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Top 5 Critical Illnesses in India

An illness can disrupt all aspects of your life, especially when it is a critical illness like cancer, diabetes, heart attack, paralysis, etc. One of the main reasons why these illnesses are life-threatening is that they seem to develop unexpectedly, out of the blue. And anyone can be affected with a critical illness despite following a religious and disciplined lifestyle. In India also, every year, these illnesses account for a huge number of deaths.

Top 5 Critical Illnesses in India

This article consists of top 5 critical illnesses in India along with their symptoms and preventive measures. Read them below:

1. Cardiovascular Illnesses

Cardiovascular illnesses are those which affect your heart. These are one of the leading causes of death in India. The symptoms of these illnesses include shortness of breath, sudden pain in chest and discomfort, pain or numbness in arms and legs, and pain in the upper abdomen or chest. The risk factors include poor diet, tobacco intake, being overweight, sedentary lifestyle, etc. To prevent getting these illnesses, you can control your blood pressure, quit smoking, take a healthy diet such as fish, oats, walnuts, etc.

2. Respiratory Illnesses

The next top critical illness includes respiratory illnesses such as asthma, tuberculosis, acute bronchitis, etc. Anyone suffering from these illnesses may witness symptoms such as runny nose, fever, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, etc. The major cause of these illnesses include air pollution, smoking, dust, viral infection, congenital, low immunity, etc. To avoid catching these illnesses, you must follow preventive measures like staying active, exercising regularly, quit smoking, wearing masks whenever required, and maintaining respiratory hygiene.

3. Diabetes Mellitus

When it comes to the number of cases of diabetes, India is the second highest in the world. It can lead to critical illnesses such as kidney failure, black fungus in COVID-19 patients, blindness, etc. Its symptoms include extreme hunger, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, increased thirst, frequent urination, irritability, etc. The main causes of diabetes are unhealthy diet, obesity, not exercising regularly, fast food and regular food intake, etc. To prevent diabetes, you must exercise regularly, quit smoking, maintain good nutrition, and quit a sedentary lifestyle.

4. Alzheimer’s Disease

In which the brain cells die and cause memory loss. Nearly 60%-80% of dementia is Alzheimer's. Common symptoms of this disease include amnesia, mental decline, forgetting things, personality changes, disorientation, jumbled speech, etc. The disease is caused due to unhealthy lifestyle, family history/genetics, depression for a longer period, or old age. The preventive measures of Alzheimer's disease are restricting fat intake, no smoking or drinking, and maintaining cardiovascular health.

5. Malignant And Other Tumors

Malignant tumors are cancerous and develop when cells grow without any control. It can grow to other body parts and hence is life-threatening. Normally detected through CT scans and MRIs, these can be identified as a painless lump. In most cases, these tumors may not show any symptoms. The main causes of these include pathogens, genetics, ionizing radiation, and exposure to chemicals or toxic compounds. To prevent the same, you should eat healthy food, exercise regularly, quit tobacco, maintain a healthy body weight, and get regular immunization.


Not only are critical illnesses deadly, but their treatment expenses can also be huge. But a sign of relief is that there are several health insurance plans in the market that cover you for these critical illnesses. They cannot protect you from the illness but at least fill the hole in your pocket that may be caused due to their treatment. To know more about critical illness insurance plans connect with the customer care executives at InsuranceDekho. The team will not only answer your queries but also help you buy a suitable insurance plan as well.

Also Read: Key Reasons to Buy a Cancer Insurance Policy in India

Critical Illness Insurance Plan For Organ Transplant

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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