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What is Section 80D? Deductions in Income Tax

Healthcare expenses are increasing with each passing day and it becomes very hard to manage such expenses when a sudden health crisis comes. As a big portion of the population does not even have health insurance, they have to depend on their savings or loans during emergencies. To change this, the Government of India has introduced tax benefits under Section 80D to encourage and reward individuals for securing their health and finances. In this post, let us understand Section 80D, an important link between health insurance and tax benefits. 

What is Section 80D? Deductions in Income Tax

What is Section 80D?

Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, of 1961, functions as a provision that provides tax deductions for individuals investing in health insurance. Under this section, taxpayers can get tax deductions of up to Rs. 25,000 on health insurance premiums paid within a financial year. Notably, this limit differs for senior citizens aged 60 years and above. The deduction benefits extend to health insurance policies purchased for oneself, a spouse, dependent children, and parents.

Who is Eligible for Deduction Under Section 80D?

The deduction under Section 80D is available exclusively to Individual or HUF taxpayers. Those falling under this category can claim deductions for medical insurance premiums paid for:

  • Self
  • Spouse
  • Dependent children
  • Parents

NOTE: Entities other than individuals or HUFs, such as companies or firms, are not eligible to claim deductions under this section.

What Deductions Are Allowed Under Section 80D?

Individuals or HUFs can claim deductions under Section 80D for the following payments:

  • Medical insurance premium paid for self, spouse, dependent children, or parents, excluding cash transactions.
  • Expenditure related to preventive health check-ups.
  • Medical expenses for the health of senior citizens (residents aged 60 years or above) are not covered by any health insurance scheme.
  • Contributions made to the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) or any government-notified scheme.

What are Preventive Health Check-ups Under Section 80D?

Preventive health check-ups are regular medical tests designed to detect illnesses even before they take place. The Government motivates citizens to keep concerned about managing their health by providing tax benefits for such medical check-ups.

The preventive health check-up 80D deduction is capped at Rs. 5,000 per financial year, subject to the overall limit of Rs. 25,000 for individuals and Rs, 50,000 for senior citizens.

What are the Deduction Limits Under Section 80D?

The table illustrates the health insurance tax benefit 80d deduction limit amounts currently available to individual taxpayers under various circumstances:


Deduction for Health Insurance Premiums

Deduction for Central Government Health Scheme

Deduction for Preventive Health Checkup

Maximum Deductions

Self, Spouse, and Dependent Children


Rs. 25,000

Rs. 5,000

Rs. 25,000

Self, Spouse, and Dependent Children + Parents (aged below 60 years)

Rs. 25,000 + Rs. 25,000 = Rs. 50,000

Rs. 25,000 + 0 = Rs. 25,000

Rs. 5,000

Rs. 50,000

Self, Spouse, and Dependent Children + Resident Parents (aged 60 years or above)

Rs. 25,000 + Rs. 50,000 = Rs. 75,000

Rs. 25,000 + 0 = Rs. 25,000

Rs. 5,000

Rs. 75,000

Self, Spouse, Dependent Children (any person aged 60 or above and Resident) + Resident Parents (aged 60 years or above)

Rs. 50,000 + Rs. 50,000 = Rs. 1,00,000

Rs. 50,000 + 0 = Rs. 50,000

Rs. 5,000

Rs. 1,00,000

Members of Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)

Rs. 25,000



Rs. 25,000

Members of Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) (aged 60 years or above and Resident)

Rs. 50,000



Rs. 50,000

Payment Methods Eligible for Section 80D Deductions

To qualify for the deduction under Section 80D, the payment must be made using the specified mode mentioned in the given table.


Modes of Payment Allowed

Health Insurance Premiums

All modes are accepted except cash payments

Preventive Health Check-ups

All modes, including cash

How to Avail Section 80D Medical Insurance Tax Benefit?

Check these steps about how to claim the tax deduction benefits of Section 80D Medical Insurance:

  1. Purchase a Health Insurance Policy: First, buy a Health Insurance policy for yourself, your family, or your parents. You can obtain a policy from an insurance company, broker, or through online platforms. Even, we can help you acquire the best health insurance policy as per your requirements. 
  2. Keep Policy Documents Handy: It's crucial to maintain essential documents such as the policy certificate and premium payment receipts. These serve as proof of your Health Insurance coverage and are important for availing tax benefits.
  3. Claim the Deduction: During the income tax return filing, claim the deduction for the premiums paid towards your Health Insurance policy. Make sure you have proper documentation of the premium payments.
  4. Submit the Tax Return: Lastly, submit your tax return, including the relevant form and supporting documents, to the Income Tax Department. This can be done conveniently online or by visiting a tax office in person.

