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UP’s First COVID-19 Drive-through Vaccination Center Starts in Noida

The first COVID-19 drive-through vaccination center in Uttar Pradesh has started in Noida. The drive-through vaccination center is for people aged 45 years and above. While in Noida, the service has been launched at DLF Mall of India, in Greater Noida, the service is available at Shaheed Pathik Stadium.

Reports suggest that in the past two days, 350 people have been vaccinated. In Noida and Greater Noida, 174 people over the age of 45 have taken their first dose of Covishield vaccine under a drive through on Tuesday alone. While 90 people got vaccinated under drive-through at DLF Mall located in Sector-18, Noida, 84 people got vaccinated at the Shaheed Pathik Stadium in Greater Noida. 

According to officials, to get vaccinated under the drive-through facility, people need to register their slots through the CoWIN portal at the Noida or Greater Noida locations and reach the designated venue on schedule. 

As per Rakesh Singh Chauhan, District Information Officer, in drive-through COVID-19 vaccination service, people will be vaccinated in their cars. Moreover, after getting vaccinated, people will have to wait for 30 minutes in their car only under supervision of medical officials before leaving. 

It must be noted that while in Gurugram, drive-through vaccination service is being provided at Ambience Mall, DLF City centre and DLF Cyber Hub, the national Capital Delhi is yet to see such a facility. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard. 

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