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What Should I Know Before Purchasing Health Insurance?

The severity of illnesses is increasing in India as a result of the growing population, a stressful lifestyle, and people's bad eating habits. Healthcare treatments are likewise growing increasingly expensive and difficult to obtain. As a result, medical insurance is the only method to pay for escalating healthcare expenditures and to deal with medical crises. The insurer agrees to pay for the insured's medical services by obtaining health insurance. Purchasing health insurance is now more like purchasing a railway ticket than it was a few years ago. Purchasing health insurance policies were no different than obtaining a train ticket, which included consulting with a travel agent.

What Should I Know Before Purchasing Health Insurance?

Top Things to Think About When Buying Health Insurance in India

To get the most out of your health insurance coverage, it's critical to pick the finest provider. The following pointers will assist you in selecting the finest insurance plan.

  • Choose a plan based on the criteria for your age group.

In general, health insurance policies have a 91-day minimum entrance age and a 60-year maximum age restriction. Some programs do not impose any limitations on the age of the participants. Consider the age of the family members while acquiring the insurance and select the appropriate floater plan.

  • Take a look at the Waiting Period Clause.

Depending on the health insurance plan and the insurer, the waiting time for specific conditions might range from 24 to 48 months. The waiting period applies to pre-existing conditions, therefore it's best to examine several plans and choose the one with the shortest waiting period to get the most out of your insurance coverage.

  • Select the Appropriate Insurance Amount

Choose plans that provide significant medical benefits for a year based on the number of family members covered by the insurance and their age. If the plan covers elders over the age of 60, family floater plans are the greatest option.

  • Purchase plans that have a large hospital network.

Check the insurance company's network of hospitals for cashless hospitalization options. This will be quite useful in the event of a medical emergency, as it will allow you to pay for hospital fees without breaking the bank.

  • Consider plans that have a no-claim bonus.

The No-Claim Bonus, or NCB, is an incentive granted by the insurance company for years in which the policy has been claim-free. On successive renewals, plans with this feature offer increased coverage amounts.

  • Select plans that include a preventive check-up facility.

Few health insurance policies provide subscribers with free preventative health exams at regular periods. This allows them to detect infections early on and avoid unnecessary hospitalization. This also aids in maintaining excellent health for a long period.

  • Adopt plans that cover you before and after you go to the hospital

The majority of health insurance policies will cover the costs of hospitalization. However, few health insurance policies cover charges such as ambulance bills, drugs, diagnostic tests, and doctor fees before and after hospitalization.

Take Away

When looking for the finest health insurance coverage, one crucial factor to consider is how easy it is to file a claim. When it comes to resolving health claims, this may be a huge help. It is critical to conduct thorough research both online and offline before selecting the finest health insurance plan that meets all of the insured's health care requirements. Since so many insurers are selling health insurance policies, it is a good idea to conduct some research before purchasing one. Other crucial considerations include the waiting duration, claim settlement percentage, pricing, and so forth. These will assist you in making a wise decision.

Also read: Obtain A Health-care Plan That Includes A Preventive Guide

Learn About The Various Health Insurance Benefits Available During The COVID-19 Pandemic


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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