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Top Maternity Insurance Plans

Motherhood and pregnancy are important milestones in anyone's life. However, it also requires careful consideration and proper healthcare. To ensure the best healthcare facilities for both mother and child, a maternity insurance plan is essential. A maternity plan gives peace of mind as well as the assurance of protection against all contingencies.

What is a Maternity Insurance Plan?

A maternity insurance plan is health insurance that specifically caters to healthcare related to pregnancy and childbirth. It covers expenses relating to the birth of the baby (natural as well as caesarean) as well as other costs such as ultrasound appointments, consultations and more. The extent of the coverage may depend on the plan itself. Maternity insurance is usually available as an add-on or rider to a health insurance plan.

Top Maternity Insurance Plans

Top Maternity Insurance Plans

There are many different maternity plans that are available in the market currently. To help you narrow down your search, here are some of the top maternity insurance plans

Maternity Insurance Plan Claim Settlement Ratio (FY 2019-20)
Care Joy Health Insurance Plan 95.47%
Magma HDI Health Insurance Plan 95.17%
Max Bupa Heartbeat Family Floater Plan 89.46%
Royal Sundaram Lifeline Elite Plan 81.50%
SBI Arogya Premier 66.08%

1. Care Joy Health Insurance Plan

The Care Joy Health Insurance Plan is a comprehensive maternity insurance plan at an affordable price. There are two choices under this plan, depending on when you are expecting the baby. While in one you can start your claims nine months after the date of purchase, in another, you have to wait for two years.

2. Magma HDI Health Insurance Plan

The Magma HDI Health Insurance Plan covers all the costs that will be incurred due to pregnancy and childbirth. It is truly a robust and comprehensive plan that allows all individuals, including widows, its protection. The plan also covers medical abortion. With this plan, you can rest assured about facing any expenses during the maternity period.

3. Max Bupa Heartbeat Family Floater Plan

Under this maternity insurance plan, you get coverage up to even the initial vaccinations of your child. The plan comes in three types- gold, silver and platinum. All of them cover up to two deliveries if the plan is active for that period. With a regular and affordable amount, you can avail yourself of many benefits under this plan. 

4. Royal Sundaram Lifeline Elite Plan

The Royal Sundaram Lifeline Elite Plan provides all-around protection to policyholders. Not only does it cover the expenses incurred during childbirth, but also provides for pre and post hospitalisation costs. If there are any complications that occur even after childbirth, benefits can be availed of from this plan. It comes with a waiting period of three years. 

5. SBI Arogya Premier

The SBI Arogya Premier has a waiting period of only nine months. With this plan, you can avail yourself of several benefits regarding childcare and pregnancy. It even covers homoeopathic, ayurvedic and such treatment procedures. Anyone older than 18 years of age and younger than 65 can purchase this plan.

Must Read: Importance of Health Insurance Policy During Maternity

Top 3 Health Insurance Policies Covering Maternity Benefits with Low Waiting Period


Maternity insurance plans are one of the most crucial purchases that one can make. It is an affordable insurance option that enhances your regular health insurance plan and helps provide protection at one of the most vital times in one's life. A comprehensive maternity insurance plan can help you avail of the best facilities during pregnancy, childbirth and even after.

You May Also Check: Covid-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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