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Which COVID-19 Vaccine Should You Get?

Perhaps sickness and infirmity can coexist with good health. This would imply that there is a continuum of 'healthy' and 'unhealthy' states rather than a binary 'healthy' or 'unhealthy' condition. We all go through seasons of good and bad health during our lives. It's possible that we'll be in both states at the same time.
The idea of health currently incorporates more than previous definitions encapsulates, thanks to medical developments and illness treatment. Every one of us can strive for a certain degree of health. Over the course of their lives, each individual is exposed to a unique mix of favourable and unfavourable situations. Our health condition is ultimately determined by how we handle – and react to – these situations. To understand and know more about the different COVID-19 vaccines, read on.

Which COVID-19 Vaccine Should You Get?

How Do Vaccines Work?

Vaccines help people acquire protection to viruses and other germs. A vaccination sends into a person's body a less hazardous portion of that pathogen — or something made to appear or act like it. The immune system of the body produces antibodies that fight the pathogen and prevent the individual from becoming ill. If the individual is exposed to that pathogen again, their immune system will be able to "recognise" it and "remember" how to combat it.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorised Pfizer-BioNTech as the first COVID-19 vaccination for those aged 16 and above in August 2021. This was also the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive an FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in December 2020, after the company reported that the vaccine was extremely effective in preventing symptomatic illness. Vaccination with messenger RNA (mRNA) is a fairly recent method of vaccination (mRNA). It must be stored at subzero temperatures, which makes it harder to administer than other vaccines.


In December 2020, Moderna's vaccine obtained urgent clearance in the United States, barely one week after Pfizer's vaccine. Moderna uses the same mRNA technology as Pfizer, and its symptomatic disease prevention efficacy is comparable. It also should be kept at a below-freezing temperature. The FDA authorised a third dosage of the Moderna vaccine in mid-August for select immunocompromised people, including solid organ transplant patients and individuals with conditions that render them equally prone to infection and other illnesses.

Johnson & Johnson

The FDA authorised Johnson & Johnson's vaccine in February 2021, and it was hailed as a game-changer because of its one-shot method, which made it simpler to sell and give to people who thought it was the most convenient of the three vaccines available in the US. The J&J shot, on the other hand, was seen by a far smaller audience.
In December, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended Pfizer and Moderna, citing concerns about rare blood clots. In contrast to mRNA vaccines, this is a carrier, or viral vector, vaccine.

Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine

According to Russia's National Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology on November 11, 2020, Sputnik V had a 92 percent efficacy rate following the second dosage. 
The new efficacy rating was established on a first interim analysis 21 days after the initial injection during the current Phase III research. The organisation claimed 95 percent efficacy, according to new preliminary numbers provided on November 24. On December 14, 2020, they declared a 91.4 percent efficacy. It also gave AstraZeneca many of its two human adenoviral vectors to improve the vaccine's effectiveness.


Public health has always been and will always be our first and most vital line of defence, which requires leadership and a mindset of understanding and respect of harsh actions when circumstances demand it. Extensive testing, both at home and in public locations including schools, workplaces, and big public events, as well as extensive link tracking and notification of people who have been exposed, are essential. In the event of a new epidemic, severe public health measures such as mask usage, enhanced ventilation, social distance, mandatory quarantine and isolation, and, if necessary, lockdowns must be adopted to prevent viral multiplication.

Also read-How COVID-19 Reshaped The Health Insurance Sector? 

Omicron Variant - Symptoms, Treatment, Preventive Measures etc.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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