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What Is the Difference Between 'Mutation' And A 'Variant'?

The pandemic has forced the global population to sit up and take notice regarding multiple things including scientific facts which would otherwise have been redundant. With the emergence of new variants, it has become increasingly important to take note of facts on them and their developments. Still confused about what mutations and strains are? Read on to find answers.

What Is the Difference Between 'Mutation' And A 'Variant'?

What is a Mutant?

A mutant is derived from or is the result of the mutation of a virus, which in this case is the coronavirus. It emerges due to the change in the genetic material of the virus, that is its RNA or DNA. This change produces a new mutation. The new mutation might either be a completely new or novel one, or a mutant that has previously appeared in the gene pool of the virus, and has reappeared due to any development. Depending on its occurrence, therefore, either it is a novel mutation or something that only occurs rarely. 

What is a Variant?

A variant is essentially the type of virus that carries within it, a particular type of mutation. When a variant carries a particular type of mutation within it, it is called a variant by the name of the mutation. When a particular mutation in a variant is seen to be especially harmful or distinct from the virus that existed before, it is then called a variant of concern. 

Why is this of Concern Now?

Recently, the omicron variant was detected as a variant of concern with high rates of transmissibility. It has already spread to over 50 countries with rapid rates of infection. It is up to more than four times faster than the Delta variant, which is also causing infections currently. These are not the first variants that have developed and they will most probably not be the last variant. This is why it has become increasingly important to take notice of these new developments and keep track of what they are capable of. The more a virus is left to infect, the more chances there are for it to give rise to new variants. 

How Does the Vaccine Work Against Variants?

For now, the approved vaccines are working against the new variants that have emerged so far. However, for the omicron and other new variants that may emerge, information is still limited which is why it is crucial that everyone stays alert to new possibilities and diligently follow COVID regulations to limit the spread of the virus. There are many who still remain unvaccinated and while that is risky for them, it also lends a host to the coronavirus to mutate and develop new mutations. Variants may emerge in the future that are able to surpass the level of immunity provided by the vaccine even if it has done so, against other variants.


Technically, the distinctions between variants, mutations, strains and such have distinct meanings that are utilized by the scientist community to refer to various occurrences regarding the virus. However, in general, these terms are used interchangeably many times. While that is largely harmless, it is best to know the distinctions so that proper understanding can be established and to not create panic. Vaccines, wearing masks, using sanitizers are some of the only solutions available to tackle the virus currently which is why it is important to take note of them. 

Also read: 

Is COVID-19 variant Omicron worse than Delta variant?

Are the symptms of omicron variant any different?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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