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Tips For Quick And Hassle-Free Claim Settlement Process

Health insurance plans are bought by the people to get financial aid in case of a medical emergency. It offers monetary compensation to people to help them avoid exhausting their financial savings. Due to the recent rise in the inflation in the health sector during the global pandemic, the basic costs of treatments have hiked thus, potentially burning a hole in the policyholder’s pockets. Health insurance plans not only offer financial backup for hospitalization expenses, but they also offer other perks like room rents, ambulance charges, tax savings benefits, rewards, no claim bonus, and much more. The latest technological advancements have eased the basic procedures like buying, claiming, and renewing of health insurance procedures.

The claim settlement process of a health insurance policy is the most essential as it helps the policyholders in availing their accumulated benefits like cashless claims, claim amount, no claim bonus discounts, and much more. The policyholders can make a claim of their purchased health insurance plan after the waiting period, which is pre-specified by the insurer depending on the medical conditions. To get a cashless and hassle-free claim in case of a medical emergency, you must buy the health insurance plan from a suitable health insurance provider, considering their claim settlement ratio.

Tips For Quick And Hassle-Free Claim Settlement Process

Tips For Quick And Hassle-Free Claim Settlement Process

Following are some of the tips that can help you in settling your health insurance claims quickly and without any hassles:

  • Discuss Your Health Profile

When investing in a health insurance plan, it is important for the policyholders to not lie about their health issues and daily habits like drinking, smoking, etc. If policyholders do not talk about their medical conditions then, they cannot include it under their plan and hence, cannot receive claims in case of a medical emergency related to the health condition. This makes the policyholders financially stressed and it also leads to inconvenience at the time of the claim settlement process.

Must Read: Importance of Claim Settlement Ratio When Choosing Health Insurance Policy

  • Understand Your Policy Cover

When claiming your health insurance plan, you must understand the policy thoroughly to avoid any confusion at the time of the claim settlement process. People must go through the terms of the policy including the fine print to understand its inclusions and exclusions. This not only helps in easy claim settlement but also helps the people in avoiding any hassles.

  • Regularly Update

After investing in a health insurance plan, you must regularly update your information over the policy tenure. The information like contact number, address, names, etc. must be updated when changes are made. Updating information enables hassle-free claim settlement processes at the time of a medical emergency.

  • Understand The Process

Before claiming a health insurance plan, you must be aware of the claim settlement process as it makes the whole procedure easy for the policyholders to approach. At the time of buying a health insurance plan, you can consult your insurer and understand their claim settlement procedures. This will let you prepare beforehand for the claim settlement process, and enable quick claims at the time of an emergency.

  • Prepare Your Documents

After buying a health insurance plan, you must keep your documents handy that may be required at the time of the claim settlement process. Policy related documents mention the list of important documents that are required at the time of the claim settlement process. Therefore, it is important for the policyholders to keep those documents ready well in advance to get quick claims in case of a medical emergency.

  • Timely Intimation

You must inform your insurer about your hospitalization as soon as possible to get quick and smooth claims on your purchased health insurance policy. In case of planned hospitalization, you can inform the insurer before going to the hospital, while in case of an emergency, you must intimate the insurer as early as possible.


You can keep the above mentioned tips in your mind while planning to claim your purchased health insurance plan, as it will help you recieve quick approvals on your claim requests, and hassle free claim settlement process.

Also Read: Claim Settlement Process Under A Critical Illness Insurance Policy

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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