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Top Up vs Super Top Up Health Insurance Policy

A standard health insurance policy provides monetary aid to the policyholders for the medical expenses like hospitalization costs, domiciliary expenses, room rents, ambulance charges, etc, which can incur due to a medical emergency. It helps the customers to overcome the high costs of treatment and ensure quality treatment at the private hospitals. But, sometimes the people suffering from critical diseases require a higher sum assured and the basic health insurance plans are insufficient to meet their treatment expenses. The insurance companies have rolled out several plans like top up plans, super top up covers, additional insurance plans, etc. to add extra value to the existing health insurance plan at an affordable price.

A top up plan compensates for a single medical claim made by the customer in a policy year after the exhaustion of the sum assured under the base health insurance plan. While, a super top up plan compensates for multiple medical claims made by the policyholder after the medical dues have exceeded the threshold limit. Both these health insurance covers have a similar purpose but they differ in their working basis. You can compare the benefits of the different plans available in the market and choose the suitable one for yourself and your loved ones.

Top Up vs Super Top Up Health Insurance Policy

About Top Up Health Insurance Plans

A top up health insurance plan looks after the medical dues of a policyholder after the threshold limit of the base health insurance plan. This deductible limit is set by the health insurance provider and can differ from one insurer to the other based on the type of plan chosen. It works on the basis of per single hospitalization costs and does not count the other claims made in a policy year. It is a comprehensive and affordable health insurance plan which enhances the coverage of the policyholders cost-effectively. Let us look at some of the key benefits of a top up health insurance policy:

  • It provides the customer with some peace of mind regarding the increasing costs of medical treatment in the health sector due to the rise in inflation.
  • It is an additional coverage which tops your base health insurance plan.
  • The premium of top up plans are affordable and cost-effective for different groups of the society.
  • These plans come with tax deduction benefits, health cover for pre-existing illnesses, and COVID-19 specific cover.

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About Super Top Up Health Insurance Plan

A super top up health insurance plan provides financial compensation for multiple medical claims made by a policyholder in a policy year after the exhaustion of the sum assured under the base health insurance plan. This plan covers aggregate claims made by the customer and is therefore helpful for people who get hospitalized multiple times in a year like the senior citizens, people with critical diseases, etc. It works on multiple hospitalization cost basis and provides affordable services to the policyholders. Following are the some of the benefits that can be availed by the customer on purchase of a super top up plan:

  • This health insurance cover tops up your existing health insurance plan and supplements the benefits at an affordable price.
  • These plans are cheaper than basic health insurance covers and the premium rate depends on the deductible limit of the plan.
  • You can make multiple claims in a policy year under the super top up health insurance policy.

How Is A Top Up Health Insurance Plan Different From A Super Top Up Health Insurance Plan?

Both the health insurance policies have a similar meaning and purpose which is to extend the coverage of the existing health insurance policy but they differ in their working basis. A top up plan covers a single claim in a year while super top up plan can cover multiple claims in a policy year.


You must do your research and compare various plans by different health insurance providers before choosing a suitable health insurance plan to invest in. you must carefully read the policy terms to avoid any inconvenience at the time of claim process.

Also Read: Top Up health Insurance and Mediclaim Policy Cover

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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