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Tips And Tricks To Select The Best Health Insurance Policy

A health insurance policy is a contract that makes it possible for a person paying a premium for it to get covered for the medical expenses due to illness. This policy covers expenses related to hospital bills, medications and doctor consultation fees, up to the mentioned coverage in the agreement papers.
As time is passing, the emergence of newer diseases can be observed. The increasing market inflation has made it quite obvious that medical expenses have skyrocketed and this will keep going up. Keeping yourself and your loved ones covered with the right health insurance policy for better cure measures during an ailment has become eminent. So, here are some key factors to look for in a good health insurance policy.

Tips And Tricks To Select The Best Health Insurance Policy

Salient Features Of A Good Health Insurance

A good health insurance policy will cover your pre as well as post hospitalisation expenses. You would be repaid after you produce all the necessary bills and expense related documents to your insurer.
During the time of emergency hospitalisation, this health insurance should ensure absolutely hassle-free and cashless admission of the covered patient for medical treatments, keeping his proper treatment as the first and foremost priority. No immediate cash arrangements should be required while being covered under the policy.

Types Of Health Insurance Policies

Before deciding to opt for a particular health insurance type, you should first be aware of the types of health insurance policies available in the market.

  • Individual Health Insurance where you are covered along with your spouse, children and parents for hospital and medical expenses during illnesses.
  • A family floater health insurance is like individual insurance with a lower premium and does not cover members above the age of 60 years.
  • When you have a team working with you constantly in a startup or other such occupations, you can opt for group health insurance.
  • Senior Citizen Health Insurance is ideal to cover old parents or grandparents above the age of 60 years.
  • Maternity Health Insurance for prenatal, delivery and postnatal coverage.
  • Critical Illness Health Insurance is able to cover treatment costs for complicated diseases like cancer, paralysis, heart and kidney problems, critical surgeries and many more.
  • Long-Term Disability Insurance covers those individuals who need special care and cannot work to pay for their care-taking services.

Tips To Choose The Right Health Insurance

The first thing which comes before purchasing health insurance is to assess your insurance needs. Look for the reasons why you would need health insurance and then choose accordingly. Here are the other points you should keep in mind before buying health insurance:

  • As stated above, choosing the right coverage for your health-related issues is the most important point.
  • The number of family members, their individual age, medical background and other such factors should be assessed properly first.
  • Choosing pocket-friendly health insurance which complies with your medical coverage needs is very important. The premiums should not become burdensome and there is absolutely no use in getting unnecessary expense coverage.
  • Your family should come first if you are supporting them. Choosing a family health insurance plan gives you more benefits at a lower premium than what individual plans would provide.
  • As you keep working your way into old age, your health will slowly wear out. Choosing health insurance with lifetime renewability is far better than choosing short-term health insurance because the one covering your parents can continue to cover you and your spouse as the years pass.
  • Before buying health insurance, always compare the premium structures online to get the best out of a policy.
  • While choosing health insurance, read the list of hospitals and doctors it claims to cover expenses. The right health insurance should cover the expenses in the hospitals and doctors of your preference to avoid confusion while claiming in future.
  • Claim Settlement Ratio refers to the number of claims settled by the insurance over the total received claims. Always choose the health insurance that has a good record of claim settlement ratio. It is better to look for a claim settlement ratio of as high as 90% while opting to buy the best health coverage policy for your family.


Illness or accidents are mostly unforeseen affairs that are to be covered by these health insurance policies to save you from the burden of arranging large amounts of money during emergencies. By choosing the right health insurance policy for you and your loved ones, you remain relaxed in your day-to-day occupations and stay covered properly.

Also read- What is the Health Insurance Survival Period?

In India, Does Health Insurance Cover Kidney Stones?



This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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