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Top Disease-Specific Health Insurance Plans In The Market

Basic health insurance plans are comprehensive and affordable in nature, but there is a possibility that it might not provide sufficient coverage for specific diseases. If you have a medical history or are suffering from a pre-existing disease, then it is advisable to buy a separate health insurance cover. The health insurance providers have rolled out critical illness cover and disease-specific health insurance plans to offer enough coverage to customers with critical disorders. These covers provide wide coverage with a good amount of sum assured to deal with the medical expenses incurred from the treatment of critical diseases like cancer, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and much more. 

Disease-specific health insurance plans provide medical compensation for a single disease and not for a list of critical diseases like in the case of a critical illness plan. People who are suffering from a specific disease like cancer, lung disease, etc. can buy this policy and avail it at the time of a medical emergency, but if an individual is new to the health insurance plans and does not have a medical history then it is advisable to go for a critical illness cover as it provides coverage for a list of around 32 critical diseases. 

About Disease-Specific Health Insurance Plans 

Disease-specific health insurance covers provide coverage and financial aid for a specific critical disease chosen by the policyholder. It is preferable for people who have a family history of critical diseases like diabetes, cancer, etc. or for individuals who want to cover a specific disease under their plan and not pay for other diseases. Let us look at some of the standard features of a disease-specific health insurance plan: 

  • This health insurance cover comes with a waiting period of 30 days after which the customer can avail its benefits and features. 
  • It provides coverage for expenses like pre and post-hospitalization, domiciliary expenses, domestic ambulance charges, daily allowance benefits, and annual healthcare checkups. 
  • This plan can cover a single disease which can be chosen by the policyholder. The diseases that can be included are diabetes, cancer, kidney ailments, hypertension, dengue, cardiac ailments, etc. 
  • Disease-specific ailments have a lower premium rate when compared to the critical illness covers. 

Top Disease-Specific Health Insurance Plans 

Following is the list of some of the top disease-specific health insurance covers that are offered by different health insurance providers to their customers: 

  • Care Health Mediclaim Plan 

This health insurance cover by Care Health insurance company provides coverage of Rs. 10 Lakhs to Rs. 2 Crores for heart-related diseases. Treatments related to the heart can be really expensive and can potentially drain all your financial savings. This cover also ensures cashless claims for the customers along with the easy installment option for the policyholders. 

Also Read: Features and Benefits of Corona Kavach Policy

  • Care Cancer Mediclaim Plan 

This disease-specific health insurance cover is for the cancer disease only and offers medical compensation to the individuals throughout the different stages of the illness. With cashless claim benefits and easy installments, it comes with an assured money ranging from Rs. 10 Lakhs to Rs. 2 Crores. 

  • Star Health Diabetes Safe Insurance Policy 

This health insurance policy deals with the diabetes disease and comes in two plans A and B. Under plan A there is no waiting period while in plan B there is a waiting period of 12 months. It covers both type 1 and type 2 diabetes under its plan for people of age 18 to 65 years suffering from diabetes. 

  • HDFC Ergo - Dengue Care Plan 

It provides inpatient and outpatient expenses to the customers suffering from dengue. No medical screening is required for customers willing to buy this cover and it is available for individuals of age 91 days to 65 years. The waiting period under this plan is around 15 days. 


You can buy any disease-specific health insurance cover from various options that are available in the insurance market. Before investing in the health insurance plan, make sure that it provides enough coverage for the disease that you choose to get covered under the plan. 

Also Read: Mediclaim Policy: Features, Benefits, and Coverage

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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