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What Are The Emergency Signs For Someone With COVID-19?

With the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic raging, anyone can contract the disease. In such situations, it is important to know and understand the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. It will help ensure those affected receive early treatment. Moreover, it is equally important to recognise when the symptoms are severe and life-threatening so the patient can avail of the required medical help. Thus in this article, we will outline the symptoms of COVID-19 and the warning signs one should look out for if they have contracted the disease.

What Are the Early Signs of COVID-19?

If you contract the COVID-19 virus, it can take between 2-14 days for the symptoms to appear. However, the average incubation period is 5-6 days. According to WHO guidelines, the symptoms may be mild at first and come on gradually. Moreover, if the patient requires medical attention at the hospital this usually occurs from the 7th day and onwards. There are several symptoms that are considered early signs of COVID-19. The patient may have a combination of at least two of the following listed symptoms:

  1. Fever, 100.4º F or higher
  2. Chills
  3. Repeated shaking due to chills
  4. Muscle pain
  5. Sore throat
  6. Loss of taste or smell
  7. Dry cough
  8. Shortness of breath

Other less common symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  1. Blocked Nose
  2. Diarrhoea
  3. Sputum, Coughed up saliva or mucus
  4. Nausea
  5. Vomiting

What are the Mild Symptoms of COVID-19?

Most cases with COVID-19 are likely to experience mild to moderate symptoms of the disease. These symptoms are often similar to those of the flu or influenza. However, it has much higher health repercussions, hence do not take it lightly. Those experiencing a combination of the following symptoms are facing mild symptoms of the disease:

  1. Muscle pain and body aches
  2. Fever and/or chills
  3. Nausea and/or vomiting
  4. Diarrhoea
  5. Congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat
  6. Loss of taste and/or smell
  7. Slight shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is an important and dangerous symptom of COVID-19. If you feel you are experiencing it, even if it is mild, make sure to keep an eye on your oxygen levels and make sure they stay above the doctor recommended levels.

What Should Be Done If Someone Has Mild Symptoms of COVID-19?

If you have mild symptoms of COVID-19 in most cases you can stay at home, isolate and get the required treatment by contacting a doctor. However, if there are any signs that the symptoms are worsening, it is important to take the patient to the hospital where they will be admitted either to the ward or the ICU depending on their symptoms. Following are the must-dos for those with mild symptoms receiving treatment at home according to the health department’s guidelines:

  1. Ensure physical distancing, wear a mask indoors and maintain strict hand hygiene.
  2. Ensure symptomatic management through hydration, antipyretics, antitussive and multivitamins.
  3. Monitor temperature and oxygen saturation levels by applying a SpO2 probe to fingers.
  4. Seek further medical attention if you experience difficulty breathing, have a high-grade fever and/or severe cough.
  5. If you have any medical conditions that put you at high risk, keep a low threshold for symptoms before getting medical help.

What are the Emergency Warning Signs For COVID-19?

Anyone with the COVID-19 can experience severe symptoms of COVID-19. However, it is important to remember that those with certain medical conditions have a higher risk of developing these symptoms. These medical conditions include heart conditions, lung conditions, diabetes, liver disease among other things. Moreover, those who are senior citizens are also naturally more vulnerable.

Following are some of the emergency signs of COVID-19:

  • Persistent pain in the chest area
  • New confusion
  • Lips or face has a bluish tone
  • Inability to stay awake

What Steps Should Be Taken In Case the Patient Shows These Warning Signs?

In case a person suffering from the COVID-19 disease is suffering from any of the above-mentioned signs make sure they receive immediate medical attention and take them to a hospital as soon as possible.

Must Read: How Long Will It Take To Build Immunity After Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine?

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In a nutshell, the above mentioned guidelines would help you understand the early signs of COVID-19 and the severity of the symptoms. The medical attention required will depend entirely on this factor. Make sure to stay in close contact with your doctor and inform them about any of the above mentioned warning signs if you see them.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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