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What Are Super Top-up Health Insurance Plans?

Medical inflation is currently a reality in the health care sector. With every year that goes by, the price of high-quality healthcare is rising quickly. The coronavirus epidemic and recent global events have made it likely that prices will continue to climb shortly. 

Having a thorough health insurance plan is crucial in this case as it offers significant protection against the potentially crippling financial stress brought on by escalating medical costs.

However, your health insurance plan's covered amount is sometimes far from sufficient to cover your family's medical expenses. A super top-up strategy can bridge the gap between your needs and your resources. 

What Are Super Top-up Health Insurance Plans?

These health insurance plans are an affordable method to get financial protection for any medical emergencies you may experience.

What are Super Top-Up Health Insurance Plans Explained

A super top-up health insurance plan is similar to an extension of health insurance. You can use it if your corporate insurance's annual maximum claim amount has already been reached or if you are generally comfortable paying some costs out of pocket but need a health insurer to step in when things get more expensive.

The amazing thing about a super top-up plan is that it covers claims for accumulated healthcare fees within a policy year once you've over the deductible.

What is the Process For Super Top-Up Health Insurance?

Up to the sum insured amount, medical expenses are covered by the basic health insurance policy. The super top-up health insurance plan, in contrast, offers financial protection after you use up your sum insured. 

The super top-up plan, like the top-up plan, pays for any claims that total more than the threshold limit.

As an illustration, let's say that you chose to add a super top-up insurance plan worth Rs. 10 lakhs to your existing health insurance coverage of up to Rs. 5 lakhs. Thus, with a threshold/deductible limit of Rs. 5 lakhs, the total sum covered is Rs. 15 lakhs.

Your insurer will reimburse 5 lakh rupees from the base insurance and 3 lakh rupees from the super top-up plan if your medical expenditure is Rs. 8 lakhs.

Benefits of Super Top-Up Health Insurance Plans 

Here are some of the top benefits of super top-up health insurance that you should know.

Addresses Pandemics

We are aware of how much uncertainty COVID-19 has added to our life. Despite being a pandemic, COVID-19 is also covered in addition to other ailments.

Allows ‘n’ Number of Claims

You can make numerous claims per year with super top-up insurance after paying your deductible just once. 

Adapt to Your Medical Needs

Deductibles of 1, 2, 3, and 5 lakhs are available, and your Sum Insured can range between Rs. 10 lakhs and 20 lakhs.

Provides Cover for organ Donors

When faced with the enormous expenditures associated with a catastrophic illness, super-top-up insurance can be a lifeline because they cover organ donor fees.

No Rent Restrictions on Rooms

We recognise that everyone has different tastes. We have no restrictions on room rental because of this. Choose the medical facility room of your choosing.

Hospital Coverage

You can safeguard your hard-earned money from being used to pay for increased charges by using a super-top-up plan. Additionally, it aids with emergency relaxation for you and your family. The cost of things like nurse bills, room rent, ICU fees, and doctor's costs will be covered by the insurance company. Daycare and high-end medical procedures are also covered by this coverage.

Simple Online Procedures

It is simple, quick, and hassle-free to get super-top-up health insurance and submit a claim. Not even for claims, no hard copies.


We hope, you now understand what super top-up health insurance plans are in detail. It expands your coverage for health insurance and offers you several advantages. Choose the top super-top-up health insurance plan that best suits your needs by comparing the available options.

Also Read: 

How Is IFFCO Tokio Health Insurance?

Is Dental Treatment Covered In Star Health Insurance


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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