By following these steps, you can not only secure your health but also maximize the tax advantages provided by Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, of 1961. 

Benefits of Deduction Under Sec 80D

Deduction under Sec 80D in income tax provides the following advantages to the policyholders:

  • Tax Deductions: Enjoy tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act in India by claiming deductions on Health Insurance premiums. Individuals can avail a maximum deduction of Rs.  25,000 annually, while senior citizens (above 60 years) can claim up to Rs.  50,000 per year.
  • Coverage for Parents: This section allows you to avail deductions on premiums paid for Health Insurance policies covering parents, irrespective of their age. This provision helps ensure that older family members have access to quality medical care, easing the financial burden on the individual.
  • Preventive Health Check-ups: Under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, you can claim deductions on expenses incurred for preventive health check-ups. This preventive health checkup 80D provision encourages individuals to undergo regular check-ups, facilitating early detection of potential health issues.
  • Critical Illness Coverage: Section 80D enables individuals to claim deductions on premiums paid for Health Insurance policies covering critical illnesses like cancer, heart attack, and stroke. This ensures financial protection during challenging health situations.
  • Pre-existing Disease Coverage: Unlike many Health Insurance policies that exclude pre-existing diseases, Section 80D allows deductions on premiums for policies covering such conditions. This ensures financial support for medical expenses related to existing health conditions.

What are the Exclusions Under Section 80D?

To be eligible for health insurance tax deductions, your premium payment needs to adhere to Section 80D guidelines.

However, you won't qualify for the health insurance tax deduction under Section 80D if:

  • Premium isn't paid within the current fiscal year.
  • The premium is paid in cash.
  • Payment is made on behalf of employed children, siblings, grandparents, or other relatives.
  • The company covers the employee's group health insurance premium.

Considerations When Purchasing Medical Insurance for Section 80D Deductions

Always consider the following things while buying medical insurance for Section 80D health insurance deduction:

  • Eligibility Check: Make sure you are eligible for the Section 80D Tax deductions. 
  • Deduction Limits: Monitor the maximum deduction limits mentioned in Section 80D. 
  • Policy Compliance: Check that the health insurance policies you choose can be considered as per details specified by the Income Tax Act for qualification under Section 80D.
  • Differentiate Premiums: Understand the different criteria mentioned for premiums for your health insurance, family coverage, and your parent's health insurance. Each category has specific sub-limits and deduction criteria.
  • Maintain Records: Always keep all the premium payments of your health insurance with you. These documents will be necessary when filing your tax returns.
  • Senior Citizen Deductions: If you are eligible for the senior citizen category as per your age, ensure you get increased deduction limits.
  • Claiming for Parents: If you are claiming deductions for your parent's health insurance, always confirm their dependency status because deduction limits are different for dependent and non-dependent parents.


Under the 80D Section of the Income Tax Act of 1961, Medical Insurance Deduction in Income Tax is essential for making informed decisions about health insurance and maximizing tax benefits. From eligibility criteria to deduction limits, this comprehensive guide empowers individuals and HUF taxpayers to navigate the complexities of Section 80D.

By availing tax benefits on medical insurance premiums, preventive health check-ups, and more, one can not only secure your and your family's health but also optimize your financial well-being. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the 80D Deduction in Income Tax?

Ans. As per section 80 D of Income Tax Act 1961, anyone can claim a deduction on premiums paid for medical insurance. The limit of the deduction depends on the age.

Q2: What payments are eligible for deduction under Section 80D?

Ans. Deductions can be claimed for medical insurance premiums (self, spouse, children, and parents), preventive health check-ups, medical expenses for senior citizens, and contributions to government-notified schemes.

Q3: What are preventive health check-ups under Section 80D?

Ans. Preventive health check-ups involve regular medical examinations for early disease detection. The deduction for such check-ups is capped at Rs. 5,000 per financial year.


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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