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US Sends Covid-19 Supplies to India, First Flight to Arrive New Delhi Today

As per the latest reports, the United States is sending more than $100 million in supplies to India, which is seeing a significant rise in Covid-19 cases every single day. The first flight carrying coronavirus supplies would arrive on Thursday in New Delhi on a military plane according to the White House. After sharing a word with the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the US President is believed to have pledged to help India fight Covid-19. As per the reports, Biden has directed the entire administration to work towards saving lives in India.

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It must be noted that the first shipment of Covid-19 supplies includes 960,000 rapid tests, which are efficient in detecting coronavirus infection in 15 minutes. Furthermore, the shipment contains 100,000 N95 masks for frontline health workers as per the US Agency for International Development. The White House has confirmed that the total Covid-19 aid on flights expected to arrive in some days would be worth more than $100 million. Also, the flights would carry 1,000 refillable oxygen cylinders as well as 1,700 concentrators. Supplies for production of more than 20 million vaccine doses are also expected to arrive in India in the coming time. 

The United States, being the friendly neighbour of India, wants to support in this moment of crisis. According to Jake Sullivan, US National Security Advisor, the first shipment of key life-saving medical supplies for India took off from California.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has reportedly stated that it is airlifting vital Covid-19 medical supplies to India to save lives, stop the spread of COVID-19, and meet the urgent requirements of Indians.

In the past 24 hours, India has recorded 3.75lakh coronavirus and has been witnessing a massive shortage of hospital beds and medical oxygen.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.​

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