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When Is A Health Insurance Policy Appropriate To Purchase?

The ideal age to purchase health insurance is between your twenties and early thirties. At this age, you will most likely be in good health and free of any financial obligations to your family. Let's have a look at the results of purchasing health insurance coverage at various ages below. Every person must have a health insurance policy to deal with major medical expenditures. You may have often heard people advising you to buy health insurance at a younger age. Have you ever wondered why? Let’s find out the right age to buy health insurance and why you must buy it at a younger age.  

Purchasing Health Insurance at a Younger Age

Yes. You should absolutely purchase health insurance when you are younger. If you can afford it, you should get health insurance as soon as you reach the age of 18. Consider the following reasons why purchasing health insurance at a younger age is a good idea. 

  • It is easier to go through the Waiting Period.

Health insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period after which policyholders are unable to file claims (except for accidental hospitalization). A younger person is less likely to have a major health issue. As a result, persons in their twenties are less likely to require the benefits of a health insurance policy immediately after acquiring it, and may thus easily pass the waiting period without filing claims.
Individuals, on the other hand, are more likely to be exposed to medical difficulties as they age. As a result, if one obtains the insurance coverage at an older age, he or she may need to file a claim before the waiting period expires, only to have their claim denied.

  • There is no need for medical tests.

If you get an insurance policy in your old age, you will have to go through a battery of medical examinations before you can use it. Based on the findings of such medical evaluations, insurance coverage is subsequently granted. If you obtain insurance while you are young, you are unlikely to be exposed to these examinations.

  • Lower Premiums

One of the most essential elements determining your health insurance price is your age. Insurance companies believe younger individuals to be healthier and hence less of a liability. On the contrary, elderly persons are more prone to illness and hence pose a bigger risk to the insurance carrier. As a result, the younger you are, the cheaper your premium will be.

  • Financial Independence

The primary objective of health insurance is to cover your medical bills. With health insurance coverage, you may save a lot of money on medical expenses, especially those caused by a sedentary lifestyle. You would have to pay for these fees out of your own money otherwise. As a result, the sooner you get the coverage, the more financial flexibility you will have.


The best time to purchase health insurance is as soon as feasible. The sooner you buy, the better for your wallet. To get the best coverage within your budget, compare several health insurance policies online. 

You may also like to read - The Advantages Of Purchasing A Health Insurance Policy Of Rs. 1 Crore

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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