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Understanding the Claim Process for Star Health and Allied Insurance

A health insurance policy is pertinent in today’s world. It keeps you as well as your loved ones, safe and healthy without any delay in getting the best treatments available. The Star Health and Allied Insurance is one such health insurance policy. It has a number of facilities that keep the policyholders hassle-free.

Understanding the Claim Process for Star Health and Allied Insurance

The Claim Process for Star Health and Allied Insurance

When you have to avail of the benefits of your star health insurance plan, you need to make a claim against the same. The following section elaborates on how one can make a claim under this starhealth insurance plan.

Cashless Claims

Star Health and Allied Insurance have a large number of network hospitals across the country. A policyholder can avail of cashless treatments at a network hospital, where they do not have to pay anything out of their own pockets as the bills are directly settled by the insurance provider. In case, any cost is incurred that is not under the cover of the health insurance policy, the patient or their family members are informed of the fact. The following are the steps to make a cashless claim.

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1. A pre-authorization form with the necessary details of the hospitalized insured must be completed without any mistakes.
2. The form will be then verified by the insurance company for proper verification.
3. After the form is submitted, the insurance provider will directly contact the hospital authorities. The necessary expenses will be directly cleared by them.
4. If any claim is found to be outside of the purview of the policy, it is informed to the policyholder who then perhaps has to clear it. 

Reimbursement Claims

A health insurance policy assists its policyholders to avail of necessary treatment when they make claims from it. Here is how you can make a claim against Star Health and Allied Insurance.

1. Information regarding the policy, especially the policy number and the ID should be intimated to the hospital at the time of hospitalization. Carrying the policy card is the best way.
2. The pre-authorization form must be filled out correctly and submitted to the hospital authorities. The private details of the patient with regard to the policy must be provided to the insurance desk at the hospital.
3. The hospital itself intimates the details of the claim to the insurance provider. In case of an emergency, the insurance provider must be informed within 24 hours of hospitalization. In case the hospitalization is planned, the insurance provider is to be informed 24 hours prior.

In both cases, once the necessary documentation is provided to the authorities, the swiftest action is undertaken to provide the policyholder with the necessary benefits. In most cases, if the proper steps are followed, the claim is approved. In case the claim is rejected, a reimbursement has to be made. 

Take Away

It is always important to be mindful of certain information such as the customer ID, policy number, the details for the cause of hospitalization, the claim amount that is required, and more. The accurate submission of this information keeps the claim settlement process hassle-free and lowers the chances of claim rejection. All information provided at the time of purchase of the policy is verified during the claim settlement process, which is why it is necessary that they are accurate to avoid penalties. All in all, the Star Health and Allied Insurance policy provides hassle-free benefits that can be easily availed at the time of need.


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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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