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Tips To Maintain Oral Hygiene During Covid-19

The coronavirus has been disrupting life and livelihood for more than a year already and yet, it seems nowhere near stopping. Oral hygiene is an important step that everyone must pay attention to. Our mouths are the most common way by which we can contract COVID-19. Not only does the virus spread while sneezing or coughing, but also when one is laughing or talking. The mouth can also help the coronavirus fester more.

Therefore, it is crucial that we always keep our mouths clean. The proper steps for oral hygiene are necessary for your health and immune system. Moreover, it might also be difficult to get proper dental treatment during the pandemic which is why it is better to take preventative steps beforehand.

Tips to Maintain Oral Hygiene During Covid-19

Take a look at these key tips to maintain your oral hygiene during COVID-19:

1. Disinfect Your Toothbrush

You must make sure to disinfect your toothbrush on a regular basis, especially if you live with other people. It is possible for coronavirus to survive on surfaces, even on your toothbrush for about three days. Wash your toothbrush with warm water before you use it or you can wash it with a mild hydrogen peroxide solution for 10-15 minutes. Also, remember to replace your toothbrush from time to time even if you clean them regularly and store it properly so that it is not exposed easily.

2. Use the proper Toothpaste and Mouthwash

Using the right toothpaste and mouthwash is essential to keep the coronavirus away. Make sure to rinse your mouth with a mouthwash as soon as you return home from outside. Use an antiseptic mouthwash so that the germs can be killed as well as use a toothpaste that has fluoride in it. These are essential items, the proper use of which can help you combat COVID-19 more effectively. It also keeps your teeth and gums healthy in general and prevents dental problems in the long run.

3. Avoid Touching Your Mouth Frequently

Always be careful to not touch your mouth with your hand, especially when you are out in public. The coronavirus that might be present on your hands can get easily transferred to your mouth from where it has easier access for getting into your body. Make sure you always wash your hand and sanitise them before putting them in your mouth. It is also important that you wear your mask always to prevent any accidental touches.

4. Prevent Consuming Tobacco and Other Drugs

Tobacco and other drugs are harmful to your health in general, and can especially harm you during this pandemic. Not only do these substances compromise your immune system, but frequently using them provides more chances of the virus entering your body. It is especially risky if you take them in public as your hands may not be completely clean and you will have to remove your mask.


Proper oral hygiene is crucial for everyone. Not only does it keep you healthy and prevent dental problems, but it may also keep you from COVID-19. The above-mentioned tips are easy to follow on a regular basis. They are not time-consuming or costly processes. However, following them can help you a long way in maintaining your oral hygiene.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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