kavach Policy 
  5. Navi General Corona Rakshak Policy


Based on your choice, you can purchase a good health insurance policy from Navi General Corona Kavach Policy. You must read the policy-related documents. Also, do purchase a policy as soon as possible, at an early age. You can also enhance your existing policy cover by purchasing top-up plans from Navi General Corona Kavach Policy. 

Must Read: Top 5 Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans To Buy In 2021

A Guide to Health Insurance Portability

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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