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Top 5 Health Insurance Plans In India: Coverages and Sum-Insured

Health Insurance is the Life Jacket- towards life security. The current pandemic situation has been an eye-opener in making the world understand how valuable, precious, and essential is Health and Life. Life is to live a happy, healthy, stress-free life or find solutions to the worries of family members. To get rid of worries and troubles, one should plan to ensure Health through insurance. To make the way towards choice more manageable, here are Five top Health Insurance plans

Top 5 Health Insurance Plans In India: Coverages and Sum-Insured

Top 5 Health Insurance Plans

Following are the top 5 health insurance plans in India currently - 

Sr no. Top Five Health Insurance Plans Covid-19 Coverage Age Limit (Min-Max) Sum Insured (Min-Max)
1. Care Plan by Care Health Insurance  Yes 91 Days & Above Rs. 4 Lakh - Rs. 6 Crore
2. Star Family Health Optima Plan Yes 18-65 Years Rs. 1 Lakh - Rs. 25 Lakh
3. HDFC Ergo Optima Restore Family Plan Yes 5-65 Years Rs. 5 Lakh - Rs. 50 Lakh
4. HDFC Ergo General Health Suraksha Gold Plan Yes 91 Days & Above 3 Lakh to Rs. 10 Lakh
5. Niva Bupa Health Companion Individual Plan Yes 91 Days & Above Rs. 3 Lakh - Rs. 1 Crore

1. Care Plan by Care Health Insurance

This is an umbrella of health insurance policy covering medical expenses of any injury, illness, or accident by care health insurance. The policy also offers many additional benefits that the policyholders can go for by paying a little extra premium. 

2. Star Family Health Optima Health Insurance

Star Family Health Plan can be considered a super saver health insurance plan is covering one’s entire family at a minimal premium.  The prime part about this Plan is that it offers 3 times automatic restoration of the insured amount by 100% for every complete exhaustion.

 3. HDFC ERGO Optima Restore Family Plan (Apollo Munich)

This one is the most popular health insurance plan by HDFC Ergo Health Insurance. Some of its benefits are -domiciliary treatment cover, cover for pre-and post-hospitalization. The prominent feature is the Stay Active benefits that reward one for leading an active lifestyle. If one can walk and stay active, they will be eligible to avail themselves of the discount on premiums.

4. HDFC Ergo General Health Suraksha Gold Policy

This Plan is an ideal choice for individuals as well as families that covers them against significant healthcare expenses. It comes in several variants: Silver, Gold, and Platinum, with a different sum insured option and benefits. 

5. Niva Bupa Health Companion Individual Health Insurance Policy

This Niva Bupa Health Insurance Plan can be the ultimate source of financial support when one requires it at the time of a health emergency. This Plan must opt for if one wants high coverage but at a comparatively minimal premium amount.

Also Check: Ways To Save Tax With Health Insurance

Benefits of Health Insurance for Women


To conclude, the medical expenses in private hospitals burn the pocket of all classes of society, including the middle class. Life insurance with Health insurance is a savior for them. The pandemic scenario has taught us many lessons; one of the majors is, Health Is Wealth, so if one cares Health, secures a sustainable future holistically. 

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