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Top 4 Factors To Keep In Mind While Buying Maternity Insurance

There are several types of health insurance covers that are available in the market. These covers protect you against the costs of treatments to enhance your health, incurred during hospitalization. These covers include basic insurance covers, critical illness health insurance covers, maternity covers, diabetes covers, and many more. Different covers serve different purposes and they are specifically meant to meet the demands of the policyholders in one particular respect. 

Maternity covers protect the to-be mothers against any mishaps while giving birth to their baby. Becoming a mother is one of the most important phases of a woman's life, and therefore in order to protect the women against any odds during this phase, maternity covers have been designed which provide wide coverage to the women at an affordable price. You must get yourself maternity cover if you are planning a baby. Some maternity covers also include protection for the newborn baby. 

Top 4 Factors To Keep In Mind While Buying Maternity Insurance

About Maternity Insurance Cover

With the rise in inflation in the health sector, you must be ready for the unexpected expenses when going for hospitalization for giving birth. During maternity, women can face some conditions which arise due to an emergency and so, you have to be prepared for such situations beforehand. To secure yourself from all the above-mentioned problems, you must buy maternity health insurance cover when planning for a baby. A maternity cover insurance usually includes: 

  • Pre and post-hospitalization expenses are covered 
  • Pre and post-natal expenses and any other delivery complications are covered. 
  • Room charges, nurse fees, ambulance charges, and much more are also included. 
  • Medical expenses during pregnancy are also covered. 
  • Expenses incurred during pre-delivery medical tests and blood tests are also taken care of. 
  • A cover for the newborn baby from 1 to 90 days from the date of birth is provided. If the baby suffers from any congenital or critical illness, then the expenses are on the insurer under the maternity insurance policy purchased. 

Factors To Consider While Buying A Maternity Insurance Cover 

Various companies offer different types of maternity covers to their customers. Therefore, you must choose the one with a wide range of coverage at an affordable price. Let us look at some of the common factors that you must keep in mind while buying a maternity cover: 

1. Know The Sub-Limits

To avoid any hassles while claiming your maternity cover, you must be aware of the sub-limits of your policy. It is the amount that the policyholder has to pay for, that is you will not get the full amount for the payout while making a claim. Choose a policy with a minimum sub-limit. The sub-limits differ for normal deliveries and caesarean deliveries.

2. Waiting Period

The waiting period for maternity cover ranges from 2 to 4 years. Therefore, you have to buy a maternity cover long before you are planning a baby. If you are pregnant while buying a maternity cover, then it will be considered as a pre-existing condition and will not be liable for claiming the policy.  

3. Premium Cost

Take enough time to research the policy that you want to purchase as it should aptly meet your requirements at an affordable price. Mostly, maternity covers come at a high premium cost, but you should choose the one that is not only within the limits of your pocket but also gives you wide coverage. 

4. Inclusions In The Policy

Go through the inclusions in your policy thoroughly, to make sure that your demands are met and it is of use to you. The periodic visits to the gynaecologist, pregnancy-related items, medical tests, medicines, and much more are usually included in most of the maternity covers. 


If you have an existing standard health insurance policy, and you choose to use it for maternity benefits then the whole coverage of the policy along with the sum assured will be dissolved for a maternity treatment, which will potentially degrade your policy. Therefore, you can buy a separate cover for maternity benefits, to save your basic health insurance policy for the emergency purpose and get the prime benefits of a maternity cover. 

Also Read: How To Claim Maternity Health Insurance?

Best Maternity Health Insurance Plans To Buy In 2021

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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