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What are the side effects of the Covid vaccine? How long after the vaccine do you have side effects?

The vaccination drive in India is well underway. Moreover, since it has been opened to everyone above the age of 18 from the 1st of May, there are even more people taking the vaccine. Since the COIV-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented circumstances, most of us have many questions on the topic. The COVID-19 vaccine is no different. It is only normal that people have doubts about the vaccines and their side effects etc. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the possible side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine and the right course of action for it.

What are the Common Side-Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Most side-effects of the vaccine if any are mild and not long-lasting. Following are the common side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccine:

  • Pain, Swelling and Redness at the Site of the Injection
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Nausea

How to Deal With the Side-Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine, If Any?

Following are tips to effectively handle the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, if any:

1. Site of the Injection: If you are experiencing pain, swelling or discomfort at the site of the injection you can take a clean washcloth, wet it with cool water and apply it to the area. Also, do some light exercises with your hands, it will help increase the blood flow to the area.

2. Fever: If you are experiencing mild fever after getting the vaccine, make sure to drink plenty of fluids and dress lightly.

3. Over-The-Counter Medication: You can talk to your doctor and ask them for an over-the-counter medication such as aspirin or antihistamines to deal with any of the pain or discomfort you are experiencing.

When Should You Contact the Doctor For the SIde-Effects You are Experiencing?

In most cases, the above-mentioned symptoms are mild and will ease out with time. However, if the redness or tenderness at the site of the injection gets worse over a period of 24 hours, contact the doctor.

Secondly, if the side effects seem to worry you and do not improve in a few days, contact your doctor.

If you think you are experiencing an allergic reaction you can contact an emergency helpline to seek immediate medical care and attention. Lastly, keep in mind, the side effects of the second shot will be more intense than the first. If the side effects are within tolerable limits, it is normal. It is a sign that your body is building immunity from the virus.

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What Should You Do After Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine?

After taking the COVID-19, it is normal to experience mild side effects. Moreover, your body is building immunity against the virus at this time. Hence, it is important to make sure you keep up your health. The following tips will help you minimise side effects and keep up your body’s immunity.

1. Drink Lots of Fluids: Incorporate as many fluids as you can into your daily intake. It is important to not be dehydrated at this time and will allow your body to function efficiently.

2. Consume Immunity Boosting Foods: Fresh fruits, leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, lemons, ginger etc. are well known to be good immunity boosters. Try and add them to your diet post-vaccination.

3. Light Exercise: Light exercise will ensure enough blood flow in your body. It will also help alleviate any pain you are experiencing at the site of the injection.

4. Rest and Sleep: When you are tired, anxious, or stressed it affects your body’s immunity. Hence, make sure you get adequate rest and sleep at this time.


In an overview, experiencing mild symptoms after getting the COVID-19 vaccine such as pain, swelling, slight fever, nausea, body aches, and headaches are normal. You can ask your doctor for over-the-counter drugs to alleviate your discomfort. However, if the symptoms seem worrisome or get worse over 24 hours contact the doctor. If you are experiencing an allergic reaction get emergency medical attention as soon as possible. After taking the vaccine, make sure to rest, eat well, and drink lots of water. Your body is building protection at this time and requires you to take good care of it.

Must Read: Where Can You Register For the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Why Do I Still Have To Wear A Mask After Vaccine?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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