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What Makes Omicron Variants Different From Other Variant?

The coronavirus has been causing the global pandemic for almost two years now. During this time, there have been a number of mutations and new variants that have emerged from the original virus. They have caused new waves of infections as well. The omicron variant was recently detected. Since then, there has been mounting concern regarding its nature and the devastation that it can cause.

What Makes Omicron Variants Different From Other Variant?

What is Known about the Omicron Variant till Now?

The Omicron variant is the latest of the mutations of the coronavirus that have been detected. This variant was first detected in South Africa, although it is speculated that it might have originated in Europe earlier. It has since then spread to over 50 countries across the globe. In line after many other variants, there is rising concern on why these variants are emerging. UNICEF has stated that the chances of a virus mutating increases when there is a widespread circulation of the virus as has been seen during this pandemic. This environment for the virus currently has led to its multiple mutations. With the emergence of the omicron variant, there is now once again concerns doing the rounds such as whether the existing vaccines work, whether new regulations need to be undertaken and the like. Nations all across the world have already started taking traveling restrictions, especially on international travel. However, the WHO has stated that simply relying on traveling restrictions is not enough and individuals must focus on following COVID regulations diligently. This is especially important because there is very limited knowledge on the omicron variant currently which is why it is important to keep a lookout for any developments.

What Makes Omicron Variants Different from Other Variants?

The Omicron variant has been found to be incredibly transmissible. In fact, recent studies suggest that it is up to 4.2 times more transmissible than the Delta variant, which is the other dominant variant currently. This is of concern as the new variant has already caused a surge in infections across the world, particularly in South Africa. However, there are inconclusive results currently on whether the rise in COVID cases can be entirely attributed to the omicron variant exclusively. Moreover, ongoing research suggests that the new variant tends to infect more of those who are having reinfections, suggesting that it might have the capacity to invade a certain level of immunity. 

The somewhat hopeful news till now is that the omicron variant is causing milder infection than other coronavirus variants. It has been found that it is causing less severe infection than the Delta variant. There have also been no cases of deaths that have been exclusively attributed to the omicron variant. These make the omicron variant vastly different from its predecessor variants. 


Studies are currently ongoing regarding the exact nature of the omicron variant and how it can affect people. This is why it is crucial that everyone maintains a strict attitude towards its control so that it cannot spread more than it already has. To do this, everyone must continue to follow COVID regulations and get vaccinated as soon as possible. Even if the vaccine cannot stop the infection completely, it reduces its severity and chances of death from the virus. Also, wearing masks remains important, whether one is vaccinated or not. It not only protects the wearer but also those surrounding him. 

Also read: 

Are the Symptoms of Omicron Variant Any Different?

How Much Do Scientists Know About Omicron Variant Until Now?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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