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What Is Domiciliary Treatment In Health Care?

Health insurance offers you numerous benefits , and it also gives you peace of mind in case of a medical emergency. A health plan not only pays for your hospitalisation costs, but also for daycare services, mental healthcare, etc. Domiciliary hospitalisation is a further significant benefit that health insurance coverage provides. 

Imagine that you are unable to transport a family member to the hospital due to a severe leg injury. The doctor may suggest home therapy or in-home hospitalisation in such a case. The insurer will pay the patient's medical expenditures if his health insurance policy includes domiciliary hospitalisation costs. To find out more on domiciliary treatment in health care, read on.

What Is Domiciliary Treatment In Health Care?

What Is Domiciliary Hospitalisation In Health Insurance?

A person receiving hospital-like care at home for a sickness, illness, or injury is said to be receiving domiciliary hospitalisation, also known as home-based therapy. Following are several circumstances in which the treating physician may suggest that patients be admitted to a hospital from their home -

  1. It is impossible to transfer the patient to the hospital due to their physical state.
  2. When a patient can be admitted to the hospital but is encouraged to get home care because there are no available rooms.
  3. But keep in mind that the insurer will only pay for in-home hospitalisation costs if the patient has a valid health plan and stays in treatment for three or more days.

What Are Some Things That One Should Know About Domiciliary Hospitalisation In Health Insurance?

Following are some that an individual should know about domiciliary hospitalisation in health insurance -

  1. Not all insurance carriers provide coverage for hospitalisation home.
  2. Some insurance providers could charge you an extra fee to cover hospitalisation at home.
  3. While some insurance will pay for in-househospitalisation costs up to the amount covered, others may only provide a limited level of coverage.
  4. You may only submit a claim for domiciliary hospitalisation insurance once the waiting time has passed.
  5. You must provide the insurance company with the required paperwork and a letter from the treating physician outlining the details of your domiciliary hospitalisation in order to be eligible for the benefit.

What Are Some Things That One Should Know About While Claiming Domiciliary Hospitalisation In Health Insurance?

Following are some that an individual should know about while claiming domiciliary hospitalisation in health insurance -

  1. When purchasing a health insurance policy, you must include domestic expenditures as part of the coverage in order to submit an emergency claim.
  2. Examine your plan's terms and conditions to confirm if you qualify for the domiciliary expenditures coverage.
  3. To use the plan without misunderstanding, you must be informed of the inclusions and exclusions under this coverage.
  4. When making a claim for domiciliary expenses coverage during a medical emergency, you must have the required paperwork on hand.

What Are Some Exclusions Under Domiciliary Treatment In Health Insurance?

Following are the exclusions under domiciliary treatment in health insurance -

  1. Expenses incurred before and during hospitalisation are not reimbursed.
  2. Treatments lasting fewer than three days are not covered by this insurance.
  3. The costs associated with receiving care at home exclude some medications and illnesses. The documentation for the health insurance plan you selected will provide a detailed list of these illnesses.


A variety of therapies are covered by in-home hospitalisation, with the exception of those that are specifically stated in the policy terms and conditions. Additionally, if you are healthy enough to visit the hospital, your insurance will not pay for home health care. However, whether you purchase a health insurance policy online or through an agent, be careful to pick a plan that includes domiciliary hospitalisation, especially for senior family members. Additionally, carefully read the includes and exclusions to prevent any disappointments in the future.

Also Read: What Is Restoration Benefit In Health Insurance?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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