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Top Benefits of Buying Star Health Insurance Plans

Star Health Insurance is one of the most famous and prominent names in the insurance market. These days, hospital expenses charge so much that they can exhaust a person’s lifetime savings and lead him/ her to a debt trap. To overcome such loads and mishaps, health insurance policies were introduced and have turned out to be of great use over time. 

Star Health insurance policies are pocket-friendly and have a variety of plans to cover individuals, children, families, newborns, women, senior citizens, and diabetic or cancer patients. Sometimes, individuals and their loved ones fail to get quality treatment due to the expensive cost of hospitalization. Therefore, health insurance policies also enhance the quality of treatments.   

Top Benefits of Buying Star Health Insurance Plans

Benefits of Star Health Insurance Plans 

The insurance policies designed by the Starhealth insurance firm are meant to provide maximum benefits to its customers in a cost-effective manner. Let us look at some of the major pros of Star Health insurance plans: 

  • Options available between individual and family plans 
  • Options are available between a single or multi-year plan. 
  • Cumulative bonus for not filing the claim
  • Cashless treatment in 8000+ networked hospitals 
  • Co-payments are not necessary for policyholders below 60 years of age 
  • Less documentation and quick procedures for claim settlement  
  • Lifetime renewability options are made available on most of the plans 
  • The cost of premium can be inquired online on the Star Health insurance official portal 

Add-Ons And Optional Benefits By Star Health Insurance

You can always extend your existing policy by adding certain optional plans to it. These add-ons are cost-effective and have numerous benefits to offer. Some Add-ons and optional plans offered by Star Health Insurance are: 

  • Maternity plans 
  • Critical illness covers 
  • Co-payment benefits 
  • Outpatient dental care

The facility of buying, renewing, and adding top-ups to a policy can be availed online at home with ease. The online calculator on the Star Health Insurance website lets the customers calculate the premium costs, which gives you a  fair idea of the plan and the way it has to be managed with your monthly income. 

Expenses Covered By Star Health Insurance

The expenses and the features that are covered in a policy differ from one plan to another. Let us look at some of the basic and common covers that are included in the health insurance policies offered by Star Health Insurance: 

  • Hospitalization expenses like hospital bed charges, nursing expenses, etc. 
  • Covers ICU charges and expenses by surgeries. 
  • The plan covers expenses incurred 30 days before hospitalization and 60 days post-hospitalization. 
  • Road ambulance covers 
  • Some plans include medical treatments like Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani. 
  • Compensation for donor expenses and daycare procedures. 

Some Star Health Insurance Plans

Out of the long list of plans that are offered by Star Health Insurance, listed below are some of those plans which are famous and unique:

  1. Star Comprehensive Insurance Plan

    This plan covers room rent, the cost of treatments, and surgical procedures. Other expenses can be recompensed. 
  2. Star Senior Citizens Red Carpet Insurance Plan 

    This plan is eligible for people above 60 years of age and has a sum assured limit of Rs. 10 Lakhs. It also covers pre-existing diseases. 
  3. Star Family Health Optima Insurance Plan 

    This Star Health insurance plan is a family floater type and includes all the members of the family with a maximum sum assured limit of Rs. 25 Lakhs.
  4. Star Health Gain Insurance Plan

    The age limit for this policy is 65 years and can be bought for individuals and families including children and spouses. 
  5. Star Super Surplus Insurance Plan 

    For this plan, pre-medical tests are not required and it enables you to get additional coverage with a top-up plan with just a small amount of extra premium. 


On the online portal of Star Health Insurance, you can find a long list of benefit plans that have attractive covers and policies. You should go through the plans and compare the prices before purchasing the right plan. Make sure you read the documents and T&Cs carefully.  

You May Also Like to Read: Star Health Insurance For Diabetes

Star Health Insurance Claim Settlement Process Explained

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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