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Top Health Insurance Plans With Cover For Maternity Expenses

Giving birth to a baby is one of the most blessed moments in the life of a parent and with parenthood comes the responsibilities of the newborn child. The delivery and hospitalization charges included at the time of the birth of a child can be compensated for by the maternity benefit health insurance plans, as it offers the much needed financial support to help the policyholders. A maternity benefit compensates for the medical costs of the mother along with that of the newborn baby for a certain period of time as decided under the plan by the insurer. For the detailed inclusions of your plan, you must carefully go through its terms and conditions. Maternity benefit plans like any other type of health insurance plans come with a waiting period which must be overcome by the policyholder, for which they must invest in the plan as early as possible.

Top Health Insurance Plans With Cover For Maternity Expenses

About Maternity Benefit Health Insurance Covers

If you are planning to have a baby anytime soon, then it is wise to invest in suitable maternity benefit health insurance cover without any delay. It will help you get over the financial stress and will let you relish one of the most beautiful moments of your life. During the pregnancy phase, a women has to undergo a lot of tests and checkups to ensure the well being of the baby and at the time of delivery the complications with the birth of the newborn increases in most of the cases, therefore it is essential to have a maternity cover with sufficient claim amount for your loved ones. Let us look at some of the prominent benefits of the maternity benefits plan for the policyholders:

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  • It compensates for the cost of both prenatal and postnatal expenses.
  • Maternity covers also look after the expenditures related to the newborn baby for a specified period of time.
  • Tax saving perks are granted under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act to the policyholders who are also taxpayers.
  • These covers are affordable and can be bought to get some monetary aid at the time of a baby's birth.

Top Health Insurance Plans With Cover For Maternity Expenses

Following are some of the commonly bought health insurance plans that offer top maternity benefit cover to the policyholders:

1. Bharti AXA Smart Super Health Insurance Cover

This maternity benefit plan is offered to the policyholders in three different variants according to their needs and requirements. The cover for the newborn baby under this plan is available only for 90 days from the date of birth of the child and it comes with a waiting period of 9 months on this plan during which the claims cannot be made by the policyholders.

2. Care Health Joy Health Insurance Cover

This is one of the comprehensive maternity benefit covers that is available in the market for the policyholders who are soon planning to embrace the new joy of parenthood. It comes with a waiting period of 9 months. The claim amount under the plan and waiting period can differ from one variant of the plan to the other, depending on the choice of the policyholders.

3. Bajaj Allianz Health Guard Family Floater Plan

This health insurance plan by Bajaj Allianz health insurance company covers the expenditures of both the mother and the newborn baby. With a high claim amount and affordable premium rate, this plan offers a suitable and sufficient plan to the policyholders to protect their loved ones under this cover. It includes all the maternity related expenses and comes with a waiting period which is usually specified by the health insurance provider at the time of purchase of the health insurance plan.


Apart from the above mentioned health insurance plans there are several other maternity benefit covers that offer comprehensive and affordable support to the policyholders. You must carefully go through the fine print of your policy to consider terms like its sum assured, waiting period, and other inclusions, as it can avoid any inconvenience at the time of the claiming process.

Also Read: Top Health Insurance Plans With Cover For Daycare Procedures

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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