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What is ‘Brain Fog' Symptom of COVID-19?

Brain Fog is a recently observed long-term Covid-19 symptom that causes confusion, difficulty in thinking and concentrating along with short-term memory loss. In multiple severe cases, brain fog has even reported to result in delirium and psychosis. As per latest reports, researchers are close to explaining the symptom "brain fog" in people affected by Covid-19. For the past few months, doctors and researchers in the U.S. have been observing the long-term symptoms in people recovered from coronavirus disease.

The causes behind brain fog may not be known by the scientists yet, but numerous theories are being zeroed in. Most of the scientists believe that brain fog occurs when cells involved in response to an infection reach atypical places, like the brain.

As per a key finding, which emerged after researchers autopsied the brains of novel coronavirus disease victims, certain cells were found in the brain. Researchers discovered that these large cells, referred to as megakaryocytes, might be taking up important space, thereby leaving less space for the blood to pass to the brain. According to Pathology Professor David Nauen, MD, PH.D, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, this phenomenon might be unique to coronavirus. 

According to Neun, if megakaryocytes block the blood flow to the brain, it can starve the brain of optimum oxygen and nutrients to work at full capacity. As a result, the coronavirus patient might experience impared cognitive function, like a brain fog picture. He also stated that these massive cells were present in large numbers. 

As per Nauen, how the megakaryocytes are reaching the brain and what kind of communication the cells are using in the process are major questions. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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