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Top Health Insurance Plans For Vector Borne Diseases

There are different types of diseases and ailments that need to be covered by the health insurance policy. With the onset of the monsoon, the deadly attack of vector borne diseases starts and many people within our subcontinent are vulnerable to the risk of getting contracted by a vector borne disease. Often it is presumed that a basic health insurance policy covers vector-borne diseases and provides medical compensation for the same, which is not the case. There are different plans for vector borne diseases which have their own significance in the insurance market.

Vector borne diseases are caused due to the attack of infected mosquitoes and its rate of spreading in our country is high. People usually ignore these diseases and unfortunately a large proportion of the individuals have to lose their lives and their loved ones due to the attack of the vector borne diseases. Some of the commonly known vector borne diseases include chikungunya, dengue, kala azar, zika virus, malaria, and much more. Dengue and malaria are dreadful diseases that affect a lot of people every year within the country.

Top Health Insurance Plans For Vector Borne Diseases

Health Insurance Policy For Vector Borne Diseases

The cost of medical treatments is increasing rapidly with the rise in inflation due to which poor and middle class people fail to receive quality treatment at times of emergency. Bearing the costs of these treatments can be stressful and it can potentially drain your financial savings. Therefore, the health insurance providers have rolled out insurance plans for vector borne diseases to help people compensate for the medical costs incurred due to the treatment of these diseases. Some of the essential features of a vector borne health insurance plans are:

  • This policy provides you with the hospitalization costs and other expenses like daycare procedures, room rents, ambulance charges, ICU charges, and much more.
  • 30 days of pre-hospitalization period and 60 days of post-hospitalization medical costs are also incurred by the insurer.
  • On the exhaustion of the base sum assured, the insurance firm automatically restores the original amount.
  • You can receive cashless claim treatments at the network hospital of the insurance company under which the insurer will pay your medical dues to the hospital directly thus making the whole process smooth and hassle-free.
  • Free annual healthcare checkups are also provided for the policyholders by the insurer.

Top Health Insurance Plans For Vector Borne Diseases

Following are some of the prominently bought health insurance plans for the vector borne diseases:

1. Future Vector Care Plan

This health insurance plan is offered by Future Generali health insurance and under this plan the policyholders get 100% lump sum payment for diagnosis and hospitalization costs. Some of the vector borne diseases covered under this are kala azar, malaria, dengue, chikungunya, zika virus, etc. The policy tenure ranges from 1 to 3 years. The maximum entry age for the customers under this plan is 65 years and no pre medical health checkup is required for purchasing this policy cover.

2. M-Care Health Insurance Plan

This plan offered by Bajaj Allianz provides 100% lump sum payment for the treatment of vector borne diseases like kala azar, malaria, dengue, lymphatic Filariasis, etc. The assured money under this plan ranges from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 75,000. Available on an annual basis this health insurance cover does not require pre-medical checkup of people up to the age of 55 years.

3. Mosquito Disease Protection Plan

This is an effective health insurance policy for vector borne diseases by HDFC Ergo health insurance firm. It is a group health insurance cover which provides compensation for medical expenses incurred in case of hospitalization, or accidental death due to vector borne diseases. This cover also offers optional plans to provide comprehensive coverage and the premium can be paid in installments.


You can purchase a suitable and affordable health insurance plan for vector borne diseases from the wide range of choices that are available in the insurance market. You must go through the policy terms carefully to make sure that your demands have been met by the insurance provider.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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