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What Is An E-Insurance Account For Health Insurance? Explain Its Features & Benefits

With the onset of this digital era, people’s dependency on the internet has increased and it has become one of the reliable platforms to perform important functions. From online transactions to saving digital files, the usage of digital media has widened in the past few years. You can save your files on the cloud internet and have access to those files without risking the confidentiality of the file. 

As you know that insurance is an important investment to make in order to shield your health to ensure quality treatment in case of a medical emergency. All the members of the family have different types of documents related to their health insurance policy and these are difficult to maintain in paperwork. Here comes into play an e-insurance account that helps you to maintain your documents in one place. 

What Is An E-Insurance Account For Health Insurance? Explain Its Features & Benefits

What is an E-Insurance Account in Health Insurance?

An E-Insurance Account or an electronic insurance account is a depository to save your insurance policies digitally in one place. All your and your family’s health insurance documents can be saved in one place. To save and have access to your e-insurance policies, all you need is an account and with a few clicks, you can see your documents. This also protects you against losing your documents. You can have access to your documents at any place anytime. 

Features of An E-Insurance Account For Health Insurance

Some essential features of an e-insurance account are: 

  • You can have only one e-insurance account for your insurance policies
  • You get a unique login ID and password to secure your account 
  • Policies from multiple insurers can be saved in a single account 
  • All your family members too can save their documents in your account, if you are the financial head of the family and take care of the premium payment of their health insurance policies. 
  • For your account, you will get a unique number where all your queries and grievances will be assisted. 
  • To get an electronic copy of your recently bought health insurance policy, you can provide your e-insurance account number, to process the request. 

Benefits of An E-Insurance Account For Health Insurance

The following are the benefits of having an e-insurance account: 

  • A digital copy of your health insurance policy is safe and secure as there is no risk of losing your policy. It is saved in a secured electronic format that safeguards it from any damage or loss. 
  • All the health insurance policies in one place give you a single consolidated view of your policies, thus making it easier for you to look for them when required. 
  • Once your KYC details are entered while making an e-insurance account, you don’t have to refill the
  • KYC form and produce necessary documents at times of a new purchase of a health insurance policy.
  • This mode of saving insurance policy is environment-friendly as it involves no paperwork.   
  • This mode of accessing your insurance policies is user-friendly as it enables you to produce your documents anytime and anywhere. You can show these documents while making claims in the hospital, as it is a validated format.
  • Once your e-insurance account is activated, you can make easy premium payments online. 
  • E-insurance account holders receive notification alerts when they are close to the deadlines of premium payments and policy renewals of their existing health insurance policy. 
  • You can change the insurance repository if you are not satisfied with their services and can also make changes to your contact details and address. 
  • You can easily convert your old policies to e-policy to store them in your e-insurance account. 


You can have an e-insurance account as it protects and secures your policies in a digital format and enables you to have access to them anytime and anywhere, especially when asked to produce these documents in the hospital while making claims at times of an emergency. You can choose any insurance repository of your choice. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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