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What Is Domiciliary Treatment Cover In Health Insurance?

When buying a health insurance policy, it is common to get confused due to certain jargon. To understand your policy better, you must be aware of the jargon and terms that appear quite often in the health insurance policy papers. One such word is domiciliary hospitalization, which is a benefit that is offered by a lot of health insurance providers under their health insurance plans to the policyholders.

What Is Domiciliary Treatment Cover In Health Insurance?

About Domiciliary Treatment Cover

Domiciliary hospitalization is a benefit that can be availed under a health insurance plan by the policyholders, when the insured person receives treatment at home. Under this plan, the medical treatment received at home of the individual is also considered as a hospitalization, and the health insurance provider offers financial compensation to the people for the same. Home based treatments for an injury, treatment or disease is also counted under the health insurance coverage and compensation for the same is provided to the policyholders.

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Features of Domiciliary Treatment

The domiciliary expenses are covered only when:

  • The treatment for the injury, accident, or the diseases is absolutely necessary.
  • The condition of the injured does not allow them to be shifted to the hospital
  • The policyholders has to be hospitalized at home as there is unavailability of accommodation at the hospital
  • The home treatment is for at least 3 days.

Exclusions Under Domiciliary Treatment

The following expenses are excluded from the domiciliary hospitalization coverage for the policyholders:

  • Pre hospitalization and post hospitalization expenditures are not covered
  • Treatments that last for less than 3 days are not compensated for under this cover
  • Certain treatments and diseases like asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, etc. are not included for domiciliary expenses. You can get the complete list of these diseases under your purchased health insurance plan documents.

Things To Know When Getting Domiciliary Treatment Plan

Let us look at some of the common points that you must know about the domiciliary expenses under health insurance plans:

  • This cover is not offered by all the health insurers. Therefore, you must make sure that your insurer covers this treatment under your desired health insurance policy.
  • This cover is not included under your plan by default. You might have to pay an extra premium rate or you might have to pay some amount based on your medical condition.
  • The coverage of this treatment can differ from one insurer to the other. Some insurers offer the coverage up to the limit of the claim amount while the others have restrictions on the coverage.
  • There are limitations on the type of treatments that are received at home. Based on this limitation, this cover is provided to the policyholders.
  • Only a few health insurance providers cover the non allopathic treatments under this treatment plan.
  • This treatment coverage can be best availed only when proved that the injured policyholder cannot be admitted to the hospital under any circumstances.

Key Points To Remember When Claiming Domiciliary Treatment Cover

Following prominent points must be kept in mind when claiming the domiciliary expenses under your purchased health insurance policy:

  • You must include domiciliary expenses covered under your health insurance plan at the time of buying to get the claim during an emergency.
  • Make sure that you are eligible for the domiciliary expenses coverage under your plan, by going through its terms and conditions.
  • You must be aware of the inclusions and exclusions under this coverage to avail the plan without any confusion
  • You must keep the necessary documents ready when claiming domiciliary expenses coverage at time of a medical emergency.


You must thoroughly check the fine print of your purchased policy to make sure that it meets your requirements and medical needs. You can customize and include features within the cover according to your needs by paying extra premium under the plan. You can receive medical treatment at home with ease and get financial compensation for the related medical expenses.

Also Read: Useful Ideas to Save on Health Insurance Premiums

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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