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There Are Four Main Symptoms Of Omicron To Be Aware Of.

The Omicron variant of coronavirus, which has spread to most parts of the world, is different from the original strain in many ways. The symptoms, recovery speed, severity and transmission rate, all these factors vary, making it essential to gather fresh information on the new variant to deal with it more competently. The previous hallmark symptoms of coronavirus like fever, cough, and loss of taste or smell are slowly dwindling in the case of omicron. Instead, other non-prominent signs similar to cold such as sore throat, sneezing, and runny nose are being seen more prominently.

There Are Four Main Symptoms Of Omicron To Be Aware Of.

What Are The Symptoms Associated With Omicron?

Studies have found that the most common symptoms Omicron causes are similar to those caused by other variants.

These include:

  • cough
  • fever
  • congestion
  • runny nose
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • Muscle pain also seems to be common.

Here Is What You Need To Know About Alpha, Delta And Omicron Variant Symptoms

1) The recorded symptoms of Omicron are remarkably different from the traditional Covid symptoms which include loss of smell and taste and breathing troubles. Instead, scratchy throat and some other common cold and flu-like symptoms have been associated with Omicron. 

2) The absence of respiratory problems has made Omicron appear less severe but as experts warn against taking Omicron lightly, doctors treating Omicron also said many patients may report high fever in the first few days.

3) Flu-like symptoms including cough, cold and fever have remained as common symptoms of Covid, be it Omicron or Delta.

4) Sore throat is a very common symptom of Omicron, not so much of Delta, but it should not be ruled out as patients may suffer from it sometimes.

5) Headache, tiredness, and severe body pain are apparently more prominent symptoms of Omicron than Delta.

6) Breathing problem is a very rare symptom of Omicron, very common of Delta,

7) Covid-19 clinical researcher Dr Swapneil Parikh said upper respiratory symptoms (cold, cough, sore throat) plus prominent GI symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea) plus fever plus pain in the lower back and lower limbs are common symptoms of Omicron. 

8) Dr Lancelot Pinto noted four prominent symptoms of Omicron: Fever for a couple of days, a lot of body ache, sore throat, occasionally loose motion.

9) Omicron is more likely than delta to reinfect individuals who previously had Covid-19 and to cause “breakthrough infections" in vaccinated people while also attacking the unvaccinated.


It is important to note that all symptoms vary from person to person, depending on their immunity, vaccination status. Symptoms only offer clues and are not sure-shot ways to know about the infection.

Also read- Learn Everything There Is To Know About The HDFC Optima Secure Health Insurance Plan.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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