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What Is Floater Health Insurance

A family floater policy is a health insurance plan which covers the entire family on the payment of a single annual premium. The sum assured covers the entire family and can be used in case of multiple hospitalizations in the family. There are two types of family floater policies:

  • Medical Insurance: This plan reimburses the cost of hospitalization. The policy specifies a list of illnesses and procedures which are covered. The reimbursement is usually in the form of cashless treatment.
  • Critical Illness: This policy pays out a lump sum amount to the policyholder in case of diagnosis of a critical illness.

What Is Floater Health Insurance

What Should I Know About A Family Floater Insurance Cover?

  • A family floater works out cheaper when the age of the members covered are lower. The premium for a floater is decided based on the age of the eldest member. This means that the premium for including senior citizens in the policy is quite high.
  • The policy can be renewed till any member of the policy reaches a age. Most insurance companies have this age as either 60 years or 65 years. When anyone in the family reaches that age, the floater policy lapses.
  • The policy includes children up to an age. Beyond that age, they are treated as adults, and will have to get their own health insurance policies.

Why Should You Get A Family Floater Health Insurance Cover?

A family floater plan is the best way to get health insurance for the family. It brings all the family members under one policy. It is easy to add new members, and some family floaters allow coverage for joint families as well these days. Companies are coming out with newer variants of the family floater policy to provide different health insurance plans for families.

Family floaters are also light on the pocket in terms of the premium. If the insurance covers a married couple, the premium for both will be lesser than under individual policies. The premiums for most floater policies are less than that for individual policies. It is possible to add parents and even in-laws in the policy. This ensures comprehensive coverage. Some policies have maternity costs included in its regular coverage, or as an add-on. The baby is also added to the family floater in such cases.

The best advantage of a family floater is sharing the sum assured. Even if one of the members is hospitalized, using up a portion of the sum assured, the balance is available for all the members, should the need arise. This flexibility is not available in individual policies. Some family floater variants have started coming out with dual assured policies, which means, everyone has a sum assured, and there is a floating sum assured available for the entire family. Family floater premiums also save tax under Section 80D, but only when the premium is paid for self, spouse, children and parents. If the premium is paid for everyone in a joint family, a portion of the premium will be disallowed as a deduction.

How Can I Get The Best Family Floater Cover?

There are a few tips to ensure you get the best family floater plan optimized for your family:

  • Check the coverage under the policy, whether it covers pre- and post-hospitalization, day care expenses, maternity costs. If any add-ons are required, clarify the same.
  • The family floater lapses when the age of any member in the family reaches a age limit. (60-65 years). Some companies offer lifelong renewal, so it is better to clarify that.
  • It is better to get a sum assured that will satisfactorily cover the needs of the entire family. Also, it is best to clarify the procedure for enhancing the sum assured.
  • Many companies have cashless treatment facilities. Getting a list of network hospitals will ensure there are no problems later.


Family floaters have their own set of advantages. They are meant for families who want comprehensive coverage at a reduced cost. Whether the final investment is made in a family health insurance or a floater cover, it is essential to shield against uncertainties. Health insurance is a boon and a must for family finance planning.

Also read: What Does Health Insurance Cover

Is HDFC Ergo Health Insurance Good


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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