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Why Children Below 18 Years At Higher Risk Under COVID-19 Third Wave?

According to the CDC, mucormycosis or black fungus is a fungal infection, which is quite rare. It majorly impacts the sinuses or the lungs after one inhales fungal spores from the air. However, black fungus can also occur on the skin after a burn, cut, or any other type of skin injury. The symptoms of mucormycosis or black fungus appear two to three days after an individual has recovered from COVID-19. Some of the common symptoms of mucormycosis or black fungus include headache, nasal congestion, facial pain, black crusts in the nose, swelling in cheeks and eyes, and loss of vision or pain in the eyes.

Doctors suggest that though black fungus is a possible infection among children recovered from COVID-19, it is important to take complete care of the child in a proper manner. According to the experts, if proper medical attention is not given to the child, the level of infection may increase. As a matter of fact, in case a child is malnourished or is suffering from some other disease, they may even get a skin disease, liver or kidney disease.

What Lies Next?

The possibility of a third COVID-19 wave cannot be overlooked. Experts from all across the country are emphasizing the significance of COVID-appropriated behaviour to avoid the spread of infection.

While the government is making every possible move to get citizens vaccinated and stay safe from COVID-19, experts suggest that it is important to arrange special ICU beds for the treatment of children. Moreover, massive brainstorming is required on the arrangement of Paediatric ICU requirements as well.

As a Parent, What Can You Do To Safeguard Your Children From COVID-19?

While you may be highly concerned about the safety of your child during the second wave of COVID-19, it is important to keep in mind that this is the time for you to think and act intelligently.

Here are a few things you need to do to secure your children from the deadly coronavirus:

  • Encourage Your Child To Stay Indoors - It may not be an easy task for you to convince your children to stop playing outside and stay indoors. However, you can always try different engaging indoor activities to attract the attention of your child within the comforts of your home.
  • Avoid Having Visitors at Home - Since COVID-19 is highly transmissible, it is important to avoid any home visitors at such a time as you do not know who is infected. Even if you have visitors, avoid any interaction with children or ask your children to maintain social distance.
  • Make Your Child Wear a Mask - Studies have found that COVID-19 can predominantly spread through air, something which makes wearing a mask extremely crucial. So, make sure your child wears a mask, whenever he or she has a company, especially in crowded areas.
  • Focus on Personal Hygiene - Encourage frequent hand wash and sanitization among your children. Ask them to ensure washing hands or sanitizing before touching their eyes, nose and mouth. Follow the same so that your children can watch and learn from you.
  • Disinfect Frequently - Maintain personal hygiene and encourage your kids to do the same. However, you must also remember to disinfect and clean frequently touched surfaces and objects as you or your children may come in contact with a COVID-19 contaminated surface unconsciously.

Final Words

It may be a challenging time for every individual, however, it is highly important that we remain vigilant and conscious. The third wave of COVID-19 pandemic may be unavoidable as per experts, but with consistent efforts, we can protect our children from the wrath of the deadly disease.

Be alert, be safe!

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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