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What Happens If The Gap Between Two COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Exceeds?

India is currently giving out vaccines to all its citizens who are above the age of eighteen. There are three vaccines available- the Covaxin by Bharat Biotech, the Covishield by Serum Institute of India and the Sputnik V from Russia that is currently being distributed by Dr Reddy’s Lab. All of them are required to be administered in two doses. However, since they are to be given out with a gap in between, there have been enquiries about what happens if someone exceeds the gap.

What are the Gaps Between the Vaccines?

The following are the recommended gaps between the two doses of the three COVID-19 vaccines:

COVID-19 Vaccine Recommended Gap between 2 Doses
Covaxin Four to six weeks
Covishield Twelve to Sixteen Weeks (Earlier- four to eight weeks)
Sputnik V 21 days

What Happens If the Gap Between Two COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Exceeds?

It is always advisable to try and follow the recommended gap for your vaccine. To avoid not getting an appointment, try booking a slot with sufficient time in hand. However, there have been no reports of severe side effects in case you do miss out on the due date of the second dose of your vaccine. It does leave you vulnerable as the immunological response might not be the strongest. The antibodies formed in your body due to the vaccine require its two doses to be more robust as well as for longevity.

If you do miss out on your due date for the second dose, take it as soon as possible. However, you do not need to start your vaccine cycle all over again. It takes about fifteen days after both doses for the antibodies to start forming.

How To Know The Due Date for the Second Dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Everyone who takes one dose of the vaccine is issued a Vaccination Certificate. This certificate contains important information about you as well as your vaccination. The due date for the second dose is also provided in this Vaccination Certificate. It is also important to carry this certificate with you when you go to take the second dose.

This is how you can get your COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate from the CoWIN portal:

  • Go to the CoWIN portal, an official website of the Indian government.
  • Log in using the phone number that you had used to register yourself for the vaccine the first time round.
  • You will receive an OTP on your mobile phone number. Enter this to log in to your account
  • Click on the Certificate tab.
  • Press on the Download button to get a soft copy of your COVID Vaccine Certificate.


Getting your vaccination process done is an important step towards combating the COVID-19 pandemic. With the second wave, people have become even more vulnerable to the deadly coronavirus. By taking the vaccine, not only do you keep yourself safe but also everyone around you as the vaccine reduces transmissibility and chances of death from the coronavirus. However, it is important to keep wearing masks and take precautions even after getting vaccinated as their efficacy rates are not 100% and mutations of the virus are already wreaking havoc.

Also Read: COVID-19 Vaccine: Why Do We Need Two Doses Instead of One?

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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