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When Should You Buy A Health Insurance Plan?

Did you know that getting health insurance early in life has a lot of benefits? Also, the older you get, the more expensive your health insurance gets. Why this is the case is easy to figure out. People are more likely to stay healthy when they are young. Unless you get hurt by accident, you are not likely to get a serious illness or condition. So, if you are young, you don't need to make a claim on your health insurance.


When is the Optimal Time to Purchase Health Insurance?

Here is a guide to choosing the optimal time to purchase health insurance: 

Between the middle of one's 20s and the beginning of one's 30s is the optimal period to purchase health insurance. You will likely be in the best shape of your life and have no financial commitments to your family at this age. Consider the effects of purchasing health insurance at various ages:

  • Purchasing Health Insurance in Your 20s: If you get a health insurance policy in your mid-twenties, you will have no issue paying the premium because you will not be financially suffering. Your rates will be inexpensive, allowing you to select the coverage that best meets your requirements. If you want to establish a family within the next several years, you will be able to get additional insurance, such as maternity insurance, and avoid the waiting period. Additionally, you may easily renew your membership for life and accumulate a bonus.
  • If you opt to get health insurance in Your 30:  you will likely select a family health plan. You may be ready to settle down and establish a family, if you haven't already, and you'll need coverage for your husband and children as well. Additionally, you may choose to get additional coverage for ailments such as heart disease that are known to manifest at this age. Therefore, if you are in your thirties, your health insurance rates are likely to increase, and you are more likely to submit a claim.
  • Purchasing Health Insurance in Your 40s and 50s: If you are in your 40s or 50s and want to get health insurance, you should select a plan with a higher level of coverage. You will have the biggest financial responsibility at this age, and you may have health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, etc. Consequently, you may need to select a plan with additional advantages, such as critical sickness and sum insured upgrades. Your current premium will very definitely be extremely expensive. You may select a family floater policy to somewhat reduce your rates, but they would still be rather hefty.
  • Get Health Insurance after Age 60: If you purchase health insurance coverage after age 60, you will be required to pay an extremely high price. At this age, you are most likely to suffer from major health issues that may necessitate long-term care and hospitalisation. At this point in your life, a standard health plan will no longer suffice, and you may require a senior plan. They will be covered for a greater amount, which will cover AYUSH therapy, home hospitalisation, and organ donation fees, among other things.


As soon as possible is the best time to buy health insurance. The sooner you buy, the more money you'll save. Make sure to compare different health insurance plans online at to find the best policy for your budget.

Also Read: How Can I Enhance the Benefits of Any Health Insurance Plan?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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