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Things You Didnt Know Health Insurance Policy Covers

Health insurance plans must be bought after carefully exploring the possible options that are available in the insurance market and then choosing the one that meets your requirements at the best premium rate. For comparing health insurance plans you can use the details of the plans that are available over the internet. 

You can also use the online premium calculators for customizing and comparing suitable health insurance policies. Generally health insurance plans come packed with features like hospitalization costs, ambulance charges, room rents, medication charges, and much more. But apart from these usual inclusions, there are several other features under a health insurance plan that are provided to the policyholder. You can narrow down your options after exploring the plans and then invest in the best health insurance policy for yourself. 

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Things You Didnt Know Health Insurance Policy Covers

Things You Didn’t Know Health Insurance Policy Covers

Following are some of the benefits that you didn't know are covered under a health insurance policy:

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  • Diet Counseling 

Bariatric surgeries and obesity treatments are covered under health insurance plans. Dietary planning and screening along with the nutritional advice is covered as  nutritional therapy under the health insurance plans for the policyholders. 

  • Smoking Cessation Therapy

Counseling and medication for smoking cessation is offered to the policyholders at an affordable price under their purchased health insurance plans. This therapy comes under the mental health and addiction treatments of the individuals. Under this several other therapies and addictions are treated medically. 

  • AYUSH Treatments 

Health insurance plans cover different types of medical treatments. Apart from the modern treatments, non-allopathic treatments are also included under the covers for the policyholders. Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy treatments are compensated for under the health insurance plans. These treatments must be received at the recognized centers to claim dues. 

  • International Coverage

There are many health insurance providers that offer compensation to their policyholders for treatments received outside the Indian frontiers. To avail this benefit, you must make sure that the cover you have purchased includes this feature. You can receive the treatment at the network hospital of the insurer that is outside the country and make cashless claims. To get more information under this benefit, you must go through its fine print carefully. 

  • Complementary Healthcare Check Ups

Health insurance providers offer regular health care checkups to the policyholders for early detection of a disease. These preventive checkups are offered as a part of the value added benefits and are absolutely free of cost. To make sure that your purchased health insurance plan covers this benefit, you must read about its inclusions in the policy related documents. These complementary checkups allow the policyholders to undergo a checkup and learn about their current health profile. 

  • New Born Cover 

Instead of investing in a separate health insurance plan that includes prenatal and post natal expenses, you can purchase a maternity benefit cover that includes the cost of medical expenses for a newborn baby. You must make sure that your cover includes the coverage for a newborn baby. There are plans which are both comprehensive and affordable for the newborn babies. 

  • Mental Disorders

These days the health insurance providers offer mandated coverage for mental disorders of the policyholders. Due to the pandemic, and the lockdown, there were lots of cases involving depression and stress related anxiety. Therefore, to support people and to overcome the stigma on mental health, insurers offer extensive plans for the mental health disorders. Complete coverage is provided to the policyholders in case of any treatment for a mental health disease. 


To better understand your health insurance policy, you must thoroughly read its terms and conditions, that mentions the inclusions and exclusions of the plan. It not only helps in overcoming the inconvenience at the time of the claim settlement but also helps you in exploring your purchased health insurance plan and learn more about its exclusive features. 

Also Read: 10 Benefits of Health Insurance Riders

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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