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Things You Must Know About Cancer Insurance

Cancer is the deadliest disease, which has taken over much of the population in our country. These days, we see so many people suffering from different types of cancer and are in different stages. Financially weaker people usually fail to get good treatment and end up miserably. Cancer treatments like chemotherapy, specific medication, and many more require a lot of money, which is difficult to afford for lower and middle-class families. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a good health insurance policy that has special coverage for cancer disease. This way, you are ensured to get quality treatment in the hospitals at affordable costs. Some policies also cover the treatments received abroad, therefore look for the best suitable plan for yourself and purchase it before it’s too late. 

What Is Cancer Insurance? 

Cancer Insurance is a comprehensive health insurance plan designed specifically for dealing with the expenses incurred during cancer treatment. It is of different types and has a different combination of covers included in it. It covers treatments like radiation, hospitalization, blood transfusion, chemotherapy, prescribed medicines, nurse, and many more. 

It gives financial relief to the patients suffering from cancer. You must buy Cancer Insurance based on your requirements and conditions. You can get your plans customized from the insurer and buy the one that is preferably best for you. 

Things You Must Know About Cancer Insurance

Things To Know Before Buying A Cancer Insurance Plan 

Before purchasing a cancer insurance plan you must consider the following tips and points: 

1. Choose A Long Term Plan

You must look at the maximum age of the policy you are planning to buy, as certain insurers offer policies up to 80 years of age. This will help you to stay insured for a longer period. 

2. Choose A Plan That Covers All Cancer Stages

Choose a plan that makes a stage-based payout so that the costs of treatment at different stages of cancer are taken care of. 

3. Choose A High Sum Assured

Cancer treatments are expensive in private hospitals and can drain the savings of an individual. Therefore, you must make sure that the plan you choose covers a high sum assured so that you get quality treatment without money being a barrier.

4. Calculate The Premium For Your Plan

You must calculate the premium of the policy that you are planning to buy so that you get an idea of your future expenses. These days there are online premium calculators which help you to calculate the premiums based on certain details like the sum assured, type of policy, etc.  

Types of Cancers Covered Under Cancer Insurance Plans 

There are various types of cancer that are covered under the Cancer Insurance Plans, some of which are: 

  • Blood Cancer 
  • Lung Cancer 
  • Breast Cancer 
  • Prostate Cancer 
  • Ovarian Cancer 
  • Stomach Cancer 
  • Bone Cancer 
  • Cervical Cancer 

Why Should You Get A Cancer Insurance Plan? 

Suffering from cancer disease affects an individual both physically and emotionally. There are more than a hundred types of cancers out of which only a few can be treated successfully. Therefore, if your diagnosis is at the slightest hope of succeeding, then you must not hold it back due to monetary issues. You must get yourself cancer insurance as soon as you discover the ailment.

Also Read: Critical Illness Policy V/s Cancer Policy - Which One Should You Go For?

Best Cancer Insurance Plans In India in 2021


There are people who have a hierarchical history of cancer diseases in their families. Such people should be aware of their situation and pre-existing disease, and get a cancer insurance plan before it’s too late. Also, if a person is diagnosed with major cancer, then policies pay a fixed monthly income to the person’s family for a fixed period. The coverage of the policy does not cease after the first diagnosis of cancer disease. 

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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