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Tips To Monitor Hypertension in Winter

It's wintertime, with cold winds blowing and temperatures dropping. With winters here, while some prefer lazing around in the comfort of their blankets, there are others who make the most of this time and involve themselves in recreational activities. However, one thing that one often tends to overlook is the fact that with winter, the chances of falling ill and getting affected by different health problems also increase. Hypertension is one such health problem that is a troublemaker for many individuals, especially during the winter. So, to help you out, we have curated a list of tips that will help you in monitoring hypertension in winter.

Tips to monitor hypertension in winters

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension is a medical condition in which the blood pressure level increases. Ideally, the blood pressure level should be 120/80 mmHg and if the level goes higher than this, then the individual is at risk of hypertension. Some of the symptoms of hypertension include headache, vomitting, restlessness, and a few others. Sometimes, the risk of hypertension increases to the extent that an individual often suffers from heart strokes and attacks. Thus, it is very important to monitor hypertension during the winter months when it generally tends to increase. The reason behind this increase is that with the drop in temperature during winter months, the blood flow gets restricted so much that the blood pressure eventually increases. Moreover, there are unhealthy lifestyle habits that also contribute to an increase in blood pressure during the winter. 

Tips to Monitor Hypertension in Winter

Most often when an individual faces the risk of hypertension, the easiest option turns out is to visit a doctor and take the right medication. However, this should not always be the case, as you can easily monitor hypertension right at your home. So, listed below are some of the tips to monitor hypertension in winter. Follow these tips and keep the risk associated with hypertension at bay: 

  • Limit the consumption of salt: One of the best ways to monitor hypertension in winter is to limit the intake of salt. You must only consume adequate amounts of salt, as a greater intake of salt increases the risk of hypertension.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol: To reduce the risk of hypertension, you should also limit the consumption of alcohol and must avoid smoking. These unhealthy lifestyle habits result in an increase in blood pressure level as well as affect your overall well-being.
  • Eat a balanced diet: One of the most important things to keep all health problems at bay is to eat a balanced diet. Irrespective of which  season it is, make sure to consume fruits and vegetables in a balanced manner. However, during the winter season, you should also consume winter special vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables. You can also consume carrot juice, beetroot juice, vegetable juice, and others for a balanced diet. Doing so will help monitor hypertension effectively.
  • Exercise: During winter, most of us like lazing in the comfort of quilts and often skip exercising. However, just like taking a balanced diet is important, it is equally crucial that you exercise on a regular basis. Not doing so will affect both your well-being and also increase the risk of hypertension. So, it is advisable to exercise at least for 30 minutes even during the winter months. 
  • Get health insurance: Apart from taking care of everything else, you also need to have a health insurance plan at your side. A health insurance plan helps you stay protected against any health emergency that may knock on your door. With so many health insurance plans now available, you must buy a health plan that best suits your needs as well as your budget. However, make sure to purchase a health insurance plan that provides coverage for hypertension as well. 

Take Away

Thus, it is very important to monitor hypertension in winter as due to the low temperatures, the blood flow gets restricted so much that the blood pressure level in turn increases. So, it is essential that you monitor your blood pressure levels as soon as the winter months start and reduce the risks associated with hypertension. 

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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